

Studies on the Structure and Dynamics of the Arthropod Communities in Bamboo Orchard in East Anhui

【作者】 刘小林

【导师】 丁玉洲;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 森林保护学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文在深入调查皖东竹园节肢动物群落的基础上,采用群落分析、多元统计分析、灰色关联分析等分析方法,系统研究了竹园节肢动物群落结构与动态及竹扁蚜与其天敌相互关系,为竹园有害生物综合治理提供理论依据。根据竹园节肢动物群落物种的营养和取食关系,将群落划分为植食类、捕食类、寄生类和中性类亚群落。查出皖东竹园节肢动物共95种,72科,植食类节肢动物的总群落相对丰盛度为0.9644,4-12月为0.6028-0.9974,12月最高,为0.9974;捕食类总群落相对丰盛度为0.0275,4-12月为0.0025-0.3371,12月最低,为0.0025。节肢动物总群落的优势集中性为0.3572,各亚群落的优势集中性为植食类(0.3801)>捕食类(0.2201)>寄生类(0.1881)。竹园植食类节肢动物亚群落的多样性和均匀度的季节动态与总群落一致,呈高→低→高→低的变化趋势;捕食类亚群落的多样性和均匀度的季节动态基本上呈稳中有升的变化趋势。通过群落各生态学指标(均匀度指数J、丰富度指数R、物种数S、个体数N、优势集中性C、优势度d)同多样性指数H’间的通径分析表明:均匀度对总群落和植食类节肢动物亚群落的多样性水平起到了决定性的作用;捕食类节肢动物亚群落多样性指数H’与优势集中性C的关系较为密切,是捕食类亚群落中对多样性起到决定作用的一个重要指标。不同时期总群落和各亚群落的聚类分析结果表明:聚类距离D=2.2时,将群落聚类为5类;在聚类距离D=1.5时可将竹园植食类亚群落聚为4类;当聚类距离D=2.1时,可将捕食类亚群落聚为3类。竹园节肢动物群落的最优分割为:4-5月上旬,5月下旬-6月,7-10月,11-12月四段。植食类群落的最优分割结果与总群落相同。捕食类节肢动物亚群落时间格局的最优分割为4月下旬-5月,6-7月,8-12月三段。4.应用灰色系统分析方法,对主要害虫竹扁蚜及其各种天敌之间关联度进行分析,其结果表明:蚜灰蝶和异色瓢虫是竹扁蚜的优势种天敌,其种群发生量的变化趋势与竹扁蚜种群数量的变化趋势一致。5.从时间和空间两个角度对竹扁蚜及其天敌种群的生态位和生态位重叠情况进行分析,结果表明:竹笋成竹后至12月整个生长发育期,竹扁蚜利用了时间资源序列的全部等级,因在各个等级上利用不太均衡,生态位宽度只表现出中等水平;但蚜灰蝶的生态位宽度较高,与竹扁蚜的生态位重叠值较大;瓢虫类天敌与蜘蛛类天敌的生态位宽度在不同的资源等级上表现极不均衡。6.蚜灰蝶幼虫对竹扁蚜的捕食作用研究结果表明:饥饿12h的蚜灰蝶幼虫在24h内对竹扁蚜的捕食行为集中在试验开始后的0-4h;15-30℃范围内,捕食量随温度<WP=4>的升高而增大,温度促进了捕食活动;在30-35℃范围内,捕食随温度的升高而下降,高温抑制了捕食活动;蚜灰蝶幼虫在捕食过程中,竹叶数越多,环境阻力越大,空间异质性越复杂,捕食作用率越低。7.采用地统计学原理和方法对竹扁蚜及其天敌蚜灰蝶种群的空间结构和空间相关性进行研究。结果表明:在竹林生长的7月21日、9月24日-12月29日,竹扁蚜种群和蚜灰蝶种群的的半变异函数模型是球形,即表明二者在林间基本上呈聚集分布;竹扁蚜的变程为23.16-49.41m,蚜灰蝶的变程为11.38-62.81m,表明二者可在相近的范围内形成聚集区。竹扁蚜种群与蚜灰蝶种群的实验半变异函数曲线模糊贴近度在不同时期均较高,同域效应明显。

【Abstract】 Based on the thorough investigation, the dynamics of the arthropod communities in bamboo orchard and interaction of the Hormaphididae with its natural enemies were studied by means of the community analysis, multi-analysis, grey system analysis and geostaistics for IPM of pests in bamboo orchard.1.The arthropod communities in bamboo orchard in east Anhui were divided into four sub-communities, which were Phytophages, predators, parasitoids and neutralities as to predator-prey relationship. The results indicated that there were 95 species of arthropod belonging to 72 families in bamboo orchard. The relative abundance of Phytophages was 0.9644, the value during April to December was 0.6028-0.9974; in December was highest, 0.9974. The relative abundance of predators was 0.0275, the value during April to December was 0.0025-0.3371; in December was lowest, 0.0025. The dominant concentration of arthropod communities was 0.3572; it showed that the dominant concentration of sub-communities was Phytophages>predators>parasitoids.2.The diversities and evenness of Phytophages sub-communities was in consistent with the total community; the tendency during April to December was from high to low, to high, and then, to low again. The diversity and evenness of predator sub-community was mainly steady, but occasionally ascended. By palb analysis of the relation between diversity index and other ecological index, which was evenness, richness, the number of species, individual, dominant concentration, dominance, the results indicated that the diversity of total community and Phytophages sub-community was mainly decided by evenness and the one of predators sub-community was connected with dominant concentration prominently.3.By analysis of clustering on every community, the results indicated that total community was divided 5 clusters, Phytophages sub-community 4, predators sub-community 3.The best temporal partitions in the arthropod total communities were 4.28-5.10, 5.28-6.11, 7.2-10.24, 11.24-12.29. The result of the best temporal partitions of Phytophages sub-community was the same as the total community. The result of the predators sub-community was 4.28-5.28, 6.11-7.21, 8.19-12.29.4.With the grey system theory and method, the relationship between Hormaphididae its natural enemies was analyzed. The results show that Taraka hamada Druce and Harmonia axyrides Pallas were the major natural enemy affecting Hormaphididae. The <WP=6>tendency of Taraka hamada Druce and Harmonia axyridis Pallas was the same as the number of Hormaphididae.5.The temporal niche breadth and overlap of Hormaphididae and its natural enemies, the vertical spatial breadth and overlap of them in different stage of bamboo growth were analyzed. Hormaphididae appeared in the stages of the new bamboo, but its population fluctuation showed two peaks, so that its niche breadth index was middle. But the temporal and vertical niche breadth of Taraka hamada Druce was higher; its niche overlap with Hormaphididae was also high. The niche breadth of Coccinellidae and spider natural enemies was fluctuated in different stage of bamboo. 6. Taraka hamada Druce on Hormaphididae were studied. The results were as follows: The predation act of starving Taraka hamada Druce for 12 to Hormaphididae was on 0-4 hours. Between 15 and 30 degree, the numbers of predation were ascended with soaring of degree. Between 30 and 35 degree the numbers of predation were descended with decline of degree. The more bamboo leaf the Taraka hamada Druce encountered, the more interference was met during the predation of Taraka hamada Druce, which means that the predation efficiency was low when the spatial heterogeneity was complex.7.Investigations on the spatial construction and distribution of Hormaphididae and its natural enemies, Taraka hamada Druce, 21 July, from 24 September to 29 December were conducted with geostatisticed. The results indicated the semivariogram of them could be described by spherical model, showing an aggregated spatial arrangement. The ranges of spatial depend

【关键词】 竹园节肢动物群落结构动态害虫天敌相互作用
【Key words】 Bamboo orchardArthropodStructureDynamicPestsNatural enemiesInteraction
  • 【分类号】S763.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】76

