

Study on Reasonable Allocation Pattern of Water Resources in Heihe Basin

【作者】 吴洪寿

【导师】 魏晓妹;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业水土工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 黑河是我国西北地区第二大内陆河,下游的额济纳旗边境线长 500 余公里,区内有重要的国防科研基地和酒泉卫星发射基地。居延海三角洲地带的额济纳绿洲既是阻挡风沙侵袭的天然屏障,也是当地人民生息繁衍、国防科研和边防建设的重要依托。由于水资源在自然和社会经济系统中的不合理分配,特别是人类过多地占用(或控制)了水资源,使得原本脆弱的干旱区生态环境日趋恶化;而在社会经济系统中,因水资源的不合理分配,导致区域内部或地区之间一系列社会、经济矛盾的发生,危及到区域的社会稳定与经济发展,进行水资源的合理配置,已成为黑河流域发展的重大战略问题之一。黑河流域生态建设与环境保护,不仅事关流域内人民的生存和社会发展,也关系到西北、华北地区的环境质量,是关系民族团结、社会安定、国防稳固的大事。本文将水资源合理配置与高效利用、社会经济发展、生态环境保护三方面的问题统一放在流域水资源演变和生态环境变化的大背景下进行研究,将生态需水纳入水资源合理配置范畴,与国民经济需水一同进行了合理配置。根据黑河流域水资源系统的具体情况,分析了水资源开发利用及水生态环境中存在的问题,结合区域水资源情况预测了区域经济发展及供需水情况。根据水资源系统的具体特点和水利工程布置情况,通过抽象和概化,确定出水资源配置系统网络图,在此基础上运用水文长系列模拟方法建立流域水资源供需平衡模拟模型,并与地下水数值模型相互嵌套组建水资源合理配置模型。在国务院黑河分水方案约束下,通过模型对不同水资源开发利用方式、不同产业结构、不同水利工程组合以及不同生态环境保护目标下的多种方案进行模拟与调算,得到各方案不同计算单元的供需平衡结果,水利工程的调度过程和弃水情况、河流与渠道过流情况、地表水地下水转化情况以及向下游的泄水过程,从水资源的自然、社会、经济、生态属性分析了各方案,给出了兼顾效率、公平、系统等原则,体现人-生态环境-社会-经济协调发展的合理配置方案,实现了流域经济需水和生态需水的统一合理配置。 我国其它内陆河流域在流域水循环过程和相关水生态问题上与黑河流域存在很大相似性,因此本文的建模思路和方法可为相近流域提供参考和借鉴。

【Abstract】 Heihe is the second biggest inland river in North-west of China, It’s downstream is about500km long in the Ejin County. There are national military research base and the Jiuquan satellitelaunch center in there. Ejin Oasis is the natural barrier to prevent the desertification of Juyanhaidelta, also it is very important to native inhabitants, national defense research and frontier defense.Because of unreasonable water resources allocation between environment and socio-economysystem, especially the excessive exploitation of water resources, the original weak eco-environmentof the arid area becomes more and more deteriorated. Not only does this unreasonable waterresources allocation lead to intensifying of series contradictions, but also does harm to nativestability and development. So, the reasonable allocation of water resources is one of the importantstrategies of the development of Heihe Basin. Protection and resume of local eco-environment isnot only beneficial to development of this basin, but also beneficial to the eco-environment qualityof North-west China and North China, which is very important to the ethnic solidarity, societystabilityand national defense steady. In this paper, reasonable allocation of water resources is researched with efficient waterutilization, society and economic development and protection of eco-environment on thebackground of the whole water resources system evolvement and the eco-environment change,which considers the water demand of ecology and reasonably allocate it with the water demand ofnational economy. Problems about local water resources exploitation and water environmentprotection are analyzed and the water demand and supply in the future development are forecastedunder the basin factual conditions. By way of abstraction and generalization, the network of waterresources allocation system is conformed based on the water resources system characteristic and theposition of the hydraulic projects. On the basis of the network, simulation model of water balancebetween demand and supply is designed by means of long series hydrological simulation, and theReasonable Water Resources Allocation Model (RWRAM) is founded by nesting simulation modeland groundwater numeric model each other. According to different ways of water resourcesexploitation, different structures of technologies, different combinations of hydraulic projects anddifferent aims of protecting eco-environment, different programs are planed and simulated by usingRWRAM under the restrictionof State Council Water DistributionPlan about Heihe. By simulating,water balance of demand and supply in different calculating units, regulation of reservoirs, water<WP=7>flow in river and channels, transformation between surface water and groundwater, process of waterreleasing to downstream are figured out about these programs. These programs are analyzed fromwater resources properties of nature, society, economy and ecology, the reasonable program isrecommended which gives attention to principles of efficiency, justice, systematic etc. and achievesharmonic development between human, eco-environment, society and economy. So, the reasonablewater resources allocation between economic and ecological water demand is realized. On the problems of hydrologic cycle, water and eco-environment, other inland river basins aremore similitude with Heihe. So, the modeling and researching way in Heihe are worthily referredby researchers in other basins with conditions near to Heihe.

  • 【分类号】TV213.9
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】579

