

Study on Variability of Soil Fertility--Taking Fukang as an Example

【作者】 马媛

【导师】 潘晓玲;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 环境科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 土壤作为人类赖以生存和发展的最基本的自然资源之一,关系到生态系统以及资源和环境的可持续性。随着人口、资源和环境之间的矛盾日趋尖锐以及人们对土壤本质的认识不断深入和拓展,土壤质量及其变异规律己成为世界范围内学者和政府决策者研究和关注的热点。干旱区不仅是未来我国重要农牧业基地之一,亦是华北及其以南地区的北方门户和生态屏障。然而,人类活动对环境的负效应在总体上导致以土壤肥力质量退化为主的生态环境质量显著下降是目前干旱区突出的矛盾。因此,对干旱区土壤肥力质量要素的变异规律研究具有战略意义。地统计学即可用来估测土壤性质的分布,也可用于确定土壤变异的空间尺度和形式,以提高采样的有效性;还可用于研究引起土壤变异的各种过程。目前,应用地统计学的原理和方法仍是国内外定量化研究土壤空间变异的手段之一。但现今土壤空间变异规律的研究主要集中在土壤物理性质方面,而土壤化学性质方面的研究还较少。而且,大部分的研究对象主要集中于北方平原地区,干旱区的土壤空间变异的研究才刚刚开始。本研究采用地统计学方法,借助GIS软件,对阜康区域土壤中的有机质、氮、磷、钾等13种土壤肥力要素的空间变异性规律进行研究。研究区选择了干旱区有代表性的区域,该区为山地—荒漠—绿洲地貌单元,多种土壤类型均有分布,依次为高山冰雪带、亚高山草甸带、森林带、草原带、荒漠、半荒漠带、绿洲农业带和沙漠带。 <WP=4>分析结果表明,土壤肥力要素的变异系数在5.001%—121.81%之间,除总盐、其它土壤肥力质量要素都接近正态分布;13种土壤肥力要素均存在空间变异结构特征;除PH和全磷的块金值与基台值之比比较低,其它肥力要素的块金值与基台值之比大多在25%-75%之间,说明都具有中等的空间相关性,这些性质的变化都是结构性因素和随机性因素共同作用的结果;变异函数理论模型,采用普通克立格法进行最优内插,绘制了各种土壤养分含量的空间分布格局图,可得到不同土壤肥力要素含量的分布图,能对土壤养分的丰缺状况有整体性了解。相关分析结果表明,全N与有机质、速效N、四个微量元素呈极显著的正相关,即全N与有机质、速效N、四个微量元素呈极显著的互为促进作用。有机质与速效N、微量元素有效Fe、有效Cu、有效Zn有相关性趋向,和有效Mn呈显著相关。有效Fe与有效Cu具有极相似的存在条件,因而表现为极显著相关。由主成分分析得出,全氮、有机质、速效氮对第一主成分的作用较大;全钾和速效钾对第二主成分的作用较大;全磷和速效磷对第三主成分的作用较大。运用地统计学和多元统计方法,研究干旱区土壤肥力要素空间变异规律,可以更加准确和直观地了解整个研究区域中各种土壤肥力要素的空间分布状况,为今后指导土壤养分的采样设计及确定采样密度,或进行空间内插和制图奠定了基础;建立了从观测采样、空间结构分析和空间局部估计成图的一整套土壤空间变异性研究的技术体系;为干旱区土地资源合理利用,防止荒漠化加剧提供理论依据,并为干旱区绿洲—荒漠体系的科学管理提供一定的参考。

【Abstract】 A Study on the Soil fertility Variation Rules in the Arid Area---Taking Fukang as an ExampleSoil, as one of indispensable natural resource for human beings to rely on, the quality of soil concerns the sustainability of the ecological system, natural resources and the environment. With the increasing conflicts among population, resources and environment and people’s in-depth research into the essences of the soil, the soil quality and its variation rules have been under heated discussion by the scholars and the government policy-makers worldwide.The arid area is both the major production area for food supplies, forestry and livestock and the ecological barrier in north China. Nevertheless, it has become a prominent conflict in the arid area that the negative effects human beings’ activities acted upon the environment generally resulted in the conspicuous deterioration of the ecological environment, especially that of soil fertility. As a result, the research on the rules governing the variation of the soil fertility enjoys a strategic significance.The Geostatistic method can be used to assess the distribution of the soil attributes, to ascertain the space scale and the forms of the soil variation in order to improve the effectiveness of the sampling, and to research various of processes that caused such variations. At present, the application of the Geostatistic approach remains still the trend for the quantitative study on the soil space variation rules within and without China. With the wide application of GIS and the rapid development of the geological subject, the analysis on the space variation rules of the soil attributes in accordance with the Geostatistic model in the GIS software has become a hot topic in the agrological research. However, the present study on the rules of the soil space variation concentrates more on its physical aspects than its chemical attributes. In addition, most of the researches have focused the subjects found in the north plain areas whereas the research on the soil space variation has just turned on a new page. <WP=6>By adopting a Geostatistic method with the GIS software as an aid, the author mainly researched the space variation rules of 13 soil fertility elements in Fukang such as the organic composition, nitrogen, phosphor and kalium, …etc. The research area is a mountain-desert-oasis physiognomic unit, typically a subject of the arid area with a distribution of a variety of soil types such as mountain ice terrain, sub-mountain meadow, forest, meadow, desert, semi-desert and the oasis agricultural soil.The result of the analysis shows that a) the variation parameters of the soil fertility lie between 5.001%-121.81% with an approximately normal distribution of other major soil fertile indexes except for the salinity; b) the 13 soil fertility elements are all characterized by a space variation structure; c) the ratio by sill to nugget of other fertility elements nearly keeps ranging from 25% to 75% with a medium space correlation, the variation of which resulted from a co-working of the structural factors with random factors; the theoretical model of variation functions can achieve a distribution figure for different soil fertility elements and provide a panorama for the fertility and sterility of the soil by adopting a normal Kriging method for the optimum interpolation and portraying a space distribution pattern for various of soil fertility indexes.A relevant analysis also shows that the four microelements such as total nitrogen,organic composition, instant nitrogen, are apparently positively correlated and co-worked. The organic composition tends to correlate with the microelements, likely, the effective nitrogen, Cu, Fe, Zn and Mn. Using Geostatistices and Multistatistics to study the spatial variability of soil nutrient in arid areas, Which could make for better understanding the law more precision and directly in investigation spot, to guide the sampling plan and ascertain the sampling density, to set basis of interpolating or mapping , to build up compl

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】S158
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】321

