

【作者】 叶常林

【导师】 金太军;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 信息化时代的到来和信息技术的发展开拓了政府改革的思路,为政府再造提供了前所未有的契机和动力。从世界范围看,信息化进程中的政府再造,即推动政府部门办公自动化、网络化、电子化及信息化已是大势所趋。 本文的中心意旨是通过信息技术的运用改进政府组织,重组公共管理,提高行政效率,建立一个以反映公众需求为导向的政府,从而为公众提供更广泛更便捷的信息和服务。 本文的主体结构分为四大部分:第一部分对国内外电子政务的发展做了一背景性分析,指出了我国推进电子政务发展的必要性和艰巨性;第二部分剖析了电子政务发展对传统政府管理的挑战和影响,提出电子政务的进一步发展有赖于政府再造;第三部分从另一角度来分析政府再造与电子政务的关系,围绕政府再造是电子政务发展的成功保障开展论证,同时,通过对国外的电子政务发展回顾,从实践上进一步论证了这一论题;最后,作者企图对我国政府在实施电子政务发展过程中的政府再造目标、原则和步骤提出一些建设性的建议。

【Abstract】 The coining of the information age, together with the development of information technology, widens the thought of government reform, and provides it with unprecedented opportunities and impetuses. In the world’s view, it is a growing trend to reengineer the government in the process of informationalization, which means to push forward the government to handle official business in an automatic, internet-oriented, electronic, and informational way.The theme of this paper is to promote government organization, reshuffle public administration, and enhance administration efficiency through the application of information technology, so as to offer the people wider information and more convenient service.This paper falls into four sections: in the first section, a detailed analysis of its background is made for the E-government development in our country and abroad, which indicates the necessity and difficulty of our government to propel the E-government development. In the second, author points out that the development of E-government is challenging and has influence on the previous government administration. So the further progress will depend on the government reengineering. Third, the relation of the government reengineering and E-government is analysed in another way. It is demonstrated that government reengineering is indispensable for the E-government advance. Meanwhile, it is proved by retrospecting the development of E-government abroad. At last, the author tried to bring up some constructive proposals about government reengineering goal, principles and procedures, which exist in the development of E-government in our country.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】779

