

Analysis of the Dynamic Stability of Steel Arch Gate.

【作者】 吉小艳

【导师】 王正中;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业水土工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 结构失稳是钢结构破坏的重要形式。近年来结构动力失稳问题虽已有一些研究成果,但弧形钢闸门动力稳定性问题一直没有得以解决。在国内,从上个世纪60 年代开始就有一些学者对弧形钢闸门动力稳定性这一问题进行研究。他们研究发现导致闸门失事的原因很多,但有两个共同特征值得注意:一是失事闸门全是因支臂丧失稳定导致破坏的,二是都在明显的动力荷载作用下发生破坏。目前的研究成果还不能定量的得出梁柱刚度比、水深等因素对弧门主框架动力稳定性的影响关系。因为,影响闸门动力稳定性的因素很复杂,诸如闸门的质量、刚度分布情况、固有频率、干扰力频率、流固耦合等等,这些因素都影响闸门的动力稳定性,所以,还需进一步对弧形钢闸门动力稳定性进行研究。论文的主要研究工作与成果如下:1. 利用静力平衡法、有限元法对三种形式平面钢框架的静力稳定性问题进行分析,建立单柱概化平面框架(考虑各种边界约束及失稳模态)整体稳定性的计算通用模型,并给出了解析解和数值解。2. 对弧形钢闸门主框架柱进行动力稳定性计算,在对平面刚架稳定性分析的基础上,根据弧门主框架柱的柱端约束条件,利用静力平衡法,分析了两端铰接杆在周期性变化的简谐荷载作用下的动力稳定性、两端铰接一端作用有弯矩的直杆在周期性变化的简谐荷载作用下的动力稳定性及纵向共振时结构的横向动力失稳区域。3. 对弧形钢闸门主框架动力稳定性进行了分析,考虑了水深对框架固有频率的影响,并比较梁柱刚度比对弧门主框架动力稳定性的影响关系。

【Abstract】 The stability of the steel structure is an important factor leading to the structuredestruction. In recent years, though there are some useful reseaching result, there arestill some questions about the dynamic behavior of radial gates . In our country, manyscholars have reseached the dynamic behavior of radial gate from the 1960. Theyfound out though there were many factors effecting the destruction of the dynamicbehavior of radial gate,there were two same characterises.One is the destruction of thearms,the other is the destruction under the dynamic load. Now, though there are someuseful reseaching result, there are still some imperfect aspects in it. Because thereason effecting dynamic behavior of radial gate is so complex ,such as the massand the stiffness ratio of the gate, order frequencies, exciting forcefrequencies,fluid-solid interaction, and so on, and these factor will effect thedynamic behavior of radial gates ,we shound reseach the dynamic behavior of radialgates deeply. The following is the main research procedures and achievements: 1. Using the static mechanics method,finite units method to analyze the stability of the three kinds plane steel frame,establishing the calculating models of the stability of the whole frame structure. 2. Calculating the dynamic behavior of the coloum of the radial gate ,on the basic of the static analyze of the steel frame, considering the restriction of the end of the column of the main steel frame , analyze the stability of the two ended hinged joint coloum under periodical dynamic, under periodical dynamic and one ended having bend-square by using the static mechanics method. 3. Analyzed the dynamic stability of the plane steel frame of the radial gates.It reports the effect of water to the order frequencies of frame,and gained the relationship between stiffness ratio of the gate and the plane steel frame of the radial gate.

  • 【分类号】TV663.4
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】194

