

Study on Respiration of Dormancy Nectarine Flower Buds

【作者】 杨秀苹

【导师】 杨军;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 果树学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验于2002年10月至2003年12月在山东农业大学进行,以需冷量不同的油桃品种曙光、五月火为试材,测定了不同需冷量品种的油桃花芽冬季休眠期间呼吸代谢的动态变化,以及呼吸基质(可溶性糖、淀粉)及蛋白质和氨基酸的动态变化,探讨了呼吸代谢与自然休眠的关系;同时又测定了温度、遮荫、除芽鳞片以及生长调节剂对呼吸代谢的影响效果,探讨了影响油桃休眠的外界因子。结果如下:1、在休眠初期,即气温降低以前,油桃花芽的总呼吸强度较高;气温降低后,总呼吸强度下降;而在整个休眠期间,总呼吸强度比较稳定,并且维持较低的代谢水平,自然休眠结束后略有升高;气温升高后,又有一个大幅度的提升。2、油桃不同品种间花芽呼吸强度存在差异,且呼吸强度与该品种的需冷量呈正相关。需冷量比较高的品种总呼吸强度高,对低温不敏感;而需冷量比较低的品种总呼吸强度低,对低温比较敏感。3、油桃花芽在整个休眠期虽然总呼吸强度维持较为稳定的低代谢水平,但呼吸代谢途径发生显著变化。整个休眠期TCA比率较为稳定,并占优势;EMP比率呈下降趋势,而HMP比率却呈现明显的上升趋势。4、不同温度处理对花芽呼吸代谢的影响效应各异:低温处理使EMP所占呼吸代谢的比率降低,HMP比率增加,而对TCA比率影响不大;高温处理的作用刚好相反:使EMP所占呼吸代谢的比率增加,使HMP比率下降。5、遮荫对油桃花芽的呼吸强度影响不大,只是在前期使呼吸强度有所增高,并且遮荫程度越大,呼吸强度升高的越多;而遮荫对花芽呼吸途径的影响不大,随着休眠的进展,呼吸途径的改变主要与休眠进程有关。6、剥除花芽鳞片的处理对TCA途径影响不大,使HMP比率有所下降,使EMP途径比率有所升高。同时,处理10天后,总呼吸强度显著降低,油桃花芽处于萎蔫状态,这可能是因为鳞片除了含有促进休眠的物质外,对花芽内部还具有很大的保护作用。7、在整个休眠期间,花芽内淀粉前期缓慢积累,12月下旬迅速降低;可溶性糖则一直处于升高过程,与淀粉含量的变化相对应,12月下旬急剧上升。碳水化合物含量的跃变期与自然休眠的进程相吻合,与呼吸途径的变化相吻合。8、游离氨基酸含量在花芽整个休眠期间是上升的,休眠结束后下降;而可溶性蛋白含量在整个休眠期间是下降的,自然休眠结束后上升。这可能与自然休眠的进程以及呼吸途径的改变有关系。9、外源6-BA、GA3处理提高了油桃花芽呼吸强度,并使呼吸代谢途径中的TCA、HMP比率升高,对EMP影响作用小,其中6-BA的作用效果最为明显;ABA外源使<WP=4>用使花芽呼吸强度略有降低,并使HMP所占比率下降,却提高了EMP比率,对TCA比率影响不明显。外源激素对花芽休眠的调控可能通过影响其呼吸代谢而起作用。10、外源生长调节剂也影响了主要呼吸基质的含量:外源GA3、6-BA引起花芽中淀粉含量迅速降低,可溶性糖含量迅速升高,但ABA的影响效应不显著。

【Abstract】 This experiment was carried out during 2002~2004 in Shan-dong Agricultural University. The dynamic changes of respiratory metabolism in dormant bud of two nectarine cultivars, Wuyuehuo and Shuguang, which have different Chilling requirements, were studied in the experiment. The soluble sugar, starch, soluble protein and amino acid in flower bud and scale, temperature, regulator, and shading were tested to discuss their effects on the respiratory metabolism. The main results were as follows: Respiratory intensity was high during early period while the temperature was high in climate, then decreased and was very stable on a lower metabolic level for a long time, only increased slightly after the end of dormancy. As temperature increases, the respiratory intensity had a sharp raise. Cultivars that need high chilling requirement had a high respiratory intensity and they were not sensitive to chilling, on the contrary, they were sensitive. Although respiratory intensity in the two cultivars maintained a low and stable level during the whole dormant period, respiratory pathway was different obviously: the TCA rate in nectarine was stable and was at dominant position; the EMP rate tend to decrease; and the HMP rate tend to increase.The EMP rate and the HMP rate in the buds treated in low temperature were increased and decreased respectively. But TCA rate was on the same level as contrasted buds. The reversed results of that treated in high temperature had been obtained. There was a little effect on the respiration of dormant buds in the shading treatment. The respiratory intensity increased only in the early dormant period when the flower buds were shaded, and the many shadow there are, the lot effect there is on the respiratory intensity. There was no effect on TCA rate in the treatment of peeling scale, but the HMP rate dropped and the EMP rate raised in this treatment. Ten days later, the nectarine flower buds withered,and it was probably because the scale has the function of safeguardDuring the whole dormant period, starch in bud accumulated slowly in earlier stage. The content of starch dropped sharply in the last of December. Soluble sugar content decreased in the early dormancy period and increased sharply in the last, whose change was consistent with the change of starch content. The jump-change stage of carbohydrate content was consistent with the process of respiratory pathway’s change. The content of soluble protein decreased and the content of amino acid increased <WP=6>during the whole dormant period. Only when the dormancy finished, the content of soluble protein increased and the content of free amino acid decreased slowly. This is probably concerned with the process of respiratory pathway’s change. Spraying growth regulators such as 6-BA or GA3 raised dormant bud respiratory intensity and the rate of TCA or HMP, but had little effect on the rate of EMP. Among these hormones, the effect of 6-BA was the most obvious, ABA spraying slightly dropped respiratory intensity and made the proportion of HMP drop but EMP raise, no effect on TCA rate。 Spraying growth regulators in later dormant period with GA3 and 6-BA made the starch content reduce quickly and increased the content of soluble sugar sharply, but ABA had no effect.

【关键词】 油桃自然休眠呼吸代谢生长调节剂
【Key words】 nectarinedormancyrespirationgrowth regulators
  • 【分类号】S662.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】150

