

Study and Development of Hydrogeological Information System & Applied in Well Design

【作者】 宋梅

【导师】 张石峰; 陈鸿汉;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球工业化进程的加快,水资源紧缺已成为社会经济持续发展的重要制约因素。缺水与人口、环境、能源问题一样,已成为许多国家和地区面临的四大危机之一。如何科学合理地利用水资源,保护自然环境,已受到当今世界的普遍关注。被誉为地理学的第三代语言的 GIS 以其强大的数据管理功能和空间分析能力,已被广泛应用于许多领域。采用先进的 GIS 技术实现水文地质空间数据和属性数据的统一管理是必然的趋势。大庆油田开发建设以来,地下水一直作为油田生产、建设、生活的主要供水水源。四十多年来,由于对地下水的严重超量开采,导致地下水位的持续下降、漏斗面积不断扩大,在一定程度上影响了大庆油田地区的经济发展。由于水资源时空分布的复杂性,大量的信息需要存储、需要处理,靠传统的人工方法既不经济也费时间。为了高效利用这些数据,科学合理地开发利用大庆地区地下水资源,为决策者提供参考,本课题以系统分析的理论为基础,利用 GIS 强大的数据管理功能和空间分析能力,建立了大庆水文地质信息系统,并突出了在新井设计方面的应用。本文主要进行了以下研究:1.确定大庆水文地质信息系统的结构。2.在 SQL SERVER 网络数据库平台上,实现水文地质数据的多源集成。3.实现水文地质数据的图形化及供水井综合成果图的生成和显示。4.建立包含预报模型和管理模型的模型库子系统。5.实现新井(群)的设计计算及开采预测要求。通过研究得到了大庆水文地质信息系统;实现了水文地质时空数据的快速、准确的查询;实现了水文地质数据及供水井设计综合成果的图形化显示;达到了新井群的设计计算要求及开采预测要求。同时根据大庆油田地区地下水开采现状,提出了在该区西部(第四系下部含水层和第三系泰康组砂砾石含水层)新建水源地来解决供水紧张矛盾的建议。希望本文的研究能为合理开发和利用大庆地区地下水资源提供科学的依据和有益的参考。

【Abstract】 With the rapidly industrial process, the shortage of water resource,being faced by many countries and areas, has become one of conditional factorsin the development of society.How to make use of water resource properly andprotect natural enviroment have been universally concerned.GIS(GeographicInformation System) has been used in many fields with its capacity of datamanagement and space analysis.It is a tendency to realize united managementof belonging data and space data in hydrogeology. DaQing Oil Field exploited and built for more than 40 years has faced manyproblems in the management and utilization of water resource.It is time tobuild a Hydrogeological Information System(HIS) for exploiting and handlingwater resource. On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of related systemhome and abroad, we research and develop a Hydrogeological InformationSystem(HIS) on Geographic Information System(GIS) with accumulated Da QingOil Field hydrogeological data,the HIS has been designed twosub_systems(database management sub_system,modles sub_system) and fivemodules(document management, data management, graphic management, high-leveldesign and system management).The paper mainly analyses modle sub_system.This sub_system includes hydrogeological parameter calculationmodle,prediction modle and optimization modle and so on . In this paper, the main studies are as follows: 1. Settling the struction of HIS. 2. Realizing multi_source data integration in hydrogeology on the platform of SQL SERVER network data base. 3. Realizing computer graphic indication of hydrogeology data. 4. Building model sub_system which includes prediction model and optimization model. 5. Accomplishing the demand of new well(wells)design. II<WP=4>Using HIS in Da Qing Oil Field ,it realizes united management of data,andreviews data rapidly and precisely.At the same time,it calculateshydrogeological parameter and provides new well design method in certainregion. Finally, paper suggests that build new water sources in the west ofresearch areas. In a word, good results are got in this paper,which expect to providescientific basis on reasonably developing and implementing ground waterresources in DaQing Oil Field.

【关键词】 水资源GIS大庆油田水文地质新井设计
【Key words】 groundwater resourceGISDaQing Oil Fieldhydrogeologywelldesign
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】164

