

Study and Establishment of Intelligent Decision Support System for Rapeseed Production

【作者】 许承保

【导师】 周可金;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对安徽油菜产业化过程中存在优质油菜与常规油菜混杂种植以及各项农业科技成果得不到及时有效转化等问题,利用中科院合肥智能机械研究所开发的雄风智能化专家系统开发平台AIP1.0,运用知识工程和信息技术原理,将油菜领域内的专家知识、经验和多年来的科研成果与计算机软件相结合,开发完成了安徽省优质油菜栽培管理智能决策支持系统。本系统的组织结构主要由知识库、数据库、模型库、人机界面、解释机构和推理机等部分组成,知识库与推理机相互独立,扩充性很强;模块化结构使系统扩充和完善更为便捷。与此同时,本系统将农业专家系统、决策支持系统与多媒体技术等综合集成,系统直观、形象、人机交互界面友好,且使用与操作简捷方便,易学易懂,能生动形象地普及先进科学知识,根据当地实际情况帮助分析推断,给出十分直观浅显而又非常科学合理的方案意见,以指导农民按照先进技术进行品种选择、科学施肥、防治病虫害、进行田间管理等。系统以Windows为应用平台,综合运用推理、预测、解释等机制,为用户实现优质油菜综合栽培管理咨询与决策服务。在功能上主要包括播前优化决策、产中栽培管理、产量预测和经济效益分析三大模块,实现了以下功能:(1)播前优化决策:系统主要依据区域种植要求、土壤类型、栽培方式等知识窗口的输入帮助推理选择适宜的品种;从种植地区、种植制度、栽培方式等知识窗口的输入帮助推测播期;从栽培方式、土壤肥力、移栽期等方面帮助确定密度,从目标产量、常年产量水平等方面帮助确定化肥的施用种类和施用量。(2)产中栽培管理:包括直播油菜栽培技术、移栽油菜栽培技术、油菜病、虫、草害综合诊治技术、油菜不良症状诊治、灌溉决策及新技术应用等。(3)产量预测与经济效益分析:依照系统进行油菜栽培管理,可从油菜生长发育不同时期的形态指标和栽培管理措施的应用情况预测产量;从人力投入、种子、农药、化肥、农机、油菜籽的产量及市场价格等分析总投入、总产出、纯利润。系统经过反复测试和应用,运行准确稳定,人机交互界面友好,可视化的操作简单易学,达到了设计的要求,与同类的专家决策支持系统相比,具有一定的优越性和明显的地方特色。

【Abstract】 For solving the mixed-up problems in the production of both high quality and ordinary rapeseed in AnHui Province, this paper illustrates that the establishment and advantage of a new designed intelligent decision support expert system for the cultivation and administration of high quality rapeseed in the province . This system was designed with both the base of experts’ knowledge and years of experience in rapeseed production and computer soft ware ,and the reference to the XiongFeng Intelligent Expert System Developing Stage AIP 1.0, also the utilization of knowledge engineering and information technology.The organization and structure of this designed system includes six main pacts: knowledge base, data bank, model base, human computer interface, explanation unit, and reasoning unit. The knowledge base and reasoning unit are mutually independent and with considerably strong capacity of extension; the module structure enhances the system to be further extension and more perfect only by the extension and perfection of the specific module. Furthermore, this system, synthetically integrated with agricultural expert system, decision support system, as well as multimedia technology, is not only objective, imaginable, and friendly for human computer interface, but also simple to handle operate, easy to learn and understand. This system takes WINDOWS as its apply stage. Synthetical use of the mechanics of reasoning, prediction, and explanation is of meaning for serving and advising the customers to realize the decision of synthetical cultivation and administration of the super quality rapeseed. The function of this system possesses the following three modules:Qualifying decision prior to seedingThis system is helpful to select proper rape variety with the condition of regional cropping system, soil type, and cultivation style, to determine right seeding time according to the cultivation region, cropping system and cultivation custom, to arrange suitable thickness referring to the cultivation method, soil fertilizer, and transplanting time, and to choose the favourable variety of fertilizer and decide adequate amount with the consideration of target yield and yearly rainfall.Cultivation and management while productionThese measures include the techniques for both direct and transplanting, rapeseed varieties, synthetical prevention diagnosis, and treatments for the damage of concerned insects, diseases and weeds, also for the physiological diseases. These measures involve the techniques of irrigation and management of super quality rapeseed varieties as well.Yield prediction and economical beneficial analysisThese can be done by the calculation of the cost for labor, seeds, fertilizer, pesticide, agricultural machine, irrigation, etc., and the output of yield and market price, so as to have the understanding of total cost, total yield, and the net profit. <WP=7>This designed system, which has been checked and proved its precise and steady characters, its friendly relation of human computer interface, its visual and simple and easy for operating, achieves, its original design requirements, and is super and directed comparing to other systems related.

  • 【分类号】S126
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】185

