

【作者】 王宏娟

【导师】 杨召南;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 国际法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文将保险经纪人法律制度作为研究对象,基于我国《保险法》、《合同法》、《民法通则》、《保险经纪人管理规定(试行)》、《保险经纪公司管理规定》等法律、法规,结合英美等保险经纪发达国家有关保险经纪人制度的法律和判例,探讨了我国的保险经纪人法律制度。 全文分为四章。 第一章从经纪人的概念入手,追溯保险经纪人的起源和发展历程,并结合现实探讨我国建立保险经纪制度的必要性。目的在于加深对保险经纪人基本概念以及文章写作背景的了解。同时还对我国保险经纪制度与其他国家保险经纪制度的异同进行了比较研究。 第二章为本文主体,探讨了保险经纪人的法律地位、权利和义务。英美法系国家认为保险经纪人是被保险人的代理人,除了有专门的法律予以规范,保险经纪人也受《代理法》的规范。英国1906年《海上保险法》对保险经纪人还有特殊规定,与大陆法系的规定有所不同。我国属大陆法系国家,笔者认为保险经纪人在我国是被保险人或者投保人的受托人。本章以此为基点展开论述。此外,还论述了较为特殊的双重代理、再保险经纪人等有关问题。 第三章简要介绍了实践中存在的两种保险经纪合同。保险经纪人开展业务时,其与被保险人之间的权利义务主要通过签订保险经纪合同来约定,保险经纪合同的种类不同,其法律特征也就有所区别。本章使用了很大篇幅来阐述保险经纪人违反义务的法律后果以及承担责任的性质等问题。 第四章分四节讨论了保险经纪人监管的问题。第一节对不同国家的保险经纪监管制度进行比较,我国保险经纪监管的实践可以借鉴其精华。第二节分析了我国保险经纪监管的法律依据,着重讨论如何完善《保险经纪公司管理规定》,并提出了立法建议。第三节对于监管原则存在的问题进行分析。第四节阐述保险经纪人的刑事及行政责任。 本文研究的意图在于通过对保险经纪人有关的法律问题进行讨论,来构建系统的保险经纪人法律制度,并对我国相关立法提出修改建议。这些建议散见在各章节和结论中。

【Abstract】 This dissertation studies the laws of the insurance broker of China in accordance with the regulations of the Insurance Law, Contract Law, General Principles of the Civil Law, Regulatory Rules on the Insurance Broker (Trial) of China, and Regulatory Rules on the Insurance Broking Companies of China, as well as the laws and leading cases about the insurance broker in Britain, America, and some other countries where insurance broker industries are developed.The thesis consists of four chapters.The first chapter begins with the concept of the broker, and casts back to the origin of the broker and his development. By combining with the status in quo, it probes the necessity of China establishing her own broking system. The intention is to deepen the understanding of some basic concepts and the background of the thesis. This chapter still discusses the differences between the laws of the insurance broker of China and those of other countries.Being the main part of this thesis, the second chapter discusses the legal status of the insurance broker and his rights and obligations, his relation with the proposer and the insurer. In the countries of Common Law Legal System, the broker is regarded as the agent of the assured. Besides the special law, he is also regulated by The Act of Agency. There are some special provisions about brokers in English Marine Insurance Act 1906, which are different from those of the Continental Law Legal System. As a country of Continental Law Legal System, the writer concludes that generally the Chinese insurance broker is the committee of the proposer or the assured he serves under a commission contract. Therefore, the thesis studies the broker’s legal status, his rights and obligations as a committee. In addition, this chapter discusses some special problems such as dual agency and reinsurance broker.The third chapter introduces two kinds of insurance broking contracts and their legal characters, and analyses the broker’s rights and obligations with the assured upon the contract. It still emphasizes the legal results when the broker breaches his duty and the character of his responsibility and etc.The fourth chapter, which consists of four sections, focuses on the regulationof the insurance broker. Section 1 compares the regulation laws of different countries of the insurance broker. Section 2 analyses the legal foundation of the regulation, expounds the perfection of the Regulatory Rules on the Insurance Broking Companies of China, and gives some suggestions to our legal system. Section 3 discusses the issues about the principles of regulation, and section 4 describes the criminal and administrative responsibilities of the insurance broker.On the whole, the thesis, through arguing some relative issues, structures systematic insurance broker law of China, with the aim at polishing the revision of the present laws and regulations on the insurance broker.Wang Hongjuan (International Law) Directed by Professor Yang Zhaonan

  • 【分类号】D922.284;D923
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】237

