

【作者】 刘蕾

【导师】 杨志强;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要是从一个实际研究项目出发,在阐述了相关理论知识的基础上,实现了基于数据仓库技术的决策支持系统在销售管理方面的应用。首先介绍了决策支持系统的发展历程、框架结构、用户界面以及三库系统;接着介绍了数据仓库的基本概念、数据组织结构以及数据仓库的设计方法与步骤,然后对数据仓库工具层的联机分析处理技术和数据挖掘技术予以详细阐述;本文最后介绍了决策支持系统应用的应用背景和现行的事务型数据环境,并且提出了一个基于数据仓库技术的DSS体系结构方案,进行了数据仓库设计和联机分析处理等应用设计。本着以事实为依据的原则,该系统使用了2000-2003年企业的全部销售数据。从辅助决策的功能上看,该系统回答的是贸易、开发市场、资本获利分析等半结构化问题。这些问题的回答对企业投资计划的确定、营销策略的制定起到一定辅助作用。该系统的实施充分说明了,数据仓库在满足企业决策支持需求方面能够发挥巨大作用,是当前企业开拓市场、赢得消费者、合理利用资源的强大助手。

【Abstract】 This thesis is the research consequence of Jilin DuoBang Drugs Corporation Marketing Management System development project. The project is aimed at discovering useful information from the database of daily transactions. Solution to the problem is to set up a data warehouse and make full use of its function of supporting decision making. This project is based on the theories of Data Warehouse 、 Decision Support System and Data Mining. And after six months of work, the development of Drugs Sale Enterprise Marketing Management Decision Support System was finished. To base the system on facts, we transmitted all the sale records from 2000 year to 2003 year into the data warehouse. As shown by the results, this system can answer such questions as commerce、market exploitation and analysis of investment and profit, which can be classified as half structured questions. Solutions of these questions are certainly helpful for making investment decisions or drawing up sale strategy. The accomplishment of this system proves that data warehouse meets the need of enterprises at supporting decision making, and that DW is most helpful for enterprises in exploiting market, contesting consumers and making full use of resources.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】276

