

Study on Adjustment of Sediment and Water of Fenjiashan Reversior

【作者】 林劲松

【导师】 马耀光;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业水土工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国干旱半干旱的西北地区,水库调蓄是该地区水资源控制利用的一种最重要的形式。在多沙河流的水库进行水沙调控是保持水库库容的重要措施。冯家山水库是陕西省一座以农业灌溉为主,兼有防洪、发电、养殖、向宝鸡第二发电厂和宝鸡市供应生产用水及生活用水等综合利用的大型水利工程,水库总库容 3.89 亿 m3,灌溉面积 9.07 万hm2。 通过多年来对千河冯家山水库的排沙观测及试验研究表明,异重流排沙是多沙河流上水库排沙减淤的一种重要方式。利用异重流及蓄洪排沙可以减缓水库淤积,提高排沙效率,延长水库的使用年限。 利用千河千阳水文站 1957~1993 年的水沙资料及冯家山水库的运用方式,建立了冯家山水库淤积数学模型,在数学模型验证的基础上,得到了冯家山水库到 2043 年时的淤积过程、淤积总量及分布。其中水库将淤积 1.71 亿 m3,推移质淤积占 0.259 亿 m3,悬移质淤积占 1.45 亿 m3;有效库容由 2.86 亿 m3损失到 1.43 亿 m3,死库容由 0.91 亿m3 损失到 0.33 亿 m3,从而导致冯家山水库调节能力降低。 通过修建局部坝前水库,进行了冯家山水库排沙试验模拟研究,观察了异重流在水库模型中的掺混过程及浑水水库的形成过程,并定性地得到了坝前含沙量垂线分布和输水洞引水中的最大含沙量。 在数学模型计算得到水位~库容关系的基础上,对不同频率的入库洪水进行了不同淤积年限库容的调洪计算。计算和模型试验结果均表明:对于 2043 年时的水库淤积地形,2 年一遇的洪水和 5 年一遇的洪水,输水洞引水为清水,对宝鸡市城市供水和宝鸡第二发电厂生产用水的水质(水中的泥沙限制含量小于 5.0 kg/m3)没有影响;在 2023年以前的水库淤积地形上,遇到 10 年一遇的入库洪水时,输水洞引水中的泥沙含量小于水中的泥沙限制含量小于 5.0 kg/m3,可以满足宝鸡市城市供水和宝鸡第二发电厂生产用水的水质要求。在 1993 年淤积地形上,遇到 20 年一遇的入库洪水和 50 年一遇的入库洪水时,宝鸡市城市供水和宝鸡第二发电厂生产用水的水质要求已经破坏。 在保证供水水质(水中的泥沙限制含量小于 5.0 kg/m3)的条件下,得到了到 2030年时,各个需水部门的供水调度结果。每年向宝鸡市供水 6000 万 m3,向宝鸡第二发电厂供水 4000 万 m3 ,供水保证率为 97.3% , 满足设计标准 97%的要求;农业灌溉用水14910 m3,供水保证率为 59.5%,超过了保证率为 50%设计要求;向羊毛湾水库供水 3000万 m3,供水保证率为 62.2%。

【Abstract】 In the dried and semi-dried northwest region of China, water that restored in reservoir isthe most important method of water resource utilization. The most important measure to keepthe storage of reservoirs is adjusting water and sediments in the reservoir that located on theYellow River. Fengjiashan Reservoir is a large hydraulic engineering that have 389 million m3total reservoir capacity and irrigates 90.7 thousands hm2, it’s tasks are: irrigating agriculturalfields, generating electricity, raising fishes, supplying water to Baoji City for life utilizationand Baoji Second generating electricity plant for industry production utilization. With the measurements and model tests for many years of Fengjaishan Reservoir, thesediment management models have been worked out: The discharging sediment with densitycurrent is an important mode to discharge sediment for deposition reduction as well. Thedeposition of reservoir can be reduced by means of density current to sluice sediment andsave water, it could increase the efficiency of sluicing sediment and prolong the life of thereservoir. This paper utilizes water and sediment data which collected from Qianyang hydrologicstation from 1957~1993 and the administrated model of Fengjaishan Reservoir, the authorconstruct a mathematic model of reservoir deposition. Based on the check of the model, theauthor research on the process, quantities, and distribution of the deposition in 2043 in thefuture. Total deposition in the reservoir is 171 millions m3, bed material is 25.85 millions m3,suspending sediment is 145 millions m3, Effective storage will decrease from 286 millions m3to 143 millions m3, died storage will decrease from 91 millions m3 to 33 millions m3. It willlead to the decrease of coefficient of the reservoir and reduce the capability of adjustmentgreatly. Meanwhile the author built a partial reservoir model to study the sediment deposition ofthe reservoir and sediment flushing with density current .The blending process of the densityof current and the forming process of the turbid water reservoir are observed through buildingthe reservoir before dam, the vertical distribution of sediment before the dam and themaximum suspending are obtained in the experiment. Based on the relation between level and capacity that obtained from mathematiccalculation model, calculated routing of flood between different frequency and differentcapacity. The concrete results what obtained form calculation and experiment are: watersupply of Fengjisshan Reservoir in 2043 year is clean under the condition of the dischargebelow reservoir inflow 560m3/s, quality of water supply is satisfied by Baoji City for lifeutilization and Baoji Second generating electricity plant for industry production utilization;<WP=7>water supply of Fengjisshan Reservoir in 2023 year is useful because sediment content islower than 5kg/m3 under the condition of the discharge below reservoir inflow 1040 m3/s,quality of water supply is satisfied by Baoji City for life utilization and Baoji Secondgenerating electricity plant for industry production utilization; water supply of FengjisshanReservoir in 1993 is useless completely because sediment content is bigger than 5kg/m3 underthe condition of the discharge surpasses reservoir inflow 1650 m3/s, quality of water supply isnot satisfied by Baoji City for life utilization and Baoji Second generating electricity plant forindustry production utilization. Allocation of supply water in 2030 year for different units was obtained to satisfy bywater supply quality that is lower than 5kg/m3. The concrete results are: the quantity of watersupply to Baoji City is 60 millions m3; the quantity of water supply to electric plant is 40millions m3, the percentage of water supply is 97.3%, satisfied the demand of the designedstandard-- 97%; average agriculture irrigation is 149.1 millions m3, percentage of watersupply is 59.5%, surpassing designed standard--50%, water supply to Yangmao

  • 【分类号】TV697.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】194

