

【作者】 李艳华

【导师】 金振邦;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题的提出依据是:新课程基本理念是“以人为本,关注入发展,关注每个学生发展。全面提高学生的素质,为每个学生进入社会和终身发展打好基础”。口语交际能力的培养就是要促进入的全面发展,提高生活质量。中学语文口语交际教学的现状为口语交际教学不受重视、没有科学规范的教材体系。中学语文口语交际教学目标是能根据不同的交际场合和交际目的,恰当地进行表达。借助语调和语气、表情和手势,增强口语交际的效果。学会演讲;在讨论或辩论中积极主动地发言;朗诵文学作品,能准确把握内容。而高中生的口语交际的实际情况体现为口语交际水平的低下与将来走向社会的口语交际需求的矛盾。研究口语交际教学的目的在于提高高中生的口语交际能力,发展其想象力、创造力,提高听话理解力和语言表达力。 本文来源于教学实践的思考与经验总结。运用了材料分析、经验总结、个案分析等方法对如何培养高中生口语交际能力进行了探讨。 本文从高中生口语交际教学理论审视的角度在高中生口语交际的心理特点;口语交际能力的构成因素(听话能力、说话能力、调节能力);口语交际能力的文化修养(品德素养、知识素养、语言素养)、口语交际教学的新型理念;口语交际教学的基本特点;口语交际教学的教师条件等几方面进行了研究。同时,文章就应如何培养学生口语交际能力从高中生口语交际训练的原则;高中生口语交际训练的核心;高中生口语交际训练的方法;高中生口语交际训练的途径(耐心专注的听、口语交际课角度、阅读课角度、文言文角度、作文交流角度、社会生活角度);高中生口语交际训练的评价等方面进行研究。 通过高中生口语交际能力培养的探索,努力寻找行之有效的培养口语交际能力的途径。让学生能够有一个较高的起点、较开阔的视野,成为能言善辩的适应社会发展的人。

【Abstract】 The basis for the research topic put forward is based on the ideas of new course, which make people the center , pay attention to the personal development ,enhance students’ character ,make preparations for their entering society and developing all life .Training students’ ability of using spoken language is to make the students develop in an all-round way and improve their living standars .However ,there are some problems :Attach little importance to spoken language teaching ,have no normal and scientific teaching materials. Teaching aims are as follows: express properly according to different social intercourse situations and purpose; strengthen the result of spoken language teaching through the tone, facial expression and gesture; learn to make a speech; speak actively in an argument or discussion; grasp the contents correctly by reading literature works. The factual condition of high school students is the antinomy between poor abilities and demand of communication in the future. The purpose lies in the facts that we should enhance their ability of communication develop their imagination , creativity, understanding and expressing.The text conies form my thinking and totaling up about practice in teaching. Ways of material analysis , experience in teaching and individual cases analysis cases are used to discuss how to improve senior high school students’ ability of communication in spoken language.The article talks about the psychological characteristics of spoken language; the composing factors of spoken language social intercourse ability (listening, speaking and regulating); the higher culture accomplishment needed in the vernacular speech expression (moral qualities, knowledge and language cultivated manners).the new concepts,the basic characteristics and the requests in teaching; At the same time, the text also mentions the following subjects. The four principles that should be followed by teachers of how to train students’ ability of communication. First, the core of training. Second, the methods used in training students’ ability of social intercourse. Third, ways of trainingstudents’ ability of communication (listening attentively and patiently, vernacular speech social intercourse lesson, reading lesson, ancient Chinese, composition exchanging and social life).Fourth, evaluations of students’ ability of communication.We’re trying to find effective ways of training students’ ability of spoken language by studying their communicating skills. It’s hoped that senior high school students can have a higher start and a spacious visual field and finally become the person who can talk well.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】469

