

Studies on the Structures of Insect Pest and Natural Enemy Communities in Paddy Fields of Different Rice Types and under Different Insecticide Treatments

【作者】 江俊起

【导师】 缪勇; 陈树仁;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在田间系统调查和试验的基础上,对不同类型和防治措施稻田害虫和天敌群落的结构进行了研究,主要结果如下:1不同类型稻田害虫和天敌群落结构及其动态的研究1.1群落物种构成及各种群数量动态 田间系统调查共记录早稻田害虫12种,捕食性天敌16种;中稻田害虫和捕食性天敌各12种;晚稻田害虫11种,捕食性天敌18种。害虫主要优势种早稻田为白背飞虱、褐飞虱和稻纵卷叶螟,其数量在早稻生育后期较高;中稻田和晚稻田均为褐飞虱和稻纵卷叶螟,但晚稻田发生数量较少。天敌主要优势种各稻型均为草间小黑蛛、青翅蚁型隐翅虫、四点亮腹蛛和拟水狼蛛,其数量在水稻全生育期均很丰富。1.2群落主要优势种的空间格局及其动态 害虫主要优势种中,褐飞虱主要分布于水稻下部,白背飞虱主要分布于水稻中部,稻纵卷叶螟主要分布于水稻上部。几种天敌主要优势种均主要分布于水稻中、下部。群落优势种的空间格局在时间过程中变化不明显。1.3群落主要特征指数及其动态 群落总个体数在早稻生长发育前期和中期较少,后期呈迅速上升趋势。中稻田群落总个体数在时间过程中变化不大,晚稻田较稳定。总体上看群落总个体数中稻>晚稻和早稻。群落多样性早稻生育后期略高于前期,中稻以生长发育中期最高,在晚稻生育过程中呈上升趋势。均匀度是影响各类型稻田群落多样性的主要因素。总体上看群落多样性晚稻高于中稻和早稻。以功能团为单位和以物种为单位的群落多样性指数呈高度正相关。1.4群落动态的聚类分析 模糊聚类结果表明,早稻分蘖期至乳熟期群落总体特征一直比较类似,蜡熟期群落特征出现较大变化,这主要由迁飞性害虫数量突增所致。中稻田群落总体特征在时间过程中变化较大,晚稻田则比较稳定。2不同防治措施对稻田害虫和天敌群落影响的研究 研究结果表明三唑磷、杀虫双、阿维菌素和Bt+吡虫啉4种药剂处理对水稻主要害虫均有较好的控制作用,三唑磷和杀虫双处理对稻纵卷叶螟的短期防效优于阿维菌素和Bt+吡虫啉处理,但阿维菌素和Bt+吡虫啉处理对天敌的影响较小, <WP=6>有利于保护和恢复稻田天敌对害虫的持续控制作用。对群落特征指数的影响总体上看Bt+吡虫啉和阿维菌素处理小于三唑磷和杀虫双处理。3不同类型和防治措施稻田水稻主要生育期害虫和天敌群落相似性的研究 研究结果表明,对稻田害虫和天敌群落的影响,总体上防治措施>稻型>水稻生育期;不同稻型和水稻生育期害虫和天敌群落自身的特点,对不同防治措施对群落作用的效果有重要影响。因此,在水稻害虫防治中不要打保险药,并应根据稻田害虫和天敌群落的主要特点,选择有效的调控措施,改善群落结构,促进群落的稳定发展和实现害虫的可持续控制。

【Abstract】 An investigation was made on the structures of insect pest and natural enemy communities in paddy fields of different rice types and under different insecticide treatments based on the systematic field survey and experiment in 2002-2003. The main results were as follows:1 Structures and their dynamics of insect pest and natural enemy communities in paddy fields of different rice types 1.1 Species composition and population dynamics of each species of the communities The results of systematic investigation showed that there were 12 species of insect pests and 16 species of predatory natural enemies in early paddy field fields, 12 species of insect pests and 12 species of predatory natural enemies in middle-season paddy fields, 11 species of insect pests and 18 species of predatory natural enemies in late paddy fields. The major dominant insect pests in early paddy fields were Sogatella furcifera、 Nilaparvata lugens and Cnaphalocrocis medinalis and their populations were relatively high in late development period of rice. The major dominant insect pests in both middle-season and late paddy fields were Nilaparvata lugens and Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, but their populations in late paddy fields were relatively lower than those in middle-season paddy fields. The major dominant natural enemies in paddy fields of every rice type were Erigonidium graminicola、 Paederus fuscipes、Singa pygmaea and Pirata subpiraricus and their populations were rather abundant in the whole development period of rice.1.2 Spatial patterns and their dynamics of major dominant species in the communities Among the major dominant insect pests, Nilaparvata lugens was distributed mainly in the lower parts of rice plants, Sogatells furcifera was distributed mainly in the middle parts of rice plants and Cnaphalocrocis madianlis was distributed mainly in the upper parts of rice plants. All the major dominant natural enemies were distributed mainly in the middle and lower parts of rice plants. The spatial distributed patterns of dominant species of the communities had no obvious change in the temporal series.1.3 Major characteristic indices and their dynamics of the communites <WP=8> The total individuals of the communities were relatively few during the early and middle development periods but rose rapidly during the late development period of early rice. The total individuals of the communities changed greatly in the temporal sequence in middle-season paddy fields but were relatively stable in late paddy fields. Generally the total individuals of the communities in middle-season paddy fields were greater than those in both late and early paddy fields. The diversities of the communities were a little higher during the late development period of early rice, but were the highest during the middle development period of middle-season rice and were in rising trend with the growth and development of late rice. The principal factor affecting the diversity was species evenness of the communities in all kinds of rice types. Generally the diversities of the communities in late paddy fields were higher than those in middle-season and early paddy fields. The communities diversity indices based on species were significantly relates to those based on guilds.1.4 Cluster analysis of the communities dynamics The results of fuzzy cluster analysis showed that the general characteristics of the communities were relatively analogous from tillering stage to milk stage of early rice but changed obviously at wax stage with the sudden rise of migratory insect pest populations. The general characteristics of the communities changed obviously in temporal sequence in middle-season paddy fields but were relatively stable in late paddy fields.2 Effects of different insecticide treatments on the insect pest and natural enemy communities in paddy fields The research results showed that all 4 insecticide treatments of triazophos, shachongshuang, abamectin and Bt+imidactoprid had significant control effects on major insect pests of rice. The short perio

  • 【分类号】S476
  • 【被引频次】3
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