

The Effect of Enviroment Situation on Soybean Cyst Nematode Hatch and the Mechanism of Soybean Resisting Soybean Cyst Nematode

【作者】 司兆胜

【导师】 许艳丽;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 植物病理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 大豆胞囊线虫病(Heterodera glycines Ichinohe)是大豆生产危害最严重的病害之一。防治大豆胞囊线虫最经济有效的措施是种植抗病品种。抗病品种根表的胞囊量明显少于感病品种。大豆胞囊线虫更适宜在浇灌水为偏酸或中性的土壤条件下繁殖。在强酸和强碱的条件下,各品种根内线虫数和根表胞囊数均较少。根系渗出物是影响大豆胞囊线虫卵孵化的重要因素之一。土壤中不同的微生态环境能影响大豆根系渗出物的组成成份,组成成份不同对卵孵化的作用不同。合丰 25 在大豆连作区的根系渗出物刺激了卵孵化,而抗线 4 号在该区种植则抑制卵孵化。除豆麦豆区外,麦豆麦区、豆麦米区、米豆米区、休闲区,抗线 4 号比合丰 25 的卵孵化作用高。在土壤中大豆胞囊线虫卵孵化,不仅仅是根渗出物单一的作用,还与土壤的微生态环境密切相关。感病品种的土壤淋溶液对卵的孵化作用高于抗病品种。在豆麦米区、豆麦豆区、大豆连作区、休闲区、麦豆麦区不播种大豆的土壤淋溶液以麦豆麦作用最高。黑土、风沙土、草甸土种植感病品种之后的淋溶液对卵孵化率均高于蒸馏水对照。黑土的土壤淋溶液比风沙土、草甸土刺激了更多的卵孵化。在不同的轮作制度中,豆米迎茬要好于豆麦迎茬。豆麦米 3 年轮作能维持土中的胞囊量在一个很低的水平。抗线 4 号被线虫侵然后,PAL、POD、PPO 酶活性都有所增加,其活性均高于感病品种。在没接种之前,抗线 4 号各酶活性并不高于合丰 25,只是在接种线虫后,抗线 4号诱导了更高酶活性的表达。合丰 25 在线虫侵入下酶活性增加缓慢,因此防御酶活性可以作为大豆抗 SCN 的一个生化指标。大豆品种抗线 4 号并不能抑制大豆胞囊线虫卵孵化和二龄幼虫的侵染,但能阻止幼虫在根内正常发育。在光镜下观察,二龄幼虫头部周围有褐色坏死。这可能是抗线 4 号的抗病机制之一。抗线 4 号属于抗发育但不抗侵入的大豆品种。

【Abstract】 Soybean Cyst Nematode(Heterodera glycines Ichinohe)is one of the most importantplant diseases in soybean output. The most efficient and economic way is to plant resistantcultivars for controlling soybean cyst nematode. The number of cysts on the resistant soybeanroot was larger than the susceptible soybean,s . Soybean cyst nematode was better breededunder neutral situation. With high pH and low pH situation ,the nematode in root and cyst onsurface of root is very little. The diffusate of root is one of the most important factor on egg hatch. The compents of rootdiffusate were affected by the different microecology environment in soil. The differentcomponents of root diffusate had inconsistent effect on egg hatch. The root diffusate ofhefeng25 from continuous soybean field stimulated egg hatch. But the egg hatch wasrestrained by kangxian 4,s in this field. The root diffusate of kangxian 4 stimulated more egghatch than hefeng 25,s from WSW,SWC,CSC, fallow plot except SWS. The egg hatch was not only relation with root diffusate ,but also with microecologyenviroment in soil. The leachate of susceptible cultivars compared with resistant,s stimulatedlarger egg hatch. The most eggs were hatched in soil leachate from WSW field without plantsoybean. The hatch efficiency of leachate of black earth, sand soil and alluvial soil withsusceptible and resistant soybean cultivars is higher than distilled water,s. The leachate ofblack earth compared with sand soil and alluvial soil stimulated most egg hatch. In two rotation systems, soybean rotated with corn was better than it rotated with wheat.The number of cysts in soil was low in SWC rotation system. The enzymes of PAL,POD,PPO activity of kangxian 4 was increased when it wasinvaded by soybean cyst nematode. And the activity was higher than susceptible cultivars.The enzyme activity of kangxian 4 was not higher than that of hefeng 25 before they wereinvaded by nematode. But when kangxian 4 was invaded with nematode ,its enzyme activity VII<WP=11>东北农业大学农学硕士学位论文increased highly than hefeng 25,s. The enzyme activity may be a index as soybean resistsoybean cyst nematode. Soybean cultivars kangxian 4 could not restrain eggs of soybean cyst nematode hatch andresist J2 invading, but it could hold back nematode development in root. When observed withmicroscope, there were brown putrescence around J2 head. This may be one of kangxian 4resistant mechanisms. The soybean cultivars kangxian 4 is the cultivars that can resistnematode development in root but can not resist nematode invading. Master Candidate: Si Zhaosheng Speciality: Plant pathology Supervisor: Professor XuYanli

  • 【分类号】S435.65
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】276

