

Innovation is the Spirit of the Newspaper Development--Research on Southern Metropolis Daily

【作者】 袁国荣

【导师】 董天策;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 新闻学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 《南方都市报》作为广东省委机关报《南方日报》的子报,于1995年创刊时是周报,1997年改为日报,成为面向珠江三角洲城市群的综合性日报。经过几年的发展,该报不论在采编业务,还是在发行、广告经营以及企业规模等各方面都获得了高速发展和巨大进步,成为广州报业市场上的后起之秀和强有力的生力军。它是一份善于把握和创造生存和发展机会的报纸,也是一份善于经营的报纸,还是一份短时间内取得成功但仍需改进的成长型报纸。它的成功首先是报业体制和经营管理机制改革的成功;其次是市场化条件下先进的经营理念和营销思想的成功;还是创新思维、对报业发展执著追求精神的成功以及企业文化的成功。对其经营实践和成功原因的研究与剖析,能够为中国报业的改革与发展总结实践中的规律,为理论的研究提供鲜活的案例,具有实践与理论双重层面的积极意义。 本文运用新闻学、传播学、市场营销学、经营管理学以及公共关系学等相关学科知识,对其办报历程、业务特点、经营管理等进行全面剖析的基础上,对《南方都市报》进行学理评价,总结其最根本特色和最大成功在于根据实际情况不断进行创新,创新成为都市报发展的灵魂,创新也将成为其他报纸的必然选择,这对于竞争激烈但尚存发展空间的中国报业来讲,具有现实的启示和指导意义。

【Abstract】 As the subsidiary of the Southern Daily, Southern Metropolis Daily was founded in 1995 when it was a weekly newspaper. In 1997, Southern Metropolis Daily has become a comprehensive daily newspaper which takes the Pearl River Delta Region as its target market. Through several years’ strenuous efforts, Southern Metropolis Daily has made great progress and achieved significant success not only in news gathering and editing, but also in newspaper issue and advertising management. It has become a strong competitor in Guangzhou newspaper market. Southern Metropolis Daily is not only adept in creating and grasping development opportunities, but proficient in modern enterprise management. It is a newspaper that achieved great success in a short time but still need great internal integration and adjustment. Its success firstly depends on its modern press system and management system. Secondly its success stems from its advanced management and marketing ideas in market economy. Its success is the embodiment of its organization culture, its innovation spirit and its consistent pursuit in newspaper development. Research and analysis on its success can summarizes the rules for China press reform and development and provides examples for theoretical research, which has dual significance in both theoretical and practical senses.The paper aims to evaluate the Southern Metropolis Daily from a theoretical perspective, which applies knowledge in journalism, communication, marketing, public relations and other related subjects to thoroughly analyzing Southern Metropolis Daily’s history, peculiar reporting style and management modes. The paper perceives that the greatest success of Southern Metropolis Daily lies in its continuous innovation according to the changing environment. Innovation is the spirit of the Southern Metropolis Daily and it will be the inevitable choice of other newspapers. This possesses inspiration and direction senses to the competitive and developing China newspaper market.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G219.27
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】830

