

【作者】 王庆伟

【导师】 崔庠;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国居民旅游消费渐趋理智,同时限于可自由支配收入和闲暇时间,消费行为表现为客源构成上以城镇居民为主、目的地选择上出现长线游和短线游的两旺格局,旅游业又具有低重心启动经济的先导性和高度关联的辐射带动功能,所以城市郊区承接都市旅游的发展,凭借优越的旅游区位和资源,把目光投向了旅游业。但是把握游憩景观的空间结构是郊区旅游开发的先导,对首批优秀旅游城市——长春市的郊区进行研究可以推知城郊游憩景观空间结构的一般规律,进而指导类似城郊的旅游发展。本文在旅游地理学、区域旅游规划、行为地理学、景观生态学、城市地理学等基本理论指导下,采用定性与定量相结合的方法,运用斑块——廊道——基质模式研究并构建了长春郊区合理的游憩景观空间结构,全文主要内容如下:第一部分认识了游憩与旅游、游憩景观、郊区等概念,确定了长春郊区游憩区的研究范围,引入了景观生态学、环城游憩带等理论,对郊区旅游开发的意义进行了阐述。第二部分首先对长春郊区旅游区位进行分析,并研究客源市场现状和长春市民周末出游行为特征,从而提出长春郊区旅游开发的动力机制。认为立足区域,系统地研究郊区游憩景观的空间结构是推动地区旅游产业可持续发展的关键。第三部分详尽地分析郊区游憩景观中斑块、廊道、基质三要素的空间结构特征,从生态功能和游憩功能两方面优化游憩景观,以增强区域旅游吸引力。从自然、人文及社会经济三方面讨论基质的维护和利用,为旅游发展提供良好的立地环境;从斑块类型、等级、分布状态探讨其空间特征,得出类型和等级均呈距离衰减规律、空间分布呈凝聚状态,并深化了ReBAM理论,指导旅游地的发展方向、完善市民出游行为;从绿道、蓝道两方面构建廊道体系,利于旅游活动的组织。第四部分是基于以上分析,引入郊区游憩景观空间结构的整合理念,提出了整合模式,可指导旅游项目的设置。

【Abstract】 Chinese rationally look on consumption in tourism, meanwhile, considering free disposable income and leisure time, this paper thinks that most of tourists are from cities and eager for long- or short-distant destinations. Besides, being very significant to economy, tourism can bring a series of industries. So many suburbs develop tourism by good tourism location and resources. However the study on spatial structure is primary to suburbs, therefore this paper concludes the rules using the study on Changchun’s suburb as a case .Based on theories of geography of tourism, regional tourism planning, behavioral geography, landscape ecology, and urban geography, with the help of qualitative and quantitive methods, this paper within the framework of patch-corridor-matrix model sets up tourism spatial structure in Changchun’s suburb. Part 1 explains the concepts of recreation and tourism, tourism landscape, suburb, circles this paper’s study scope, introduces the theories of landscape ecology, ReBAM, and so on, at last points out the importance in developing suburb tourism.Part 2 studies the tourism location, the market and tourist behavior in Changchun’s suburb, therefore comes out the impetus to suburb tourism. This paper concludes that to study the spatial structure is important to promote the sustainable development of regional tourism.Part 3 analyses the spatial characters of patch, corridor and matrix, and to improve the tourist attraction, it in view of ecological and tourism function optimizes tourism landscape. Firstly the paper discusses the environment, that is, the matrix’s nature, human being, society and economy. Secondly it studies the patches’ type-space structure, grade-space structure and spatial distribution, further concludes the type <WP=6>and the grade both cater for the distance declining model, most of the patches get in cluster, and deepens the theory of ReBAM, which can indicate regional tourism. Finally, in view of greenways and blueways, it sets up the corridors’ system in order to organize the tourism.Part 4 inducts the integrated thought, and puts forward the integrated model of tourism spatial structure in Changchun’s suburb, which includes the suburb’s tourism time-space system and tourism routes, so the paper can instruct the planning of tourism projects.

【关键词】 郊区游憩景观空间结构长春市
【Key words】 the suburbtourism landscapespatial structureChangchun city
  • 【分类号】F592.99
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】598

