

【作者】 王澍

【导师】 柳海民;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 民办高等教育在中国教育是上并不是一片空白。由于各种各样的原因私立大学在中国历史上中断了近40 年左右的时间,重新发展起来的民办高等教育面临着各种各样的问题。民办高校经历了从无到有、从弱小到有一定实力的发展过程,经历了国家政策法规的不支持到现在的“促进”,经历了与公立学校的严峻竞争和教育市场的优胜劣汰。社会转型期市场经济体制的建立既为民办高等教育发展提供了机遇,也提出了挑战。在这种时代背景下,民办高等学校的产权问题、管理体制问题、学历文凭问题、教师问题等都是需要深刻思考的。本文认为民办高教的发展可以作如下的制度安排: 完善立法和执法,形成民办高等学校发展的良性机制;明晰产权制度,把民办高等学校划分为营利性和非营利性的学校;建立自己的专业设置、教育教学理念的特色;建立健全内部管理制度,形成合理的内部管理体制。在民办高等教育的发展过程中,制度问题是一个核心问题,良好的制度安排不仅可以解决民办高等学校发展中的各种问题,也会不断地涌现各种创新行为。因此,笔者以制度为视角来对民办高等教育的发展进行分析,这是本文的一个创新之处。本文采取了文献阅读法、比较法、案例分析法,调查研究法、历史研究法等。

【Abstract】 There is not the blank in the history of non-governmental higher education in China. After about 40 years in which the development of non-governmental higher education was canceled, the new development is confronted with all kinds of problems. The non-governmental universities have gone through from scratch, from small and weak to the conditions of owning certain strength, goes through the non-support of national policies and regulations to the present promotion, and goes through the severest competition with public universities and the survival of the fittest of the educational market. The setting-up of the market economic system in transformation period of the society has already offered the opportunities and challenges for non-governmental higher educational development. Under the background of this kind of era, we must think over the problems of property right, management system, academic diploma, and the teachers in the non-governmental higher education deeply. I think that institution of the development of non- governmental higher education had better conclude to: perfect the legislation and enforce the law, form the good mechanism of development; distinct property relations and divide the non-governmental institutions of higher education into the profit ones and non-profit ones; set up their own characters of majors and the educational idea, set up and amplify the inside management system and form rational inside management system.In the course of development of non-governmental higher education, the institution problem is a key. The good institution can not only solve all kinds of problems but also promote the various kinds of innovative behaviors. Therefore, I regard institution as <WP=5>the visual angle to analysis the development of non-governmental higher education. This is a place of innovation of this dissertation.I use the methods of the document reading, comparison, case analysis, investigations, history study and etc.

  • 【分类号】G522.74
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】427

