

【作者】 徐逸桥

【导师】 曲林迟;

【作者基本信息】 上海海事大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 作为中国大陆的第一大港,上海港的港口服务业自1990年代以来就取得了令人瞩目的成绩,在21世纪更是进入了历史罕见的快速发展阶段,港口各方面业务的发展势头迅猛。 然而众所周知,东北亚地区港口的竞争态势至今尚未明朗化,尤其是为了争夺东北亚国际航运中心的地位,上海港、釜山港和高雄港之间的较量更是日趋白热化。上海港在快速发展港口服务业和积极应对来自东北亚地区周边港口的竞争与挑战的同时,必然会遇到制约港口服务业发展的瓶颈,这些制约因素主要表现为:上海港的国际中转集装箱量比重过低、上海港吞吐能力不足与货物量急剧上升之间存在着矛盾、上海港集疏运条件不发达等等。如果能够减缓或者消除一系列阻碍上海港口服务业发展的负面因素,那么上海港最终就极有可能在东北亚国际航运中心的角逐中胜出。 本论文第一章主要介绍上海市的经济发展概况,以及上海港及其经济腹地的港口服务业发展情况与相互关系;第二章着重通过运用层次分析法,来对上海、釜山和高雄的港口服务业的各项软硬件指标进行详细的对比与分析;第三章承接第二章的分析结果,阐述上海发展港口服务业的主要优劣势;第四章则针对上海港口服务业面临的主要问题,探寻应对策略与解决之道。 本论文旨在对上海港口服务业的发展起到一定的促进作用,协助上海港口管理部门了解东北亚港口的竞争态势,明确自身发展的不足,为最终将上海港建成东北亚国际航运中心提供参考性的建议。 因作者水平有限,不妥之处敬请批评指正。

【Abstract】 As the biggest port of Chinese Mainland, the Industry of Shanghai Port Service has improved remarkably since 1990. Especially, the 21st century has met the rapidly developing era of Shanghai Port Service, eveiy facet of which is growing swiftly.However, it is well-known that the situation of competition among the ports around Northeast Asia is still obscure and that the competition for the International Shipping Centre of Northeast Asia among Shanghai Port, Busan Port and Kaohsiung Port is especially drastic. While rapidly improving the Industry of Port Service and making great efforts to face up to the competition and defiant from the surrounding ports of Northeast Asia, Shanghai Port is doomed to meet with some bottle-necks that restrict the development of port service. The main bottle-necks include the very small proportion of the international container transshipment, the conflict between the deficient ability of throughput and the fast increasing throughput of cargo, the undeveloped condition of collection and distribution, and etc. If the array of the negative factors restricting the Industry of Shanghai Port Service could be alleviated or eliminated, it will be very possible for Shanghai Port to win the contend for the International Shipping Centre of Northeast Asia.In this thesis, the first chapter introduces the condition of Shanghai economy, the situation and the relationship of the port service of Shanghai Port and its hinterland. By using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the second chapter contrasts and analysises the main indexes of software and hardware of the port service of Shanghai, Busan and Kaohsiung. On the basis of the conclusion of the second chapter, the third chapter will expatiate the main advantages and disadvantages of Shanghai Port Service. The forth chapter will explore for the strategies and solutions to conquer the referred disadvantages of Shanghai Port.This thesis is to be helpful to the development of Shanghai Port Service and to provide some advice to make Shanghai Port as the International Shipping Centre of Northeast Asia by making the Shanghai Port Bureau know the situation of competition of Northeast Asia ports and Shanghai Port’s disadvantages.Xu Yiqiao Directed by Professor Qu Linchi

  • 【分类号】F552
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】648

