

Study on Heredity and Variation of Pomegranate Germplasm by Means of Molecular Marker

【作者】 巩雪梅

【导师】 朱立武;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 果树学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以50个石榴品种(系)为试材,建立了全国50个石榴品种(系)的指纹图谱,找到了部分品种(系)的特异谱带,探讨了它们之间的亲缘关系;对三白石榴、玉石籽和玛瑙籽及其营养系变异进行了遗传鉴定;以13个品种(系)为试材,测定了石榴种子硬度,探讨石榴软籽性状形成机理。主要结果如下:1.用改良CTAB法成功的提取出了石榴成熟叶片的基因组DNA,并建立和优化了适合石榴的RAPD-PCR反应体系。2.通过扩增得到了50个石榴品种(系)的指纹图谱,并找到了16个品种(系)独有的特异性谱带,可以作为这些品种(系)鉴别的分子标记。3.以遗传距离0.174为阀值,聚类分析可将50个石榴品种(系)划为11类,分析了类群中不同品种(系)及类群间的亲缘关系;以石榴RAPD分析结果为依据,对石榴变种的划分提出了新的见解:认为粉红花白边重瓣石榴、小青皮、四川会理软籽石榴、山东的大红袍等品种可定为新的变种,不应当以花的重瓣、单瓣性状作为观赏石榴变种划分的依据,青粉皮和粉皮也可以单独划分为一个新的变种。4.分别鉴定了三白石榴、玉石籽与其营养系植株的变异程度,找到了它们之间的特异性谱带,探讨了大籽粒性状、果皮红色性状的遗传机理。5.测定了26个品种的种子硬度,发现石榴不同品种之间种子硬度存在极显著差异(F0.01﹥F,α=0.01);同一品种树冠的不同部位,种子硬度也存在极显著差异(F0.01﹥F,α=0.01);而且同一个果实的不同心室之间也有一定的差异。石榴种子硬度的遗传背景十分复杂。

【Abstract】 Based on a stable and duplicable system of RAPD-PCR, 50 pomegranate biotypes were tested by RAPD-PCR analysis to establish the fingerprints. The relationship between different biotypes was discussed, and Sanbai, Yushizi, Manaozi and their mutations were identified by special bands found. The seed hardness of 13 biotypes was determined to study the mechanism of soft seed formation.The main results are as follows:The genomic DNA of mature leaves was successfully extracted by improved CTAB method in the pomegranate. A stable and duplicable system of RAPD-PCR was established and optimized. The fingerprints of 50 biotypes were constituted by RAPD-PCR analysis; there were special bands found in 16 biotypes, which can be applied to distinguish these biotypes as molecular marker.50 biotypes could be divided into 11 groups by cluster analysis, the relationship of different biotypes in the same groups and between different groups at similarity coefficient of 0.824. According to the result of RAPD-PCR analysis, the new opinion was put forward for classifying variety in pomegranate. The pink mosaics multi-petal flower, Xiaoqingpi, Huiliqingpiruanzi, Dahongpao should be considered as new variety, and the characteristics of multi-petal and single petal in flower should not be used to identify different ornamental varieties in pomegranate. Qingfenpi and Fenpi should be classed in a new variety.The variation degree of Sanbai, Yushizi and their mutants were studied by the special bands in different biotypes found. The genetic mechanism of the characters of seed size and peel color was discussed.The hardness of seed in 13 biotypes was determined and there was a positive difference in different biotypes, which was different in fruit of the same plant but different part or in the same fruit but different carpel cabin. The genetic background of seed hardness is very complicated in pomegranate.

【关键词】 石榴RAPD品种营养系变异聚类分析
【Key words】 pomegranateRAPDbiotypemutantcluster analysis
  • 【分类号】S665.4
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】272

