

【作者】 贾莉

【导师】 黄颐玉;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中西医结合口腔, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 论文从中西医两方面总结了近年来古今医学对慢性成人牙周炎 CAP 的认识和研究 文中对中医医学中有关其病因病机 辨证论治原则及专方专药 外治疗法等方面的观点与现代医学关于其发生机制 病理变化 确定或预测其活动性破坏的客观指标 治疗方法等方面进行了详细论述和对比 分别指出了中 西医治疗此病的不足之处 提出采用中西医结合治疗此病是一种可供选择的较佳方案 文中介绍了中西医结合治疗和西医治疗的对比试验的情况 试验对符合研究条件的 19 例病人的 190 颗牙齿采用随机双盲对照分组 对照组 88 颗牙和治疗组 102颗牙 分别检查其牙周探诊深度 探诊出血 牙齿松动度 观察牙龈红肿 牙龈出血 牙齿松动 口臭等主观症状 并进行口腔卫生宣教 然后对两组受试牙进行龈上洁治后 一周后复诊 实施超声龈下刮治术 对照组 治疗中以蒸馏水进行冲洗以后以复方硼砂漱口液含漱 每日 3 次 共做 4 周 治疗组 治疗中以中药冲洗液反复进行牙周冲洗 以后以中药试剂含漱 每日 3 次 共做 4 周 第 4 周复诊 再次检查上述牙周指征和临床主观症状 对比前后变化 以观察治疗疗效 通过研究显示 根据总体疗效判定标准 治疗组与对照组总有效率分别为 91.97%和 76.14% 治疗组显效率为 31.37% 对照组为 21.59% 在探诊深度 龈炎指数牙体动度的改善上治疗组均好于对照组 尤其在牙龈出血及动度的改善上治疗组明显好于对照组 说明采用清热解毒 活血化瘀 补肾壮骨中药在抑制炎症反应 改善局部血循环 促进骨组织再生有很好的疗效 通过中西医结合治疗牙周炎可以体现优势互补 提高治疗疗效 尤其是在治疗慢性口腔疾病方面 具有较为可观的前景

【Abstract】 In this paper we summarized the study and knowledge of Chronic Adult Periodontitis(CAP) on both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western Medicine(WD) Wemade the contrast between TCM and MD on the pathogeny, pathogenesis and therapyBased on the weakness for both of them, We presented the combination of TCM and WDas the better treatment of CAP We compared the combination of TCM and WD with the effect of WD, including 190teeth of 19 selected patients. They were divided into two teams, 102 teeth of 10 cases asthe test group and the other as the control one. The former was treated by the ultrasonicscaling with the herb rinse and the latter was treated by distilled water after one week ofthe supraginggival scaling. They both kept for 4 weeks, 3 times one week. Before andafter treatment, Probing Depth (PD), Sulcus bleeding Index (SBI), movement of toothwere measured, the syndromes of gingival were observed for changes. The study showed that the total validity rate of the test group was 91.97% and of thecontrol one was 76.14% .The significant effect rate of the former was 31.37% and theother was 21.59%. They demonstrated the evident antiinflammation effect of TCM. Theadvantage of TCM was to slow resolution, promote circulation of blood and facilitateregeneration of bone by detoxifcation and removing blood stasis. In a word, the combination of TCM and WD can improve each other to promote thecurative effect, will widen consideration and pioneer a new view in study in the filed ofcuring the chronic oral cavity disease.

  • 【分类号】R781.4
  • 【下载频次】253

