

【作者】 孙姝

【导师】 高永年;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 从上个世纪80年代初引起文坛注意开始,王安忆从事小说创作已经二十余年,她的作品数量之多、质量之高在中国当代文坛中已少有人可以与之相提并论。当代文坛文学思潮更迭,创作流派变化纷呈,作为一个独特而丰富的存在,他始终以旺盛的生长姿态屹立文坛。 “心灵世界”是王安忆对小说的定义。所谓“心灵世界”,她谓之日:“好的小说是绝对由独立的人自己创造的,是他一个人的心灵景象”。在这个任她驰骋的“心灵世界”中,有一条线若隐若现不离其中,那就是“寻根”意识。“寻根”思潮是上个世纪80年代中期由韩少功等人提出的文学口号,所谓“寻根”,就是在对民族进行重新认识中寻找民族文化的“思维和审美优势”。王安忆在作品中把“寻根”的文化范围不断深化扩展。 《长恨歌》之后,评论界更明晰地将她与张爱玲同作为描写上海的成功女性作家相提并论,通过《长恨歌》与张爱玲作品的悲剧意识的比较,我们可以加深对她们二者的理解。 在纷繁复杂的创作中,王安忆靠着自己辛勤的努力和不懈的写作走出了一条成功的文学道路,她不断地实现着自我否定和自我超越。通过本文,我希望能对解读王安忆做出一点贡献。

【Abstract】 From the beginning of 1980’ s, Wang an yi has engaged in the fictions for more than twenty years. The quantity and the quality of her works are unparallel in the modern literature domain. In these days, the theories and views of literature change fast, while she keeps on producing excellent fictions characterized with special and abound."the spirit world" is the definition of Wang an yi to fiction. She once said, "a good fiction is absolutely created from a independent individual which is reflecting his own mind imagine" . What throughout in her "the spirit world " is the consciousness of "searching the root" , which was called by Han shao gong etc. as a literature sign in the middle of 1980’ s. "searching the root" means trying to find out "the preference of thinking and aesthetics" of the culture by recognizing the nation and Wang an yi has deepened the circles of this culture gradually in her works.After the publication of <songs of lament> as well as Zhang ai ling, she is regarded as a successful female writer describing about Shanghai. From comparing the tragedy consciousness in <songs of lament>with the works of Zhang, we can get a deeper understanding of both.In her complicated and hard process of working, a successful road of literature by her own diligence and persistence, Wang is ceaselessly self-denying and self-surpassing. Some contribution may be taken by this paper on the understanding of Wang an yi.

  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】494

