

Research on National Competitive Advantage of Chinese Enterprises Cluster

【作者】 闫建超

【导师】 梁慎刚;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 国际贸易, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 中国产业集群地出现比我们认知的要早,现在他们对于我国国际化发展进程的作用,已经到了我们无法在忽视他们的地步,越来越多的事实使我们认识到,产业集群性积聚的一些中小企业,能够通过积聚获得竞争优势,主营产品多以外贸出口为主,呈现出了很强的国家竞争优势。可以说,当前中国参与国际化的竞争,离不开产业集群的发展。但是目前我国对于这一领域的理论研究还很不够,不能对于地区性产业集群的发展起到很好的指导作用。作者能力十分有限,但希望通过自己的努力,能为我国产业集群的研究和发展贡献绵薄之力。 本文采取了理论和实践相结合的方法。首先对国际及国内的主流产业集群理论进行了分析和评价,其次研究了我国目前自发出现的一些产业集群的发展现状,然后结合一些理论和中国发展的实际,对于中国发展具有国家竞争优势的产业集群的理论进行了必要地补充,提出了相对适合中国的产业集群理论,最后,结合发达国家的成功经验,针对性地提出了产业集群战略和政策建议。 作者认为,解释我国产业集群的发展原因,除去一些主流理论所强调的规模经济,交易成本低等因素以外,结合中国的实际情况,应该需要说明或者说强调的还有外部特殊的经济环境的刺激作用;大量存在的廉价劳动力是一种自然禀赋;一些产业的历史传统有效降低了发展行业的成本;产业集群发展中,由于集群能够有效降低购买商的搜寻成本,这也刺激了产业集群的进一步发展。 本文第一章引言部分分析了文章的写作背景及经济意义,提出全球化竞争中产业集群的发展更加有利于中国国家竞争优势地获得。 第二章首先对于产业集群与国家竞争优势进行了定义,然后分国外与国内两个角度对产业集群的主流理论进行了分析和评价。 第三章针对我国目前已经出现的一些地方性产业集群的产业状况和政策状况,对于我国产业集群发展中的共同特点进行了分析。 第四章结合第二章目前的主流理论和第三章我国产业集群的实际发展状况,作者对于我国产业集群的理论进行了必要地补充。 第五章结合发达国家的成功经验,针对性地提出了产业集群战略和政策建议。 如前所述,由于作者能力有限,很多观点地提出也许有不当之出,希望读者能够不吝指正,多谢。

【Abstract】 The arrival of Chinese enterprises cluster is earlier than the realization of it. At present, enterprises cluster play such an important role for the internalization of China that we can’t ignore it anymore. More and more facts make us realize, through gathering, small and medium-sized enterprises can win competition advantage. Now most products of those enterprises are sold to international market and Chinese those business show very strong national competition advantage. It can be say that the development of enterprises cluster is necessary for China to involve the international competition. But our country’s theoretical research to this field is so limited currently that our theory can’t play good guidance function. My ability is limited. But I hope my research can contribute to the development of Chinese industrial cluster.This dissertation used the method that the theory combines with practice. First of all, the article analyses and comments the international and domestic mainstream theory; Secondly, it study the current develop situation of Chinese industrial cluster. And then through combining the mainstream theory and realities of China, it gives necessary supplementing to the theory and proposes relatively suitable theory to Chinese industrial cluster. Finally, through studying the successful experience of developed country, it gives strategy and policy suggestion to develop Chinese industrial cluster.I think that in order to well explain the reasons of the development of Chinese industrial cluster, besides some mainstream theories which mainly emphasis scale-economic, low trade cost and so on, combining realities of China, we also should have to consider the following four factors: A large amount of existed cheap labor is a kind of natural endowment; The historical tradition of some industries has reduced the cost which develops the trade effectively; Because Industry cluster can efficiently reduce the search cost ofbuyer, this greatly stimulated the development of industry cluster.Chapter one analyzed the writing background and economic meaning of the article. Propose that industrial cluster development is necessary for China to win national competition advantage in the globalization.Chapter two at first defines the industrial cluster and national competition advantage. And then analyses and comment the international and domestic mainstream theory in this area.Chapter three studies the development of Chinese industrial cluster and the policy situation. Then gives the common characteristics of Chinese industrial clusterChapter four through combining the mainstream theory and realities of China, it gives necessary supplementing to the theory and propose relatively suitable theories to Chinese industrial cluster.Chapter five through studying the successful experience of developed country, it gives strategy and policy suggestion to develop Chinese industrial cluster.As we have already said, because my limited ability, there maybe some problem in my article. I hope readers can point out without hesitation. Thanks in advance.Van JianChao (International Trade) Directed by Professor Liang ShenGang

  • 【分类号】F279.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】585

