

【作者】 段正芝

【导师】 汪介之;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 英国作家D·H·劳伦斯在他作品中着重从两性关系的角度来审视这个世界。面对共同意识瓦解、工业文明飞速发展、战火纷飞的时代,劳伦斯站在历史的巨流中,展望人类生命的整个进程,力图设计出人类未来的美好图景。对于感情生活确实极度匮乏的英国人民,他不仅希望他们的性生活自由和健康,而且力图揭示出:对每一个活着的男女来说,存在就是自由、和谐和诗意。但劳伦斯又是一名现实主义者,他明白自己的设计在他所处的时代实现的可能性微乎其微,这使他的作品总是透着淡淡的忧郁和孤独。难能可贵的是,劳伦斯具有一种明知不可为而为之的精神。因此,在他的作品中,我们总能感觉到一种昂扬的气势。

【Abstract】 D H Lawrence ,a writer of England , looked carefully the world from the relationship between female and male in his novels .Therefore ,in the age that the disintegration of common ideology and the fast developeness of industry civilization and the eruption of the I world war .Lawrence stood on the great sea of history and looked forward to the future of the world and tried to design the good blueprint of man . His answer to English people that stood in need of affection in life, didn’ t only to give them the free and healthy sex, but also to reveal that the human being existed a free and harmonious and poetic world . But Lawrence was a realismer too, he knew his blueprint came true difficultily in that age ,So his novels always had a few gloomy and solitariness .Lawrence had valuable mind that he knew it was difficulty, but he did it persistly. In his novels ,we could feel the highspirited momentum.

【关键词】 存在自由和谐诗意
【Key words】 beingfreedomharmonypoetic
  • 【分类号】I561
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】182

