

【作者】 胡勇军

【导师】 郭继勋;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 生态学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对羊草人工草地喷施不同浓度植物生长调节剂脱落酸(ABA),油菜素内酯(BR)及其复配制剂提高羊草产量,改善羊草品质进行了初步地研究。在羊草的返青期、拔节期、孕穗期三个不同生育期喷施植物生长调节剂,然后测定其株高、地上部分干重以评价对产量的影响,测定中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)、粗蛋白质(CP)含量以评价对品质的影响。实验结果表明,喷施不同浓度的脱落酸(ABA),与对照组相比,其羊草产量和品质均有所提高,以0.01mmol·L-1浓度处理效果最佳,为最适浓度。其株高、地上部分干重分别比对照提高5.17%和3.85%,中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)、粗蛋白质(CP)含量分别比对照提高3.94%、6.15%、16.14%。外施脱落酸,亦即诱抗剂(ABA)可通过提高羊草的抗逆性来提高羊草产量,改善羊草品质。在羊草的不同生育期喷施不同浓度的油菜素内酯(BR),各试验组羊草的产量和品质均比对照有所提高,以2×10-4 mmol·L-1处理效果最佳,为最佳作用浓度。其羊草株高、地上部分干重分别比对照提高6.23%和4.61%,中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)、粗蛋白质(CP)含量分别比对照提高4.52%、9.76%、32.75%,外施BR可促进羊草生长,在羊草生长的拔节期到孕穗期作用最为明显,可作为喷施BR的最佳时期。外施生长促进剂BR可增加羊草产量,改善羊草品质。在羊草的不同生育期喷施ABA+BR不同浓度的复配制剂,各试验组羊草的产量和品质均比对照大大提高,以0.1mmol·L-1ABA+0. 2×10-4mmol·L-1 BR复配浓度处理效果最佳,为最佳复配浓度,其羊草<WP=5>株高、地上部分干重分别比对照提高7.52%和12.28%,中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)和粗蛋白质(CP)含量分别比对照提高5.67%、10.48%、42.43%,复配制剂提高产量和改善品质的功效大大高于单一生长调节剂,起到了协同加合作用。本文将激素调节(化控技术)和常规牧业措施有机结合起来,在更大程度上发挥人工草地的潜力,提高羊草人工草地产量,改善羊草品质,为在羊草人工草地大面积应用植物生长调节剂提供了科学依据。

【Abstract】 The paper dealt with the improvements of the yield and the quality of Leymus chinensis growing in the sown grassland by spraying plant growth regulators, namely abscisic acid (ABA), brassinolide (BR) and compound solvents, over it. We sprayed the grass with the plant growth regulators at turning green stage, jointing stage and boot stage, respectively. To evaluate the effect on the yield of Leymus chinensis, we measured the height and dried weight of the samples. To evaluate the effect on the quality of the grass, we measured the contents of neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF) and crude protein (CP) of the samples. The results showed: Both the yield and the quality of Leymus chinensis were increased by spraying ABA of different concentrations over it compared to the control. The height and the dried weight of it sprayed with the optimal concentration of 0.01mmol·L-1 were increased 5.17% and 3.85%, respectively, of the control. And the contents of NDF, ADF and CP were increased 3.94%, 6.15% and 16.14%, respectively, of the control. Spraying Leymus chinensis with ABA improved the yield and the quality of it resulting from its enhanced capabilities of resisting adversity. By means of spraying BR of different concentrations over Leymus chinensis at three above-mentioned growth stages, both the yield and the quality of the grass in all the experimental groups were increased. The height and the dried weight of it sprayed with the optimal concentration of 2(10-4 mmol·L-1 were increased 6.23% and 4.61%, respectively, of the control. And the contents of NDF, ADF and CP were increased 4.52%, 9.76% and 32.75%, respectively, of the control. Spraying Leymus chinensis with BR could benefit the growth, especially at the jointing stage and the boot stage, when were considered as the optimal time to spray. In all, spraying BR over Leymus chinensis improved the yield and the quality of it. <WP=7>By means of spraying the ABA+BR compound solvents of different concentrations over Leymus chinensis at three above-mentioned growth stages, both the yield and the quality of the grass in all the experimental groups were greatly improved. The height and the dried weight of it sprayed with the optimal compound concentration of 0.01mmol·L-1 ABA + 2(10-4 BR mmol·L-1 were increased 7.52% and 12.28%, respectively, of the control. And the contents of NDF, ADF and CP were increased 5.67%, 10.48% and 42.43%, respectively, of the control. The efficacy of compound solvents on the improvements of the yield and the quality of Leymus chinensis greatly exceeded that of a single growth regulator because the compound solvents had cooperating and magnifying functions. This paper combined the hormonal regulations (chemical controls) on plant growth with the conventional pastoral measurements so as to exert the potentialities of the sown grassland, improve the yield and ameliorate the quality of Leymus chinensis grassland to much more extent, which supplied the scientific basis of widely applying plant growth regulators on the sown grassland of Leymus chinensis.

  • 【分类号】S543.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】172

