

Study on the Meteorological and Physiological Factors etc. Effecting Yield and Quality Characters in Rapeseed (B.napus,L)

【作者】 侯树敏

【导师】 姚大年; 胡宝成;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 甘蓝型油菜的产量和品质性状是由植株的基因型和环境条件等多种因素相互作用的所决定的。为了明确不同的因素对产量和品质性状的影响,为油菜育种和栽培提供理论依据,本文以 2001~2003 两年度参加安徽省油菜区试的品种为研究对象,主要研究植株性状、气象因子、生理因素、基因型及病害等对甘蓝型油菜产量和品质的影响,摘要如下:1.植株性状对产量的影响 甘蓝型油菜单株产量与株高、一次有效分枝数、二次有效分枝数、主花序有效角果数、结角密度、全株有效角果数均呈极显著正相关,其中千粒重、一次有效分枝数、全株有效角果数是影响单株产量的主要因素。一次有效分枝数,千粒重,单株角果数可作为选育高产品种的重要指标。2.气象因子对产量的影响 苗期、蕾薹期和角果期是影响产量性状的关键生育期,日平均温差、日平均温度、降水量、日照时数是影响产量性状的关键气象因子。苗期较大的日平均温差、较少的降水、蕾薹期和花期较低的日平均温度、角果期充足的日照、较大的日平均温差均有利于提高单株产量。3.生物酶活性的变化及其对产量的影响 SOD、POD 有相同的变化趋势,即苗期和花期酶活性较低,蕾薹期酶活性较高。MDA、CAT 也具有相似的变化趋势,即从苗期到花期,MDA 含量和 CAT 活性具有不断上升的趋势。NR 活性则表现出苗期较高,蕾薹期和花期较低的特点。Chl 含量的变化趋势与 SOD、POD 相同,表现出苗期和花期含量较低,蕾薹期含量较高特点。相关分析表明,SOD、POD、CAT 活性与 MDA 含量呈负相关,其中 SOD、POD 活性与 MDA 含量呈极显著负相关。SOD、POD、CAT 活性间存在显著或极显著正相关,它们在抑制膜脂过氧化作用的过程中具有复杂的协同作用。NR 活性与 MDA 含量呈极显著负相关。酶活性与单株产量存在一定的相关性,但相关不显著。蕾薹期的叶片蒸腾与小区产量呈显著负相关。4.基因型、苗期性状和病害对产量的影响 通过对安徽省区试品种的多点联合方差分析表明,不同品种的产量间存在显著<WP=5>或极显著差异,而且不同品种对环境条件表现出不同的适应性。选育高产、适应性强的品种是提高油菜产量的最主要因素。小区产量与苗期植株的叶片数、叶面积、根茎粗、苗鲜重和苗干重均呈正相关,其中与苗鲜重和苗干重呈极显著正相关。油菜菌核病是危害我国油菜生产的最主要病害,相关分析表明,油菜的产量与菌核病的病害率、病情指数分别呈极显著负相关(r=-0.66361**、r=-0.59512**)。5.油菜各品质性状间的相互关系 芥酸与油酸、亚油酸、棕榈酸呈极显著负相关,与花生稀酸和硫甙呈极显著正相关。油酸与亚油酸、棕榈酸呈极显著正相关,与花生稀酸、硫甙呈极显著负相关,亚油酸与亚麻酸、棕榈酸呈极显著正相关,与花生稀酸、硫甙呈极显著负相关。亚麻酸与棕榈酸、硫甙呈极显著正相关。降低芥酸和花生稀酸等长碳链脂肪酸,可以显著提高油酸、亚油酸等不饱和脂肪酸的含量,有利于提高油脂的品质。6.生育期、气象因子和基因型对品质性状的影响 通过对参试品种不同脂肪酸、硫甙的分析表明,不同品种脂肪酸、硫甙含量间存在明显的差异。选育优质油菜新品种是改良油菜品质的关键所在。 角果期是影响油菜脂肪酸和含油量的关键时期,其次是花期和蕾薹期。在角果期充足的光照、较高的大于 0℃有效积温有利于棕榈酸、油酸、亚油酸的合成与积累,较多的降水和较大的相对湿度可降低亚麻酸的合成与积累,较低的大于 0℃有效积温和日平均温度、较短的日照,有利于芥酸的合成与积累,较低的大于 0℃有效积温有利于硫甙的生成与积累,较高的温度和较长的日照时数有利于油脂的积累。7.酶活性、膜脂过氧化及叶绿素含量与品质性状的关系 芥酸含量与苗期 NR 活性呈显著正相关,油酸与蕾薹期 SOD 活性呈极显著负相关,亚油酸与蕾薹期 MDA 含量呈显著负相关,含油量与蕾薹期 POD、NR 活性呈显著或极显著正相关,硬脂酸与花期 MDA 含量呈负相关,与叶绿素含量呈正相关,与角果期的 SOD 活性、叶绿素含量呈正相关。8.光合生理作用与品质性状的关系 花生稀酸与苗期叶片蒸腾速率呈显著正相关,含油量与苗期叶片光合速率呈显著负相关,棕榈酸与蕾薹期叶片蒸腾速率呈显著负相关,硬脂酸与蕾薹期胞间 CO2浓度呈极显著正相关,亚麻酸与角果期的光合速率呈显著负相关。

【Abstract】 The yield and quality characters are decided and interacted by genotype, entironmentand other factors. In order to definitude the effect on yield and quality characters bydifferent factors, provide theoretical basis for high yield and quality breeding andreasonable cultivating of rapeseed, these experiments was carried out in studying on theplant character, genotype, diseases, meteorological factors and physiology mechanism ofrapeseed leaf and pod from photosynthesis, active oxygen clear system with 20 cultivarswhich took part in regional trial of Anhui province in 2001~2003. The results were asfollows:1. The effect on yield by plant characters As the plant yield and plant characters, there were some correlation between the plantyield and plant characters, there were significantly positive correlation between plant yieldand plant height, first branch, second branch, pods of main stem, density of pods andnumber of pods per plant. The 1000-seeds weight, first branch and number of pods perplant are the main factors which effect yield of plant. The 1000-seeds weight, first branchand number of pods per plant are important targets in high yield breeding.2. The effect on yield by meteorological factors The relationship between yield and meteorological factors were studied. The resultshowed that seedling period, bud period, pod period are the key periods for rapeseed yieldimprovement. Larger average difference in temperature per day and smaller rainfall inseedling period, lower average temperature per day in bud and flower period, amplesunlight and larger average difference in temperature per day in pod period are all benefitto improve yield of plant.3. The change of enzyme activities in rapeseed’s functional leaves and its effected onrapeseed yield The activities of super-oxide dismutase(SOD), peroxidase(POD) and the content ofchlorophyll had the same change trend, ie, the activities of SOD and POD were lower inseedling and flower period than in bud period, the content of malondialdehyde(MDA) andthe activities of catalase(CAT) also had the same change trend, MDA and CAT werecontinual increase from seedling to flower period. Analysis of correlation showed thatthere were some correlation between enzyme activity and MDA content in rapeseed’sfunctional leaves and pods. SOD, POD and CAT activity existed negative correlation withMDA, especially SOD and POD activity existed extremely significantly negative<WP=7>correlation with MDA. Also, it existed significantly positive correlation or extremelysignificantly positive correlation among the three kinds of enzymes that indicated thecourse that crossed oxidation action restraining lipid peroxidation was comparativelycomplicated synergy. NR activity and MDA content exited extremely significantly negativecorrelation. There were some correlation between yield and enzyme activity, but thecorrelations were not significant. There was extremely significantly negative correlationbetween yield and Tr. in bud period.4. The effect on yield by genotype, seedling characters and diseases Variance analysis showed that there were significant difference in varieties and therapeseed varieties had different adaptability to entironment. Therefore, selecting high yieldvariety is very important to improve rapeseed yield. There were positive correlation between yield and number of leaf, leaf area, width ofrootstock, fresh weight and dry weight per plant, especially there were significantlypositive correlation between yield and fresh weight and dry weight per plant. Sclerotina sclerotiorum is the most severe disease in China’s rapeseed production.Disease plant rate and disease index existed significantly positive correlation with yield.5. The relationship between quality characters of rapeseed The analysis of correlation indicated that oleic acid, linoleic acid and palmitic acidexisted extremely significantly negative correlation with erucic acid. Encosenoic acid andglu

  • 【分类号】S565.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】262

