

Research on Technologies of Land Classification Based on Multi-source Remote Sensing Data Fusioin

【作者】 廖文峰

【导师】 李虎;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 环境科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 遥感技术作为一种高新技术,为调查土地利用现状提供了一种高效、快速、实时的科学手段。遥感影像融合能富集同一地区不同数据源的信息,不同空间分辨率影像的融合,有利于改善多光谱影像的清晰度,增强特征提取和目视判读能力,使分类更准确。本论文以吐鲁番主要农区为试验区,运用多源遥感数据融合图像进行土地利用类型调查及葡萄面积遥感调查。首先进行数据选择与预处理工作,强调了最佳时相对于调查作物的重要性;并运用PCI软件,对图像的配准与几何精校正进行了有益的实验,形成了一套行之有效的方法。运用IHS变换方法进行了研究区多光谱与全色高分辨率图像的融合工作,产生了质量较好的图像,用于土地分类及葡萄面积提取。在对研究区土地利用类型的分类中,本文采用的分类方法是结合目视判读的经验,在无监分类法和有监分类法的基础上,辅以地面数据,在遥感图像处理常规分类方法的范畴内,采取最大程度的有利于提高分类精度的措施,得到了全试验区相对最高的计算机自动分类精度,65%;然后采取分区分类或人工解译改进分类结果,使研究区的土地利用分类精度超过90%。因此,此方法在土地利用类型调查及作物面积监测中是可行的。此方法能以较低的成本准确迅速地得到高精度和较丰富信息的土地类型分类数据;若在实践中推广应用,此方法能大大提高土地资源的经营管理水平,同时,还可节省大量的人力、物力、财力,提高经济效益和社会效益。

【Abstract】 As a high-tech,RS technology provides a efficient,in-time scientific way to survey the situation of land-use.Remote sensing image fusion of different data sources of the same area can be used to enrich the information about the interested areas.Fused high spatial resolution data and lower spatial,but higher spectral resolution data,can improve image sharpness and enhance feature extraction and visual interpretation,and can be used for object’ detection change. In this paper,the part of Tulufan region is the experimental area.The classification method based on fused images and an application in surveying land-use types are discussed. At first, it is emphasized that the selection of optimum time in crop classification.A method of RS image geometric precision correction based on PCI software isdiscussed. And the precision can meet request. Secondly, HIS transformation is used to integrate TM multispectral image and high spatial resolution panchromatic image.Its signal clarity was improved. Thirdly, we use the better classification method to classify the land-use type.this method was produced by integrating unsupervised classification and supervised classification procedures before image interpretation.By taking all measures that may make the accuracy higher within the framework of conventional image classication methods, a result for the upper limit ,65%. Then classification in every small region or the human-computer interaction interpretation is used to improve classification result.The last accuracy of fused remote sensing image can be up to 90%.Therefore,the result of this study turned out that it is feasible to apply this classification method in investigating land-use types. If this method is applied in practice,managing level will greatly improved,and manpower and material resources as well as financial resources will be save, and finally there will be obvious economic and social benefit.

  • 【分类号】X87
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】564

