

【作者】 刘燕妮

【导师】 吴敏先;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中共党史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 发展农村经济是国际社会特别是一切发展中国家和地区普遍关注的问题。中国是一个农业人口占大多数、经济发展很不平衡的大国,农村经济落后已成为制约中国现代化的主要因素,也是中国国情特殊性的重要表现之一。在世纪之交的今天,发展农村经济不仅是中国现代化过程中要解决的最重要问题,而且还关系到中国的工业化、城市化、共同富裕、可持续发展以及以人为本等一系列中国社会发展的重大问题。为此,我们有必要对中共第三代领导集体农村经济发展战略进行系统研究,从中获取指导农村经济发展的宝贵思想,从而为发展我国农村经济提供参考与借鉴。然而,迄今为止,学术界对毛泽东、邓小平的农村经济理论的论述比较多,而对中共第三代领导集体农村经济思想的论述则比较少见。有鉴于此,本文拟在大量翔实资料的基础上,运用系统分析法、归纳推理法,从中共党史学、经济学等多学科、多视角,就这一具有重要学术价值和重大现实意义的问题进行尝试性探讨。论文由四部分组成:第一部分,中共第三代领导集体农村经济发展战略思想的依据。第二部分,中共第三代领导集体农村经济发展战略思想的内容。第三部分,中共第三代领导集体农村经济发展战略思想的价值评析。这部分论述了中共第三代领导集体农村经济发展战略思想的时代特征、理论意义和现实指导作用。第四部分,新世纪发展我国农村经济的途径和策略。总之,作者试图通过对中共第三代领导集体农村经济发展战略思想的分析和研究,以弥补本领域学术研究之不足,并进而为实现农业和农村经济的全面发展,实现农民共同富裕的跨世纪发展目标,尽一份绵薄之力。

【Abstract】 To develop rural economy is a problem that international community especially developing countries and areas generally pay close attention to . China is a big country that agricultural population accounts for most and economy develops very uneven , countryside backward in economy has already become restrict main factor of modernization of China , it is one of the important behaviours of the China’s actual conditions particularity too. Today ,at the turn of the century, it is not merely the most important problem solved in China’s modernized course to develop rural economy, and still concern the industrialization of China, urbanization , common prosperity , sustainable development ,people first and a series of important issues of social development of China, etc… .It is necessary for us to carry on systematic research to the rural economy development strategy of the third generation of leading collective of the Communist Party of China for this, obtain the valuable thought of guiding rural economy development from it, thus offer reference for developing rural economy of our country and draw lessons from . Up until now, there is many argumentation of academia’s rural economic theory to Mao Zedong , Deng Xiaoping, the argumentation to the rural economy thought of the third generation of leading collective of the Communist Party of China is relatively rare . In view of this, this thesis plans to use the systematic analytic method, summing up and reasoning law on the basis of a large amount of full and accurate materials, from the Communist Party of China party historiography, multi-disciplinary , much visual angles , such as economics ,etc ,and carry on the trying discussion on the question that has important academic value and great realistic meaning. The thesis is made up of four parts: First part ,the basis of strategic thought of rural economy of the third generation of leading collective of the Communist Party of China develops . Second part ,the rural economy of the third generation of leading collective of the Communist Party of <WP=5>China develops the content of strategic thought. The third part ,the rural economy of the third generation of leading collective of the Communist Party of China develops value evaluation and analysis of strategic thought. Have expounded the fact that the rural economy of the third generation of leading collective of the Communist Party of China develops characteristic of the time , theory meaning and realistic guidance function of strategic thought with this part. The fourth part ,the way and tactics of rural economy development of our country in the new century. In a word, the author attempts to pass through the analysis of the rural economy development strategic thought of the third generation of leading collective of the Communist Party of China and study, in order to remedy the deficiency of this academic research domain , and then in order to realize the development in an all-round way of agriculture and rural economy, realize the goal of cross-centennial development of peasant’s common prosperity, devoting the limited strength to it.

  • 【分类号】F320.3
  • 【下载频次】194

