

The Geochemical Characters Research of Seafloor Hydrothermal Chimney of Kueishaotao Island of Northeastern Taiwan

【作者】 刘长华

【导师】 曾志刚;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(海洋研究所) , 海洋地质学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 龟山岛热液活动区位于冲绳海槽向西延伸的部位,菲律宾海板块在此向欧亚板块下俯冲隐没,构造背景十分特殊,热液活动的出现为进一步研究该地区的地质发展提供了新的素材。热液活动的产物之一-烟囱体在本地区表现出明显的特殊性。高度富集自然硫,含矿物极少;自然硫的含量随烟囱体的层位不同而表现出有规律的变化,从外层到内层含量依次递增;大部分微量元素的含量与自然硫的含量呈负相关性;硫同位素的特征也很明显,变化范围小,δ34S‰值只是在2‰左右,并且根据δ34S‰值的变化情况可以把烟囱体分为三种类型:递减型、“V”型、递增型。根据自然硫烟囱体的这些特征我们探讨了其成因机制和物源,认为高度的自然硫富集是由于热液流体的性质和物源决定的,热液流体的流速快和流程短使较容易析出的元素硫迅速溶出,同时来自于地幔的硫也是烟囱体硫高度富集的重要因素,但是对于地幔中的元素硫是以何种形式加入热液流体中还需进一步研究。

【Abstract】 The Kueishantao hydrothermal activity zone lies in the west extended part of the Okinawa Trough, Where Philippine Sea Plate is subducting under the Eurasia Plate. The occurrence of hydrothermal activity give a chance for exploring the development of the zone. There are some prominent characters about Kueishantao hydrothermal activity : high content native sulfur in the chimneys which comprise few minerals, however there are clear layers in the chimney bodies according with the colors. On the other hand, that the native sulfur concentration ascends from outside to inside is coincided with the color layers. And theδ34S‰ values focus on about 2‰,so we distinguish three types chimneys according with theδ34S‰ values which are ascending type, “V”type, descending type. we discuss the chimneys’ formation and the materials resource on the base of the facts as mentioned in above. We think both the fundus’ andesites of the hydrothermal activity zone and mantle are Kueishantao hydrothermal activity’s materials resource, but how mantle materials contaminate the hydrothermal fluid is not clear.

【关键词】 龟山岛自然硫烟囱体安山岩
【Key words】 Kueishantaonative sulfurchimneyandesite
  • 【分类号】P736
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】87

