

Breeding Potential Analysis of Some New Maize Inbred Lines

【作者】 乔善宝

【导师】 杨克诚;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本实验以四川农业大学玉米研究所选出的籽粒深度和大小不同的16个高代稳定自交系和4个外引骨干系为供试材料,按Griffing方法4组配190个杂交组合,通过自交系农艺经济性状鉴定,双列杂交分析和基于SSR分子标记的聚类分析,对16个新选自交系进行自身农艺经济性状分析,配合力分析和杂种优势群的划分。同时,对粒长、粒宽、粒厚、收获时籽粒含水量的遗传特性进行初探。结果表明: 1.方差分析表明,20自交系在株高、穗位高、穗长、秃尖长、穗行数、行粒数、单株产量、百粒重、粒长上存在极显著差异,综合分析16个新选系的株高、单株产量及其构成性状,结果表明R08、50732、50413、52891、50242、ES40和18599是农艺经济性状表现较好的新选系;株高、穗位高、播种至抽丝间隔、穗长、秃尖长、穗行数、行粒数、穗粒数、百粒重、容重、出籽率、穗重、轴重、单株产量、籽粒鲜干重差(HKWI)、粒长、粒宽、粒厚等性状在190个杂交组合间存在极显著差异,单株产量超过对照品种川单13及川单21 10%以上的杂交组合分别为10个和6个。 2.配合力方差分析结果表明,各性状一般配合力(GCA)和特殊配合力(SCA)在不同亲本、组合间存在极显著差异;单株产量及其构成性状GCA表现较好的新选系有40972、R08、50242、52202、ES40、40221,单株产量SCA效应值达正向显著或极显著的组合有52个,达负向显著或极显著的组合有41个,单株产量SCA最高的组合是52891×50642,单株产量SCA最低的组合是50732×6983;单株产量SCA的方差变幅为93.70~324.34,方差较小的新选系是52272、4146、R08,方差较大的新选系是50642、50732、52533;单株产量TCA排在前30位杂交组合,其中有17个组合含有40972或50242这两个新选自交系。综合分析新选系农艺经济性状表现和配合力表现,笔者认为40972和50242综合表现最好,不仅单株产量GCA高,而且单株产量SCA方差的变异幅度较大,用其组配的组合TCA也高,且出现机率大,从中筛选到高产杂交组合的可能性大,应当充分加以利用,但40972自身产量较低,且株高GCA正向效应值较大,所以在组配时宜作父本,并注意母本株高GCA的选择;其余新选系各自有其突出的优良特点,可根据育种要求加以利用。 3.根据SSR分析结果,计算20个供试自交系的遗传距离,平均遗传距离为0.82,变异幅度为0.11-1.26,其平均值虽较小,但变异幅度却较大,说明供试的20个自交系间具有一定的遗传多样性;聚类结果表明,20个自交系被划分为4个杂优类群,第1大类四川农业大学硕士学位论文中有模式自交系B73和Mo17,这一类群应属于Re记群和Lancaster群的衍生群。其中第I一l亚群中6983、50732、3237、52272、50242、5 1291和B73聚在一起,它们可能属于改良Reid亚群;I一4亚群中的200B和R08与Mol7聚在一起,可能属于Lancaster亚群:I一2和I一3亚群由于没有和模式自交系聚在一起,它们可能属于其他亚群。第m大类中由于有模式自交系黄早四,故该类群应属于四平头群。第IV大类包括模式自交系丹340,故该类群属于旅大红骨群。第H大类的4146、18一599、5253一3由于没有和模式自交系聚在一起,可能属于其它类群。聚类结果还表明,16个新选系中有12个被聚于I类,这在一定程度上反映出供试新选系虽有一定的遗传多样性,但它们的遗传基础相对还是较窄。 4.根据单株产量TCA表现和SSR聚类分析结果,本实验单株产量TCA前15位组合的组配方式中,I一lxl一3的有4个,11一lxl一2的有3个,Ilxl一l的有2个,I一3xl一2、Illxl一2、IVXI一2、Illxl一4、11、I一2、I一4xl一2等各l个。由此可见,单株产量TCA前15位的组合,I类中各亚类间组配的组合有9个,占60%,表明I类中各亚类间组配可产生较强的杂种优势;此外,由卜1亚类与其它类或亚类组配的组合也有9个,表明I一1亚类(改良Reid亚群)具有较大的育种潜势。 5.按Griffing方法4(模型n)对粒长、粒宽、粒厚和籽粒鲜干重差进行遗传分析,研究结果初步表明,粒长、粒宽、粒厚的加性效应大于非加性效应,它们均以加性效应为主,在选育自交系时,可进行早代选择,而在选配组合时,则应同时兼顾非加性效应:籽粒鲜干重差的加性效应虽大于非加性效应,但其环境方差明显大于遗传方差,故在选择时应以间接选择为主,且需进行多年、多点鉴定。

【Abstract】 In this study, the material were 16 new maize inbred lines which be difference in kernel length and size of Maize Research Institute of Sichuan Agriculture University and 4 elite inbred lines in Sichuan and 190 crosses combined by 20 inbred lines. 20 inbred lines were studied by agronomic and economic trails observation analysis and cluster analysis based on SSRs. 190 crosses were studied by agronomic and economic trails observation analysis and combing ability analysis based on 4th method of Griffing’s. Meanwhile the genetic character of kernel length & kernel width & kernel depth & HKWI were studied. The main results as following:1 .Inbred lines variance of plant height, ear height, ear length, sterile length, rows per ear, kernels per row, plant yield, 100-kernel weight and kernel length of 20 inbred lines were significant at 0.01 level. The comprehensive of plant yield and other trails contributing to plant yield were synthetic analyzed. The results indicated that inbred line R08,50732,50413,52891,50242,ES40 ,18599 had better comprehensive of agronomic and economic trails. Crosses variance of plant height, ear height, interval between anther and silk, ear length, sterile length, rows per ear, kernels per row, kernel per ear, 100-kernel weight, unit weight, shelling percentage, ear weight, axis weight, plant yield, HKWI, kernel length, kernel width, kernel depth were significant at 0.01 level. The plant yield of 10 and 6 crosses was more than Chuandanl3 and Chuandan21, which were check variety.2.GCA and SCA variance of plant height, ear height, interval between anther and silk, ear length, sterile length, rows per ear, kernels per row, kernel per ear, 100-kernel weight, unit weight, shelling percentage, ear weight, axis weight, plant yield, HKWI, kernel length, kernel width, kernel depth were significant at 0.01 level. Inbred line 40972, R08,50242, 52202, ES40, 40221 had better comprehensive GCA of plant yield and other trails contributing to plant yield. Hybrids number of SCA positive and negative effect significance at 0.05 or 0.01 level were 52 and 41. 52891 50642 had highest plant yield SCA and 50732x6983 had the lowest one. Variance of plant yield SCA ranged from 93.70 to 324.34, and inbred line 52272,4146,R08 had smaller variance, and inbred line 50642,50732,52533 had larger variance. 17 crosses were combined by 40972 or 50242 in 30 crosses which had larger total combing ability(TCA) of plant yield. So the results indicated that inbred line 40972 and 50242 performed better judged by high plant yield GCA and wide variance range of plant yield SCA, and high plant yield crosses could probably be screened from crosses combined by the two inbred lines, but inbred 40972 had a lower plant yield, so it should be male parentage in crosses. Other inbred lines had their own advantages and could be used in different breedingaims.3.Genetic distances (GD) of 20 inbred lines were calculated based SSR analysis data. Although average GD (0.82) was smaller, wider GD range (from 0.11 to 1.26) showed, to some extent, higher genetic morphology among studied materials. In this cluster result, 20 inbred lines were classified 4 groups: group I included B73 and Mol7, so this group should be deuterogenic group of group Reid and Lancaster. In subgroup 1-1, inbred line 6983,50732,3237,52272,50242,51291 got together with B73, these inbred lines should be modified group Reid. In subgroup 1-4, inbred line 200B and R08 got together with Mo 17. These two inbred lines should be subgroup Lancaster. In subgroup 1-2 and 1-3 and II, there were no inbred lines got together with typical inbred line, so subgroup 1-2 and 1-3 and II should be other group. Group III include Huangzao4, so this group should be group Sipingtou. Group IV include Dan340, so this group should be group Ludahonggu. Meanwhile the cluster result also indicated that group I include 12 inbred lines of 16 new inbred lines, In some extent, it indicated that the germplasm of these new inbred lines for studying was limited.4.According to pla

【关键词】 玉米新选系育种潜势遗传特性
【Key words】 MaizeNew inbred lineBreeding potentialGenetic character
  • 【分类号】S513
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】185

