

【作者】 陈汉军

【导师】 盛连喜;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 环境科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 实施西部开发战略,加快中西部地区发展,是党中央总揽全局,面向新世纪做出的重大决策。这一政策的实施为西部地区带来了难得的机遇,同时对我国其他省区而言,也将是一次难得的发展机遇。作为我国重要的老工业基地之一的吉林省如何充分地利用这一新契机,如何充分地利用延边州所享有的西部大开发的政策,如何将振兴老工业基地与西部地区的开发有效的结合起来,又怎样从西部大开发的经验和教训中得到借鉴和启发,使我省在实施老工业改造过程中能够做到扬长避短。这些都是我们所必须认真思考和研究的关键问题。本论文正是在这一背景下,通过对吉林省与西部开发省区影响经济发展的重要因素比较分析,确定吉林省参与西部大开发的战略定位,提出吉林省应对西部开发采取的战略对策,以达到振兴吉林的目的。论文共分四个部分。第一部分是西部开发战略概述,主要介绍了西部开发的背景,重点任务和战略目标,西部开发的重点区域,主要政策,以及开发三年来西部地区的显著变化。第二部分吉林省与西部开发省区影响经济发展的重要因素比较分析,这些因素包括区位条件、资源禀赋、经济条件、居民生活质量、教育水平和生态环境等方面,通过比较分析得出吉林优势所在。第三部分论述吉林省参与西部大开发的战略定位,首先论述吉林省参与西部开发面临的挑战,然后对吉林省参与西部大开发进行可行性分析,确定参与西部开发重点领域。第四部分吉林省应对西部开发采取的战略对策,吉林省参与西部开发总体思路,面对西部开发吉林省应采取的对策建议。

【Abstract】 The strategy to implement West exploitation is a significant decision, it brings a scarce opportunity for both the West provinces and the provinces in other areas. As an old industrial base, Jilin province is confronted with many problems such as how to utilize this chance that Yanbian Zhou received from the strategy, combine the revitalization of old industrial base and the exploitation of west area, and get references and enlightenments from West exploitation, which will help to develop the strong points and avoid the weak points during the transformation of old industrial base. Under this background, the paper compared the important factors that influence the economic development of Jilin and West provinces, ascertained the strategy that Jilin participate in the West exploitation, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures so as to resurge Jilin province. This paper was divided into four parts:The first part is the summary of West exploitation strategy, including its background, main tasks, strategy goals, leading fields, policies and the significant changes in the recent three years. The second part analyzed the main factors that influence the economic development of West provinces such as location, resources, economic condition, people’s living quality, education and environment, et al. Through the compare, we could infer Jilin’s advantages.The third part narrated the strategy orientation while Jilin carried out the West exploitation. It introduced the challenges Jilin enfaced, analyzed its feasibility to participate in the West exploitation and established the main fields.The last part put forward the corresponding countermeasures, holistic routes and proposals when Jilin province implements the strategy.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【下载频次】31

