

【作者】 潘学炯

【导师】 梁慎刚;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目前软件行业发展欣欣向荣,成为了知识经济的代表。有数据显示,中国的软件行业中,大多数的企业还是属于中小企业,普遍竞争力不高,同国际软件业领先水平相比还有很大差距。因此,如何合理地管理人力资源,已经是一个企业健康稳定发展的重要因素。 市南信息公司作为是国营企业的附属计算机软件公司,人力资源的管理相当的薄弱。2002年,随着市南供电公司的改革,市南信息公司也相应制定了新的战略规划,调整了人员安排,除了从市南供电公司调动过来的一批人员,还从市南供电公司的外部招聘了一部分的人员,组成了新的市南信息公司的框架。 本文通过对重组后的市南信息公司的现状进行分析,并进一步对市南信息公司的问题进行讨论后,发现问题的症结在于市南信息公司没有人力资源管理体系,公司组织结构不合理、缺乏培训体系和考核激励机制。 本文通过阐述现代人力资源管理理论,讨论了人力资源管理体系的体系结构。人力资源管理体系一般由组织结构,人员招聘,培训开发,考核激励和福利制度等组成。首先讨论了各种组织结构的特点,阐述了公司建立组织结构的需要注意的原则;继而讨论了公司培训体系建立的必要性,提出了培训工作的方法和种类;最后论述了考核激励机制,作为人力资源管理体系的一个重要组成部分,有效的考核激励机制能够有效地调动员工的积极性。本文通过对激励理论的讨论,制定了激励的原则。根据人力资源体系的结构和建立的原则,制定了建立市南信息公司人力资源管理体系的方案。 本文分析了各种组织结构的优缺点,结合市南信息公司的实际情况,建立市南信息公司新的组织结构,组织结构采用直线参谋和矩阵相结合,新的组织结构由项目中心、财务部、系统工程部和人力资源部组成。其中,财务部是新增加的,企业发展部改造成为人力资源部,撤销软件工程部,建立项目中心。 在市南信息公司中构建培训体系,制定一套合适的培训和开发的机制,包括员工的职前培训,专业培训以及各种技能的培训。并且培训的评估计划,对于员工的培训结果进行评估。 在市南信息公司建立起考核激励机制,设计各种考核的指标和方法。主要是对员工的工作成果、工作中的行动、工作态度。员工的考核通过各种考评表来进行,考核的结果将成为员工各种奖惩的依据。并结合激励机制来对员工进行奖励,保证优秀员工的工作积极性,同时也鼓励其他的员工更努力发挥自己的能力。 市南信息公司重建组织机构后,考虑到为了能够更合理的利用人力资源,减少人力成本,也建议采取软件外包的方式,可以是模块外包,也可以是整个项目外包,通过借助其他公司的人力资源,对人力资源进行优化配置。 在市南信息人力资源管理体系的建立过程中,也必然遇到一些阻碍,比如资金问题,员工配合问题,上级主管公司的支持,经营体制改革和观念变化问题。如何克服这些困难,将对市南信息公司人力资源管理体系的建立有着重大的意义。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, software industry is a prosperous business all over the world and people considered it representation of Knowledge Economy. But it’s been reported that the majority of software enterprises in our country are mid-small company, they are in an inferior position in today’s competition. So how to make full use of human resources has become a key factor for their healthy and stable development.As a sub-company of state-run enterprise, Shinan Information Company-a software firm is lack of human resources management. In 2002, with the reform of its mother company, a new stratagem has to be devised by the new company. It not only settle down the original stuff but also hire some from outside. So the framework of Shinan Information Company was set up.After the reform, we analyzed the current status of our company. Through intensive investigation, we found out that there was no human resources management system exists, so the structure of our company was improper especially lacking of cultivation and assessment.With the philosophy of modern human resources management ,we discussed the structure of human resources management system in our company. We agreed that human resources management is usually consists of company structure, stuff employment, cultivation, development, assessment, prompting and material benefits. So all the aspects of building up a company are taking into account, key principles and features in particular. Then we debated about the necessity of establishing a system of cultivation, its method and category. Finally, as an indiscerptible part of human resources management system, assessment mechanism was evaluated for it can greatly inspire employee’s enthusiasm. In fact, assessment mechanism is the most important part of a software firm. Based on the fundamental above, the scheme of new Shinan Information Company human resources management system was published.Balancing the merit and blemish of all kinds of the organizing structure, combine with the fact of the Shinan Information Company, we build up a new organizing structure. The new one adopts the combination of the beeline brainman and matrix. The former software engineering department was renamed as project center, enterprise development department changed into human resourcedepartment, finance department was added and systems engineering department remained unchanged.In order to set up the training system of the Shinan Information Company, we need a suitable cultivation and development mechanism which including initial training, occupational training and training of all necessary skills. Besides there is an assess schedule which can be used to inspect the result of the training.The building of assess mechanism is implement by all kinds of merit system guidelines and measures. This is mainly aiming at employee’s achievements, actions and attitudes. The assessment is carried out by filling merit system tables and the result will directly associate with the rewards and punishment. This mechanism not only inspire the enthusiasm of those elites but also encourage others to work harder.After we have done all these jobs, software outsourcing or so called module outsourcing is advisable. That’s because we can use human resources rationally and cut down the cost. We can even outsourcing the whole project, optimizing the human resources by using that of other company.During the establishment of Shinan Information Company human resources management system, we may face some difficulties, for example lack of money, incooperation of stuff, opposing of superior. How to solve these problems will influence the founding of our new system.Panxuejiong(Business Administration) Directed by associate professor Liangshengang

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