

The Motivation and Restraint System Research of Wenchong Shipyard Co.Ltd

【作者】 赵明华

【导师】 杨英;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国民经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 债转股是国家对国有企业改革路径的一种探索,其目的是通过债权置换来帮助传统的大中型国有企业建立现代企业制度。但人力资本激励不足、约束弱化以及治理结构不规范是债转股企业所共同面临的问题,这个问题解决的好坏与否,直接关系到国有企业的改革方向。因此,本文从广州文冲船厂有限责任公司——债转股企业的一个缩影入手,通过对文船人力资本激励约束机制及治理结构实际情况的研究,对初步建立了现代企业制度框架的债转股企业应如何建立与完善内部激励约束机制、规范治理结构,从理论与实操上进行了探索,力图以此找出一条适合国内同类企业的改革之路。 第一部分提出问题,指出了文船及同类国企在建立现代企业制度的过程中存在着激励不足、约束弱化的问题。 第二部分主要介绍了委托—代理理论、多因素激励理论与过程激励理论中的主要理论以及Y理论和X效率理论,为构造文船激励约束机制奠定了理论基础。 第三部分紧承第一部分,分析了文船在激励约束机制及治理结构上存在的主要问题,为第四部分理清了思路。 第四部分是文章的重点,从总体上规划了文船激励约束机制,对机制的核心部分进行了基本设计,同时提出了规范文船治理结构的一系列设想,并从政府机制、社会机制、市场机制三个方面论述了文船乃至所有国有企业建立激励约束机制应具备的外部条件。

【Abstract】 Enterprises whose debts have been changed into stocks is an investigation of the approach to the reform of the state-owned enterprises, the purpose of which is to assist the traditional large and medium state-owned enterprises to formulate the modern enterprise system by means of the power of policies. But the enterprises whose debts have been changed into stocks are confronted with such problems as insufficient motivation, weakened restraint for human resources and non-standard of the corporate governance structure. Whether the problem can be solved well or not will have direct influence on the reform of state-owned enterprises. Therefore, take the Wenchong Shipyard Co. Ltd., -an enterprise whose debts have been changed into stocks for example, based on the investigation research of Wenchong’s motivation and restraint system and the corporate governance structure , this paper will discuss some aspects of these problems, try to raise the assumption, those carry out the modern enterprises regulations how to establish and improve the interior motivation and restraining system , and rule the corporate governance structure, try to find the reform method conforming to the national similar enterprises.The first section raises questions pointing out that the inadequate motivation system and weakened restraint exist in the whole procedure of establishing modern enterprises system of Wenchong and the national similar enterprises.The second section briefly introduces the main essence of the Trust-Agency Theory, Multifactor Motivation Theory, Process Motivation Theory, Y Theory and X Efficiency Theory, and laid a theoretical foundation for constructing Wenchong’s motivation and restraint system.Continued from the preceding second section comes the third one, which analyses the existing problems of the Wenchong’s motivation and restraint system and non-standard of corporate governance structure .The fourth section is the most important part, mapping out the Wenchong’s motivation and restraint system in general, and designing the essential part of the system, and raising a series of assumptions to rule the Wenchong’s corporate governance structure, and expound the exterior factors to establish the motivation and restraint system of Wenchong Company even for all the state-owned enterprises from these three aspects: governmental system, social system, marketing system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】101

