

Studies on the Dynamics of the Arthropod Communities in Jujube Orchard and the Interaction Relationship between the Major Pests and Its Natural Enemies

【作者】 高彩球

【导师】 毕守东; 邹运鼎;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 森林保护学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文在深入调查安徽肥东县共青林场枣园节肢动物群落的基础上,采用群落分析、多元统计分析、通径分析、灰色关联分析、地理统计学分析等方法,系统研究了枣园节肢动物群落动态和枣瘿蚊及其天敌相互作用的规律。根据枣园节肢动物群落物种的组成和数量,按照营养和取食关系将总群落划分为天敌亚群落和非天敌亚群落(含害虫和中性昆虫)。共调查到节肢动物 52 种,47科,其中非天敌类33种,30科,天敌类 19种,17科。非天敌亚群落中双翅目的瘿蚊科Cecidomyidae为主要害虫,在总群落中相对丰盛度为0.230855。天敌亚群落中蜘蛛的相对丰盛度最高,为0.346468,其中微蛛科Theriodiidae 为 0.234201,是优势天敌。优势集中性和优势度均表现为天敌亚群落>非天敌亚群落>总群落。总群落的优势集中性和优势度为0.127439和0.234201,各亚群落的优势集中性分别为天敌0.379382,非天敌0.186183,优势度天敌为 0.586047,非天敌为0.38452。Pielou均匀度、 Alatalo均匀度、 H’多样性和 Hill(N1N2)多样性均表现为总群落>非天敌亚群落>天敌亚群落。枣园节肢动物总群落及各亚群落的多样性和均匀度的季节动态表现为低-高-低-高-低-高-低的变化趋势。多样性指数H’是优势集中性(C)和种类丰富度(S)和总个体数(N)的函数,影响群落多样性H’的主要因素是优势集中性(C)。枣园节肢动物群落在一年中经过了一个明显的发展→繁荣→衰退的演替过程。对不同时期的总群落及各亚群落进行模糊聚类,确定阈值T=3.38,将各次调查的总群落分为四类。在聚类距离为1.92时可将不同时间的天敌亚群落聚为3类,非天敌亚群落选用阈值2.11把12次调查的非天敌亚群落聚为4类。同时选用一些指标对同期的枣园节肢动物总群落及各亚群落进行了最优分割,将枣园节肢动物总群落和非天敌亚群落按时间变化顺序分为6段,天敌亚群落分为5段。为分析群落多样性的影响因素,本文对枣园节肢动物群落多样性同其它生态学指标之间的关系进行了通径分析。结果表明枣园节肢动物总群落多样性指数H’同优势集中性(C)关系最为密切(相关系数r=-0.9663 )。同样优势集中性C对非天敌亚群落多样性起到决定作用。天敌亚群落中的多样性水平随着优势集中性C、优势度d水平的提高而下降。影响群落结构的因素很多,为研究众多因素中的主导因素,本文应用主分量分析对枣园节肢动物群落及其亚群落进行分析。枣园总群落对应于前4个主分量的累计贡献率<WP=4>达91.99%。主要害虫和主要天敌的前三个主分量的累计贡献率分别达到94.13%和89.48%。 采用灰色系统分析方法对枣园各天敌及理想优势种天敌与枣瘿蚊种群数量之间的关联度进行分析,枣瘿蚊与天敌数量的关联度球腹蛛(0.9531)>食虫虻(0.9209)>狼蛛(0.7881).与理想优势种天敌的关联度分析显示草间小黑蛛与理想优势种天敌的关联度最高(0.9827),三突花蛛次之(0.8025)。系统研究了枣瘿蚊及其天敌类群的时间生态位宽度与重叠值和不同时期枣瘿蚊及其天敌空间生态位宽度和重叠值。结果表明:枣瘿蚊利用了时间资源序列中从4月27日到10月19日的所有等级,利用6月8日的资源最多,其在各时间段内分布极不均匀,枣瘿蚊的生态位宽度值较小。在天敌群落中,蟹蛛和草间小黑蛛生态位宽度值较高,与枣瘿蚊的生态位重叠也较高,发生稳定可持续对枣瘿蚊种群进行控制。球腹蛛和草间小黑蛛与枣瘿蚊同域效应最高。利用地统计学原理和方法对枣瘿蚊及其天敌种群的空间结构和空间相关性进行了研究。结果表明:5月30日至10月19日不同时期枣瘿蚊种群的半变异函数模型为球形。在林间基本上呈聚集分布,其样点空间依赖性距离分别为27.1m、26.3m,7.5m,19.5m,7.8m和22.0m,其空间依赖性程度分别为61.77%、88.05%,71.28%,24.33%,85.77%和87.58%。只是在5月21日,枣瘿蚊种群的半变异函数为直线型,在林间为随机分布或均匀分布。草间小黑蛛种群的半变异函数在5月为直线型,其余均为球形,呈聚集分布的各时期的样点间空间依赖距离分别为28.3m,26.1m,23.7m,22.5m和22.2m,且在该取样尺度下,总变异中分别有90.09%,85.77%,85.21%,87.96%,85.72%是由空间依赖性产生的。施用天然植物源杀虫剂对枣园节肢动物群落结构造成了一定的影响。随着KKY浓度的增加防治效果逐步提高。500X、400X的优势集中性变化幅度较大,显著高于对照,对枣园节肢动物群落优势种数量起到一定的抑制作用,对群落多样性影响也最为明显。综合各浓度对总群落个体数、施药前后害虫、天敌群落物种减退率、优势集中度及多样性各生态指标的影响,从生产成本考虑,选用500X液防治最佳。

【Abstract】 Based on the thorough investigation, the dynamics of the arthropod communities in jujube orchard and interaction of the Contarinia sp. with its natural enemies were studied by means of the community analysis , multianalysis , grey system theory and method ,path analysis and geostatistics. The conclusions were as follows.The arthropod communities in jujube orchard were divided into two sub-communities. The structure and dynamics of the arthropod communities and different sub-communities were analyzed by using a number of community parameters and predator-prey relationship in the jujube orchard. The results indicated that there were 52 species of arthropod belonging to 47 families, including 33 species of pests and neutral insects representing 30 families; 19 species of enemies representing 17 families in jujube orchard. The relative abundance of cecidomyidae was the highest in enemies sub-community, 0.230855. Theriodiidae was the highest in enemies sub-community, 0.234201. The dominant concentration and dominance of arthropod communities was 0.127439 and 0.234201. Dominant concentration, dominance, the evenness and the diversities indexes of every communities were compared and the result was dominant concentration and dominance: natural enemies community > pests-neutral insects sub-community > total community; evenness and diversity index on the other way round total community > pests-neutral insects > natural enemies community.The diversities and evenness of every sub- communities was in consistent with the total community: the tendency was from low to high, to low, and then, to high, to low again. The diversity was a function of dominant, concentration species richness and numbers; the main component affecting diversity was dominant concentration. The arthropod communities in jujube orchard went through a succession that apparently changed from development to prosperity, then to depression. Analyzed the investigation results of every communities by system clustering The results of total community and pests –neutral insects sub –community icy were divided into 4 clusters and that of natural enemies sub –community were divided into 3 clusters .The best temporal partitions in the arthropod total communizes and pests –neutral insects sub-community were 6 stages. The result of the natural enemies sub-community was 5 stages.Diversities of arthropod community in jujube orchard were analyzed by path analysis. The results showed Hill diversity index of total community was more relative with dominant concentration in jujube orchard. So was diversity of pests - neutral insects sub-community changes in diversity of natural enemies sub-community were contrary to dominance and dominant concentration.The principal component analysis studied total community and sub-communities in jujube orchard in order to find main factors. Concerning total community, accumulation contribution rate of the four principal components was 91.99%. Accumulation contribution <WP=6>rate of the front three principal components about main pests and natural enemies were 94.13% and 89.48% respectively.Relational grade between ideal dominant enemies and Contarinia sp. was analyzed by grey analysis. Relational grade between Contarinia sp. and its natural enemies were Theriodiidae>Aslidae>Lycosidae. The result showed the relational grade between Erigonidium graminicola and ideal enemies was highest, 0.9827.The following was Misumenops tricuspidatus.The temporal niche breadth and overlap of Contarinia sp.and its natural enemies ,the spatial breadth and overlap of them in different stage of jujube growth were analyzed . Contarinia sp. appeared in all stages of jujube growth, but its population fluctuation showed a peak ,so that its niche breadth index was low. The niche breadth of Thomisidae and Erigonidium graminicolawere higher ; its niche overlap with was also high ,They control Contarinia sp. steadily and successively. The synchronous effect were highest between Theriodiidae and Erigonidium graminicola and Contarinia sp.. Investigations on

【关键词】 枣园节肢动物群落动态害虫天敌
【Key words】 jujube orchardarthopodcommunity dynamicspests natural enemies
  • 【分类号】S476
  • 【下载频次】209

