

The Evolution of the Riverbank Resources of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province on GIS

【作者】 尹静秋

【导师】 黄家柱; 闾国年;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 横贯江苏的长江河道属长江下游段与河口段,全长400余公里,为冲积性平原河床,具有流量大、比降小、江面宽阔、沙多流乱等特点。在长江水流的作用下,河床冲淤变化剧烈。河床的冲淤变化和近岸水深条件的变化,使岸线资源性质随之发生变化,对沿江港口和重大工程建设带来严重影响。 本文在国家自然科学基金项目“数字长江河道实验一以长江江苏段为例”的支持下,以水深为例,对长江岸线资源进行一系列划分研究;在此基础上,对长江岸线资源演变的过程、演变规律和发展趋势进行了预测分析。 本文获得的主要成果如下: 1.通过1954年以来多期航道图的水深数据采集,建立长江江苏段航道水深数据库,对数字长江河道数据库进行数据挖掘,应用GIS空间分析功能,实现了长江岸线资源类型的计算机自动提取: 2.综合分析河床与航道宽度、断面形态及水文条件,确定了该河段划分岸线资源类型的标准,即对①南京~江阴段;②江阴~徐六泾段;③徐六泾~浏河口段,取不同岸前水域值,分别进行深水岸线、中深水岸线、浅水岸线划分。 3.采用GIS空间分析方法,进行各时期长江岸线资源类型(以岸前水域水深为划分依据)的自动划分,构建长江江苏段岸线资源演变图谱。 4.通过图谱分析,长江江苏段岸线资源演变特点主要有: 1) 河床演变基本上遵循凹岸侵蚀、凸岸淤积的规律。一般凹岸深水岸线多,而凸岸浅水岸线多,河流束窄段、有节点控制的地方深水岸线多。深水岸线和浅水岸线占整个岸线比例了大,中水岸线少。 2) 在空间位置变化上,整个河床,除左弯的弯道段因节点控制,左移外,有右移、变弯、束窄的趋势,但总体上并没有发生河势重大变化。 3) 以76年为界,之前为前期,变化剧烈;之后为后期,后期平缓: 本研究对数字长江河道建设具有一定的理论意义,对长江江苏段岸线资源开发利用和港口布局规划有一定的实际价值。

【Abstract】 Traversing Jiangsu province, the Yangtze River belong to lower reach and estuary of the river, it has more than 400km span, alluvial plain riverbed, large flux, small gradient, wide river surface, much sand and disorderly current. The variation of erosion and deposition of the riverbed is highly, because of the river current action. If the variation of erosion and deposition of the riverbed and the variation of alongshore water depth changed, the property of the riverbank resources changed. This had a strong impact on the port and the important engineering construction along the river.With the support of the state physical science fund item "the experiment of digital Yangtze river course - the case of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu province", the study about riverbank resources is carried out by the case of water depth. On the basis of it, the process, the law and the trend of the evolution of riverbank resources has analyzed and made a tendency forecast.The study has led to the fallowings and conclusions:1. The study has set up the water depth of sea-route database by selecting many phases of water depth of sea-route charts since 1954.Types of the riverbank resources has been abstracted automatically by computer on the database and adopting spatial analysis means of GIS.2. A comprehensive consideration of analyzing the riverbed and the wide of sea-route, section shape and hydrology condition, the standard of different channel segment of the riverbank resources to be classified was made. There are three segments: Nanjing - Jiangyin, Jiangyin - Xuliujing, Xuliujing - Liuhekou. Each segment took different value of alongshore of the riverbank, and was classified three types: deep water bank., mediate deep water bank and shallow water bank according to water depth.3. The riverbank resources was classified automatically at each phase and then the geo-information Tupu of riverbank resources of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu province is constructed.4. By analyzing the geo-information Tupu of riverbank resources in Jiangsu province, its features is :1) The evolution of the riverbed follows the law that the concave bank is erosible and the convex bank is alluvial. Usually the deep water is much in concave bend, whereas the shallow water is much in convex bend. And also there is much deep water in river constriction segment and in the area which has kickpoint controlled. The scale of deep water bank and shallow water bank are all much larger than that of the mediate deep water bank.2) In space, except the segment of left bend of the channel, where has kickpoint controlled, has the trend moves to the left, the whole riverbed has the the trend moves to the right, more zigzag and narrowing, but the whole river regime hasn’t changed.3) Before 1976, the period is the prophase, after 1976, is anaphase .The riverbed is highly variable in prophase and less variable in anaphase.The study has some significance of theory on digital Yangtze river course, and also has some realistic value on exploiting and utilizing the riverbank resources and making port programming of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu province.

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】425

