

【作者】 张建东

【导师】 王正;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 交通运输管理, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 自有城市以来,城市的发展一直是人类进步和文明的象征。经历几千年的演变,城市从小到大,由少到多,功能和形态也越来越复杂。而在它的演变过程中,城市交通起着重要的作用。有人把城市交通比作城市的动脉,延伸到城市的各个角落,连接着城市生活的各个领域。发达而顺畅的城市交通可以促进土地开发、拓展城市功能、提高人们生活水平、推动城市的发展;而另一方面,城市交通的发展又无不受到城市发展的影响,包括经济水平、土地开发状况、城市布局、地理条件以及城市发展规划。因此,城市的发展与城市交通的发展是密不可分的。 上海是我国最大的城市,尤其近几年来,其经济发展迅猛,人口增长较快,城市的范围越来越大,另外,随着人们生活水平的提高,机动车辆越来越多,这对城市交通产生了巨大压力,原有的交通条件已不适应城市发展的要求。而另一方面,人们对出行要求却越来越高:便捷、快速、安全、舒适。如何解决这两者之间的矛盾,已引起越来越多人的注意。 花木是浦东新区的行政文化中心和重镇。花木镇是上海市今后开发的重点,尤其是花木展馆地区,具有重要的战略意义。因此,本文以该地区为例,具体说明了如何进行城市交通优化。 本文主要以花木展馆为中心,本着理论与实践相结合、定性与定量相结合的原则,首先分析了该地区的土地开发情况、道路情况、交通线路情况、停车情况等。接着,借助于交通预测模型对该地区的交通需求进行分析预测,找出两者之间的主要矛盾。然后,以此为切入点,分别从道路系统、公交系统、停车系统以及公交组织系统提出了改进,重点介绍了轨道交通系统。轨道交通系统具有容量大、速度快、高效、安全等特点,符合城市发展的要求,是今后城市交通发展的方向。本文着重研究了轨道交通规划的原则、方法,以及轨道交通与常规公交的衔接问题。再接下来,根据龙阳路、罗山路的具体情况,探讨了在该地区建设立交的重要意义。最后本文从发展战略的角度提出了实施浦东新区一体化交通的构想。以此期望达到改善交通条件,寻求展馆与其周围交通协同发展的目的。

【Abstract】 Since the first city occurred, the development of cities has always been the symbol of the human progress. Through thousands of years, cities have become bigger and bigger, more and more. And their functions have become more and more complicated. In this process urban transportation has taken on great importance. Sometimes it is compared to the artery of a city, because it reaches every corner of the city, and joins every part of the city’ s life together. A developed and smooth city’ s transportation can expand the city function, promote the land development, improve the people s living level and push the city development. But on the other hand, the development of the urban transportation can be largely influenced by the conditions of the city, including the economic level, the land development condition, the city layout, the geographic condition, even the urban planning. Therefore, the development of a city is inseparable with the development of the urban transportation.Shanghai is the biggest city of china. Especially in the last few years, its economy has grown rapidly, its population has increased quickly, its realm has become bigger and bigger, and with the improvement of the people s living standards, its automobiles have become more and more. All these have produced great pressure on the urban transportation. The old transportation system has been already unable to meet the needs of the city development. But on the other hand, people are requiring more of the urban transportation: convenience, quickness, safety, and comfort. How to solve this problem is drawing more and more attention.The HuaMu town is a town of PuDong. That town is one of the points of Shanghai’ s development plan, especially the region around the HuaMu exhibition building. This region has an important role in the future. So, this paper chose this region as an example, to explain how to optimize the urban transportation.

【关键词】 城市交通系统优化
  • 【分类号】U12
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】577

