【作者】 江琳;
【导师】 顾荣芳;
【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2004, 硕士
【摘要】 幼儿健康饮食行为是指幼儿为平衡而科学地摄取各类营养素,维持生命活动,促进身心健康而采取的各种行为或行为取向。幼儿健康饮食行为具有个体价值、社会价值、教育价值等诸多价值。在培养幼儿健康饮食行为的过程中,饮食文化的影响不容忽视。中西饮食文化的冲突与融合构成当代我国幼儿健康饮食行为培养的文化背景,只有对文化背景作详尽解读,才能在文化冲突与融合进程中作出理性抉择。社会环境亦从多方面影响幼儿健康饮食行为之培养。在幼儿健康饮食行为社会性凸显的今日,社会失范对幼儿健康饮食行为培养产生诸多负面影响。为培养幼儿健康饮食行为,必须完善相关法律法规,严格执法,加强道德建设,为幼儿健康饮食行为营造健康的社会环境。家长和幼儿园教师与幼儿朝夕相处,对幼儿健康饮食行为之培养产生潜移默化的作用,因而家长应当提高饮食教育技巧,构建健康的家庭饮食环境;幼儿教师在幼儿饮食过程中应当禁用一些会产生不良影响的话语,使自己的话语具有教育性、科学性和可接受性。幼儿健康饮食行为的培养是个系统工程,任何一环的缺损都会对幼儿健康饮食行为的培养产生不利影响。
【Abstract】 The healthy dietary behavior of preschool children refers to the behavior or intention of behavior of preschool children taking all kinds of nutrition balanced and scientific to maintain activities of life and to promote physical and mental health. The thesis demonstrates the individual value, the social value and the educational value of the healthy dietary behavior of preschool children. In the development of healthy dietary behavior for preschool children, culture of eating is an important factor. Rational choice of healthy standards could not be made unless the culture background is thoroughly understood during the process of cultural conflict and integration. Society also affects the development of preschool children’s healthy dietary behavior in numerous aspects. Nowadays, as the social value of the healthy dietary behavior for children increases, negative effects are brought about by some unbeneficial conventions on the development of healthy dietary behavior for children. To promote the development of healthy dietary behavior for children, related laws and regulations should be improved and better implemented. Parents and teachers of children are most influential on children’s dietary behavior. Therefore, parents could enhance their ability to educate children to develop healthy dietary behavior. Meanwhile, teachers for children should refrain from using misleading speech, but rather should strive to use instructive, scientific and acceptable speech. It is a systematic project to develop children’s healthy dietary behavior, each component of which is indispensable.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 南京师范大学 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
- 【分类号】R179
- 【被引频次】2
- 【下载频次】1878