

A Research on the Bearing Capacity and the Adjustment Measures of the Tourism Environment in the Landscape Resorts--A Case Study of the Kanasi Resort in Xinjiang

【作者】 李偲

【导师】 熊黑钢; 钟巍;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 自然地理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游环境承载力是描述旅游地能够承受的旅游活动强度的概念,可以视为由时间、空间、旅游活动类型和强度等变量决定的函数。由于它的时空异质性,旅游环境承载力的研究必须与某一具体地域或地域类型相结合。本文以旅游环境承载力理论为基础,初步构建了水景风景区的旅游环境承载力体系并对其进行计量研究,喀纳斯风景区旅游环境承载力研究是对理论研究的案例支持。关于喀纳斯风景区旅游环境容量和旅游活动承载力已有很多研究成果,但环境随着时间的变迁而发展变化,新规划的出台、建设项目的不断增加使喀纳斯风景区的旅游活动强度发生了很大变化,为此笔者认为有必要进行持续的研究和比较。本文案例研究不同于以往之处在于:①调查和研究工作是建立在新的规划和建设项目背景之上的,并据此探讨人为因素引起的旅游环境承载力发展变化;②根据研究目的选取和计算分量承载力,判断综合承载力的首要和次要制约因素,并分别从时间和空间上分析旅游环境承载力的分布规律;③具体的调控措施应用。根据以上研究,得出以下结论:1.旅游环境承载力组成体系分为速度指标、分量指标和层次指标三类。其中,层次指标包括极限承载力、适宜承载力、低糜承载力;分量指标包括自然环境承载力、经济社会承载力、社会环境承载力,根据3类分量指标的特性,结合喀纳斯风景区具体旅游地选取了6项二级分量指标和13项具体测算指标;速度指标为承载力发展指数。 <WP=4>2.喀纳斯风景区的旅游环境承载力综合值在旅游旺季和旅游淡季均为2352人次/日,由生态环境承载力决定。同时比较各分量承载力的计算结果,可知综合旅游环境承载力的主要限制因子是生态环境承载力,次要限制因子是住宿设施承载力。为了实现生态旅游和可持续发展,喀纳斯景区应该以生态环境承载力为旅游活动的出发点和结束点,严格把游人数控制在适宜承载力范围内,较好保持景区的生态环境,长久保持对游客的吸引力。3.景区内旅游环境承载力全年利用水平为弱载,旅游淡季严重弱载,旅游旺季适载,旅游高峰日有超载现象,表明喀纳斯的承载力问题是时间分布不均问题,解决的措施不应只是单方面扩大高峰日的承载力,而应有效利用其余时期的剩余承载力。4.喀纳斯风景区自90年代初对外开放以来,客流量逐年缓慢增加,2000年后增加迅猛,随着景区逐渐出台的各项规划建设,客流量仍会呈现热增趋势,游客在景区内已形成一定时空分布,在下午1:30—5时或清晨9:30---12时多集中在环湖附近,在清晨8:30—12时或下午1:30—4时多集中在观鱼亭。5.针对景区游客承载量现状,应用具体的宏观、微观调控措施,如增建景点、价格杠杆、政府扶持、协调管理、扩建景区等来缓解旅游淡季的严重弱载和解决旅游旺季高峰期的超载问题。本文的特点之一是将旅游环境承载力理论落实到一种地域类型,探讨其共性和特性的规律,二是试图通过具体的调控措施来协调解决水景风景区的旅游环境承载力问题,三是在案例研究中,依据论文研究目标,得到区别于以往研究的经验和结论。

【Abstract】 The bearing capacity of the tourism environment is a concept describing the extent to which a resort can sustain the number of travelers. It can be regarded as a parameter determined by such variables as time, space, types of traveling activities and intensity. As it varies with the time and space, the study of the bearing capacity of the tourism environment should be combined with a particular region or regional type.Based on the environmental bearing capacity theories, this thesis sets up a preliminary system of the bearing capacity of the tourism environment in the water resort, and at the same time, with the case study of the bearing capacity of the tourism environment of the Kanasi scenic area which provides theoretical assistance to the research of the theories, it also deals with some quantity research. There have been abundant research findings about the environmental volume and the bearing capacity of the tourism activities about the Kanasi scenic area, while all these findings would change and develop with the passage of time. Great changes have taken place in the bearing capacity of the traveling activities in the Kanasi scenic area due to the promulgation of the new rules as well as the constant increase of new construction projects. Hence the author considers it necessary to carry out long-term research and comparison. The points which distinguish the case <WP=6>study in this thesis from the predecessors are as follows: ①both the survey and the research work are based on the background of new planning and construction projects to explore into the development and changes in the environmental bearing capacity caused by the human factor.②the analysis of the bearing capacity is based on the option and calculation of the project research objectives to rate the primary and minor factors in comprehensive bearing capacity and analyze the rules of distribution of traveling environmental bearing capacity in terms of time and space.③the application of the concrete control measures.We can draw the conclusion based on the above analysis:1.the system of the tourism environmental bearing capacity can be categorized into the speed index, the quantity index and the layer index which includes the extreme bearing capacity, the appropriate bearing capacity and the low bearing capacity. The quantity index includes the natural environmental bearing capacity, the economic and social bearing capacity and the social environment bearing capacity. Thirteen subtypes of bearing capacity are chosen in the Kanasi scenic area based on the characteristics of the three indexes. The speed index is the development index of the bearing capacity.2.The comprehensive number of the tourism environmental bearing capacity of the Kanasi Scenic area is 2352 people/day both in the peak and sluggish seasons determined by the ecological environmental bearing capacity. As for realizing the ecosystem tourism and sustainable development, Kanasi resort should look on ecosystem environment as the departure and end of the activity in tour, strict with controlling the number of tourist within the scope of suitable bearing capacity , keeping the ecosystem environment in resort and lasting the attraction to tourist. <WP=7>3.The yearly application of the tourism environmental bearing capacity drops a bit on average but substantially in the sluggish season while keeps appropriate in the peak seasons. The overloading phenomenon shows that the problem of bearing capacity in Kanasi lies in the uneven distribution of the time. The solution should not be confined to expanding the capacity of receiving daily visitors. More measures should be taken to maximize efficiently the surplus bearing capacity in the other time sessions. 4.Since the reform and opening up in the early 90’s, the visitors to Kanasi are increasing slowly year on year. However, after 2000, the number skyrocketed. Despite of the fact that a variety of planning and construction have been put forth, the tourist volume is still rising quickly. The tourists have formed a certai

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F592
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】861

