

Studies on the Plangting Technology of Liriope Spicata (Thunb) Lour.var.prolifera Y.T.Ma under Good Agricultural Practice

【作者】 瞿宏杰

【导师】 袁继超;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 作物栽培与耕作学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究在全面了解麦冬研究进展的基础上,总结前人研究的经验,对湖北麦冬的规范化种植技术进行了研究。采用三元二次回归正交组合设计,研究了氮、磷、钾三因素五个水平对湖北麦冬产量的影响。采用不同的移栽期与摘花梗与否两因素随机区组试验,研究了移栽期与摘花梗对湖北麦冬生长发育、产量和外观品质的影响。在封行期对单株叶片数、分枝数进行了调查,在开花期和块根始见期测定了单叶叶面积、在不同的生育期对叶绿素含量进行了测定。在块根膨大期对块根的伸长和膨大过程进行了定株定标测定。在块根收获期对块根的折干率、单株块根干重、百粒重和外观品质进行了测定,结果表明: 1 通过对湖北麦冬试验地的大气环境质量、土壤中的重金属及农药残留量、农用灌溉水质量的测定,表明试验地的环境条件均符合国家现行相关标准要求,土壤、水质中的有机物、重金属、农药残留量均未超过国家现行相关标准,大气环境质量良好,可作为湖北麦冬规范化种植(GAP)的示范基地。 2 湖北麦冬高产(500kg/666.7m2以上)的施肥措施为:施N量为30.6972-32.7076kg/666.7m2,施P2O5为17.7222-20.3911kg/666.7m2,施K2O为46.8335-49.9901kg/666.7m2。 3 湖北麦冬产量与移栽期之间的数学模型呈显著的三次凸函数关系,最佳移栽期为3月25日。不同的移栽期对湖北麦冬的产量影响存在极显著的差异,在本试验中,以3月25日移栽的产量最高,四月以后随着移栽期的推迟,产量逐渐下降。不同的移栽期对单株叶片数、单叶叶面积、分枝数、块根数、根系活力存在极显著的差异,对折干率有显著的影响。但不同的移栽期对干果百粒重、外观品质的影响不显著。 4 块根始见期的叶片数、单叶叶面积、叶绿素含量和根系活力与湖北麦冬的产量呈极显著的四元线性关系,且叶面积和根系活力对块根鲜重、干重的影响极显著,而叶片数和叶绿素含量对块根产量的影响不显著。 5 在开花期摘除花梗,能够极显著的增加单株的叶片数、分枝数和根系活力,显著的增加块根数、块根鲜重和块根干重。开花期摘花梗对单叶叶面积、折干率、百粒重、块根外观品质的影响不显著。 6 湖北麦冬块根的发生期在9月中旬,快速膨大期在11月初至12月初及第二年的2月初至3月初,3月以后块根体积膨大达到成熟。在本试验中,块根直径的膨大略快于长度的膨大(膨大的第一个月内,直布全达最终直径的73.89%,长度达最终长度的71 .44%)。 7不同的移栽期对干物质积累的增长量是不同的,早期移栽比晚期移栽的干物质积累量大,摘花梗的干物质积累量比不摘花梗的干物质积累量要高。3月30日以前移栽的前期T/R值高,而后期T/R值降低较缓慢,说明早期移栽的前期地上部干物质积累量较多,而后期块根干物质的积累量较多。摘花梗的前期T/R值高,后期T/R值低,说明摘花梗有利于前期地上部干物质的积累和后期块根干物质的积累。 8在单株产量构成因素中,分枝数XI、块根数X:、百粒重X,对单株产量的直接作用分别为:氏。=。.2373,PO.:=0.6481,氏:=0.2098。从直接作用看,块根数是影响单株产量的第一重要因子,块根数对回归估测可靠程度RZ的贡献高达0.5489。分枝数X;对单株产量的直接作用较小,X;通过块根数X:、百粒重X、的间接作用之和为0.5407,表明分枝数对单株产量的作用主要为间接作用,且主要通过块根数来增产,说明分枝数高、块根数高时,产量就高。由于X,、X:呈正相关,要两者皆高,易于实现。百粒重对单株产量的直接作用和间接作用都较小,百粒重对产量的影响不显著。

【Abstract】 Planting technology of LiriopeSpicata (Thumb) Lour. Var. ProliferaY. T. ma was studied on the base of other studies, the experiment adopted with the combination design of orthogonal and quadratic regression equation. The affection of three factor (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) and five levels on the yield of LiriopeSpicata (Thumb) Lour. Var. ProliferaY. T. ma were studied, different transplanting and plucking flower period was experiment with based on the design of two factor, gtowlh, yield, aid appearance quality of LiriopeSpicata (Thumb) Lour. Var. ProliferaY. T. ma were studied on different transplanting and plucking flower period, single leaf area and branching number were investigated in closure stage, the content of chlorophyll was determined in different growth period, the length of root tuber and the course of root tuber expansion were measured in root tuber expansion stage, dry matter percentage, dry weight of single root tuber, 100-seed weight and appearance quality were determined in harvest period. The results were as followed1 environmental quality of atmosphere, amount of heavy metal and pesticide of soil, the quality of irrigating water was determined in the experiment field, the organic matter, amount of heavy metal and pesticide of soil and water quality have not exceeded the national current relevant standard, environmental quality of atmosphere was very well, the area was regard as GAP field of LiriopeSpicata (Thumb) Lour. Var. ProliferaY. T. ma2 the measure of high yield of LiriopeSpicata (Thumb) Lour. Var. ProliferaY. T. ma was thatN: 30.6972-32.7076kg/666.7m2, P2O5: 17.7222-20.3911kg/666.7m2, k2O: 46.8335-49.9901 kg/666.7m2.3 effect of different transplanting period to yield have extremely remarkable difference, the yield which was transplanting was the highest on 25th March in this experiment, the yield decreased gradually with postponement of transplanting, mathematics model of yield and transplanting was significant curve correlation, number of leaf, single leaf area, branch number, root tuber number, activity of root was extremely remarkable difference in different transplanting period, 100-seed weight and appearance quality was not significant in different transplanting period.4 leaf number, single leaf area, content of chlorophyll, activity of root and yield of LiriopeSpicata(Thumb)Lour. Var. ProliferaY. T. ma was extremely significant liner correlation in root tubers emerges. Single leaf area, activity of root and fresh and dry weight were extremely remarkable. Leaf number, content of chlorophyll and yield was extremely significant.5 leaf number, branching number and activity of root were increased remarkably when flowers was plucked in bonnets period, root tuber number, fresh and dry weight of root tuber was increased, leaf number, content of chlorophyll and yield was not significant.6 root tubers of LiriopeSpicata (Thumb) Lour. Var. ProliferaY. T. ma emerged in September, fast expanding period was from the beginning of November to December and the beginning of February to March in the next year, volume of root tuber expanding reaches ripple after march, diameters expand was a little faster than length expand in this experiment,(in the first month of expanding ,The diameter reaches 73.89% of the final diameter. The length reaches 71.44% of the final length.)7 amount of dry matter accumulation was not different in different transplanting period. Amount of dry matter accumulation of early transplanting was larger than that of early transplanting, amount of dry matter accumulation of plucking flowers was higher than that of non-plucking flowers. T/R of early transplanting and plucking flowers were higher than that of late transplanting and non- plucking flowers, it showed that amount ofdry matter accumulation of early transplanting and plucking flowers was higher.8 the yield was firstly determined by root tubers number, the yield was increased with enhancing of branching number in the yield constituent factor, effect of 100-seed weight on

  • 【分类号】S567.2
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