

Research of Space-load of CFST(Single Tube) Single-rib Arches

【作者】 林嘉阳

【导师】 陈宝春;

【作者基本信息】 福州大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 钢管混凝土拱桥在我国得到了广泛应用。然而作为一种以受压为主的结构体系,随着材料强度的提高和跨径的增大,钢管混凝土拱桥的稳定问题倍受人们的关注,尤其是空间稳定问题。因此,开展钢管混凝土拱空间受力非线性性能和稳定极限承载力的研究是十分必要的。  本文进行了钢管混凝土(单圆管)单肋拱空间受力全过程试验,对试验结果进行了分析。并与面内受力模型拱、空间受力的双肋拱的受力行为进行了比较,对钢管混凝土肋拱空间受力性能有了一定的了解,为建立钢管混凝土拱空间受力双重非线性有限元分析方法打下了基础。 本文探讨了应用 ANSYS 程序进行钢管混凝土模型拱空间受力有限元分析的方法。应用该方法对钢管混凝土单肋模型拱和双肋模型拱的空间受力进行了分析。  在前述研究和福州大学钢管混凝土拱面内双重非线性分析程序的基础上,本文提出了空间受力分析的双重非线性有限元方法,并改编了相应的程序。将原有的平面梁单元(二维)改为空间梁单元(三维),选取压弯扭复杂受力状态下,合适的钢管混凝土的本构关系。应用本文提出的方法对钢管混凝土单肋模型拱和双肋模型拱的分析表明,在现有的几个算法中,它计算的结果与试验结果吻合最好。  本文对钢管混凝土模型拱空间受力研究所作的工作,为进一步深入研究钢管混凝土拱空间稳定极限承载力的有限元计算方法打下了基础。

【Abstract】 Concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) arch bridge has been widely used in China.Because the pressure is the dominate forces in the structure, therefore with the rise ofstrength of materials and enlargement of the span, more concern has focused on thestability problem of this kind bridge, especially the out-plane stability problem, Soresearches on the non-linearity characteristics and ultimate stability load-carryingcapacity of CFST arch under spatialloads seems quite necessary. An experiment on the whole process of the CFST (single tube) single rib archunder spatial loads has been carried out. By comparison with the behavior of modelarch under in-plane loads and dual rib arch under spatial loads, the test results havebeen analyzed to understand the behavior of CFST arch under spatial loads. Thisunderstanding will help to establish dual none-linearity finite element analysis methodof such arch bridge. An attempt has been make out to use the universal ANSYS software to analysisthe dual-nonlinearity properties of CFST arch. Used this method, the CFST modelarch (both single and dual rib) under spatial loads were analyzed. Based on the former research works and the program dealing with thedual-nonlinearity of CFST arch subjected to in-plane load developed by FuzhouUniversity, a method of dual non-linearity FE method and program to analyze CFSTarch under spatial loads has brought forward. In this method, spatial beam element(three dimensional) substitute the in-plane one (two dimensional). A properstress-strain relationship model of CFST material under complicated conditions, i.e.,compression, bending as well as torsion, has been selected. From the comparisons ofthe several present methods, it shows that the analytical results by the present finiteelement method in this paper agree the most well with the test results. The research works by this paper will provide a base for the further research onthespatial stabilityultimate load-carrying capacity of CFST arch.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 福州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU398.9
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】214

