

Effects of Organic Manure on Soil Phosphorus and the Role of P Fertilisation on Wheat Yield

【作者】 吕双庆

【导师】 李生秀;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 植物营养学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 磷是植物必须的重要营养元素。土壤有效磷含量较低,也是许多地区农业生产的主要限制因素,因而施用磷肥表现出显著的增产效应。由于土壤特定的理化性状及磷酸盐的化学行为,作物对磷肥的利用率很低。重视有机肥料的施用是我国的传统。许多研究表明,施用有机肥料可提高土壤有效磷;有机肥比无机磷肥提高土壤速效磷的作用更大。关于有机肥料增加土壤速效磷的效果与肥料的种类、施用量、土壤肥力之间的关系及随时间的动态变化,迄今报道较少。很早就有人推断,有机肥料中的磷素作用效果长,作物吸收利用率高,但迄今并无可靠的数据证明这一问题。磷肥肥效受到土壤环境条件、土壤有效磷含量、施肥方式及水氮等因素的影响,也与作物基因型有关。不同作物利用土壤磷素的能力不同,同一作物不同基因型对磷肥的反应也不一样。土壤全磷含量较为丰富,筛选磷高效作物品种,发挥植物自身潜力,利用土壤磷素资源,已为许多研究者关注。因而,探讨不同作物类型间对磷肥反应差异的原因,对选育磷高效作物品种具有重要意义。本研究采用室内培养试验、盆栽试验和大田试验的方法,研究了有机肥料对土壤有效磷和有机磷组分的影响、有机肥料磷素的长效性及磷肥对小麦的增产原因,获得了以下主要结论: (1)有机肥料能够长期提高土壤有效磷含量。新鲜牛粪比腐熟牛粪增加有效磷的强度更大,时效更持久:培养 70 天新鲜牛粪有效磷增加值 117.6 mg/kg,与培养起始相当,而腐熟牛粪显著降低,仅 47.0 mg/kg。新鲜牛粪和腐熟牛粪增加土壤有效磷的规律不同:新鲜牛粪在培养前期有一个明显得由低到高的增加过程,腐熟牛粪变化不大;培养一定时间之后,都随着培养时间延长而降低。高肥力土壤有效磷增加效果大于低肥力土壤:淹水培养按 1%比例添加腐熟牛粪后,各培养期平均高肥力土壤有效磷增加 15.1 mg/kg,低肥力土壤为 9.2 mg/kg。 (2)随着时间延长有机肥料增加土壤有效磷的效果逐渐降低,土壤有效磷发生衰减。高肥力土壤有效磷日衰减量大于低肥力土壤;添加牛粪后日衰减量增加。增加有效磷的同时,有机肥料也增加了累积态磷。土壤有效磷衰减和有机质减少具有较高的相关性,与 pH 值不相关。说明有效磷衰减主要是由于有机质分解后土壤固定磷的能力增强造成的。 (3)三料磷肥、土粪和牛粪都能提高土壤速效磷;牛粪的效果较显著,时效更长久,小麦成熟期仍保持较高的速效磷。大田试验种植区各生育期平均,三料磷肥、土粪和牛粪速效磷分别为对照的 1.4、4.7 和 8.8 倍。成熟期盆栽种植区对照、三料<WP=5>磷肥、土粪和牛粪速效磷分别为 3.8、24.6、36.0 和 115.8 mg/kg。  (4)速效磷与有机磷总量、活性有机磷、中活性有机磷极显著正相关,与中稳性和高稳性有机磷不相关。三料磷肥对有机磷含量没有影响,土粪和牛粪提高了施肥初期土壤有机磷总量,但随时间延长逐渐降低,小麦成熟期与对照趋于一致。有机磷含量的变化主要来自于活性和中活性有机磷,而中稳性和高稳性有机磷较为稳定。  (5)土粪和牛粪增产作用大于三料磷肥,牛粪的作用最突出。盆栽试验三料磷肥、土粪和牛粪干物质分别较对照增加 3.7%、31.8%和 37.8%。             (6)施磷增加了小麦产量,去除分蘖,磷肥的增产效果显著降低:未去分蘖,施磷平均增产 996 kg ha-1,增产率 25.9%;去除分蘖仅增产 396 kg ha-1,增产率 12.6%。磷对低密度增产作用明显大于高密度,早播及晚播表现一致。未去分蘖,早播低密度增产 1274 kgha-1,增产率 34.2%,高密度分别为 962 kg ha-1和 20.2%;晚播低密度增产 1015 kg ha-1,增产率 34.7%,高密度分别为 735 kg ha-1和 18.5%。  (7)磷肥增加了小麦的收获穗数。高密度、不去分蘖收获穗数多,但主茎穗及分蘖穗穗粒数显著降低,磷肥则非。  (8)磷肥对籽粒及茎叶的磷含量无影响,但显著增加了磷吸收量。  研究认为,农业生产中应进一步重视有机肥料的施用;磷肥对小麦的增产作用主要在于增加分蘖穗,提高了收获穗数,同时保持了穗粒数;分蘖能力强的小麦基因型对土壤及肥料磷的吸收、利用能力更大。

【Abstract】 Phosphorus is a elementary nutrient element for the growth and development ofplant. Available P deficiency in soil is a key factor of limiting the development ofagriculture in many regions, thereby the application of P fertilizer was significantlyincreased crop yields. As a result of special physical and chemical properties of soil, theutilization rate of crop on P fertilizer is low. Applying organic manure in agriculture isrecognized in our country all long. Many results showed that available P in soil wasincreased by adding organic manure, the effect of organic manure was higher thaninorganic P. However, report about dynamics changes of organic manure on available P isless. Many researches consider that the validity of P in organic manure was high anddurative, but no reliable proof. Effect of P fertilizer is connected with soil condition,adding fertilizer ways, water, nitrogen and crop specials. Ability of different crop utilizingP is difference. Total P is abundant in soil, many of the researches carried out haveconcentrated on how to breed variety for P efficiently utilization. Thereby, study ondifference of plant response on P is helpful. water and nutrients effectively to achieve thegoal of high yield, good quality and high efficiency. The methods of incubation experimentand culture experiment were used to study the effect of organic manure on available P,organic component in soil and the role of increasing wheat yields by P fertilizer. The mainexperimental results were shown as followings: (1) Available phosphorus increased muchly in soil by added organic manure. The roleof fresh beef feces was stronger and durative than that of rotten about increasing ofavailable phosphorus in soil. The role of organic manure in fertile soil was stronger thanthat in infertile soil. The capacity of fixating phosphorus in infertile soil was higher thanone in fertile soil. (2) Increasing value of available phosphorus decreased gradually with theprolongation incubated-time, fixation of phosphorus was occurred in soil. Availability ofphosphorus was declined. Organic manure enhanced solid phosphorus, as well as. Thedecline of available phosphorus was significantly correlated with the decrease of soil<WP=7>organic matter, not with pH. The capacity of phosphorus adsorption in soil wasstrengthened after the decomposition of soil organic matter. (3) Application of phosphate fertilizer, organic manure increased soil available P, andthe effects of organic manure were more significant than phosphate fertilizer, there arehigher available P at maturity of wheat. (4) No difference was found in content and component of organic P for phosphatefertilizer added, while the increase was observed at initial stages by organic manureapplications, the reduction of organic P was observed with time postpone, there was nosignificant difference with control at maturity of wheat. The changes of organic P contentwas cause from Labile pool and Moderately Labile pool , Moderately Resistant pool andResistant pool were stable. There were significantly correlation for available P with totalorganic P, Labile pool and Moderately Labile pool, and unrelated with ModeratelyResistant pool and Resistant pool. The results of plantation and fallow were consistent. (5) Application of organic manure showed higher effect on crop yield than phosphatefertilizer, it might be related with the available supplying of phosphors nutrient. (6) Application of P fertilizer significantly increased yields of wheat. Increasingyield were lower at cutting tillers by P; higher at low plant density, the same resultsobtained by application of P on wheat at different times for sowing. (7) Harvesting ear numbers were high, however grains numbers per ear obviouslyreduced with high plant density and no cutting tillers; different results was observed withadded P. (8) No difference was found in P content by applying P, but increased in P uptakerate. It

【关键词】 有机肥料有效磷有机磷小麦产量分蘖
【Key words】 organic manureavailable Porganic Pwheatyieldstillers
  • 【分类号】S158;S512.1
  • 【下载频次】673

