

Studies on the Development of Flax Fibre and Effect of PGRs on the Yield and Quality of Flax

【作者】 付兴

【导师】 李明;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验选用我省生产上广泛使用及有代表性的15个品种,试图通过品种试验(纤维发育观察、内源激素测定试验、碳氮积累试验、田间调查)及植物生长调节剂试验处理来阐述不同类型品种亚麻纤维发育规律、内源激素与纤维发育之间关系、碳氮积累与纤维发育关系以及植物生长调节剂对亚麻产质量影响机理。研究发现各类型品种纤维发育与麻株生长均具有协同性,同一茎段内不同节间茎粗、纤维细胞分化数量、纤胞径向大小、纤胞壁厚都随株高和干物质的增加而增加,在时间分布上表现出连续性。纤维发育在茎向空间分布上表现出明显的位置效应,不同节间纤维发育是不同步进行的,由基端向颈端依次发生,而且不同节间在发育速度上也是不一致的,麻株各茎段发育进程因此存在差异。不同基因型亚麻成熟茎中部纤维发育存在差异,高纤品种茎粗、茎截面细胞数、纤维细胞壁厚、纤胞长短径均大于中纤品种。尽管上油用亚麻茎截面纤维细胞最多,但是其细胞最小,细胞壁最薄。兼用亚麻的纤维发育也较差。纤维细胞数与长麻率、强度、可挠度、原茎产量、长麻产量呈正相关。纤维细胞壁厚与各产质量性状均呈正相关关系,其中与分裂度呈显著正相关关系(r=0.52*),而与纤维含量(r=0.75**)、长麻率(r=0.68**)、长麻产量(r=0.85**)相关达到极显著水平, 纤维细胞腔宽与各性状均呈负相关关系,其中与纤维细胞壁厚呈显著负相关关系(r=-0.54*),与原茎产量(r=-0.66**)、长麻产量(r=-0.66**)负相关达到极显著水平。亚麻叶片、茎中氮含量变化均呈下降趋势。成熟期亚麻茎杆内氮素含量与茎中部纤胞数呈显著正相关(r=0.64*),氮含量与纤胞腔宽成负相关关系。各品种叶片中糖含量呈明显的增加趋势,各品种茎中糖含量变化规律较为一致,均是先不断的升高,在开花期达到峰值,而后下降至最低。叶片、茎中碳氮比动态变化随纤维生长发育均呈上升态势,这种态势与径粗、细胞数、纤胞长短径、纤胞壁厚变化具有相对的一致性。青熟期茎中可溶性糖含量与纤胞腔宽呈负相关关系,与纤胞壁厚呈正相关关系,而与纤胞数正相关达到极显著水平(r=0.67**)。高纤品种茎尖叶中GA3含量随纤维生长发育表现为先下降再上升,在出苗后第51天时达到最高点,而后迅速下降;中纤品种先保持上升趋势,在出苗后第40天达最大,然后逐渐降低至最低。高纤品种IAA含量变化为先下降再上升然后再下降,其中最后一阶段含量急剧下降,中纤品种也为先下降再上升而后再下降,只不过升降的趋势出相对较平缓。随生育期不同类型品种亚麻基部、中部韧皮纤维中各激素含量的动态变化具有相一致的规律,均呈先下降再上升“V”型变化。纤用品种GA3、IAA、ZR含量在茎中分布为:花蕾>茎中部麻皮>茎基部麻皮>茎尖叶,而油用、兼用品种表现为:茎中部麻皮>茎基部麻皮>茎尖叶>花蕾。 长麻产量、原茎产量与(IAA+GA3)/ZR相关分别达到显著水平(r=0.78*)、极显著水平(r=0.87**),全麻产量与其相关关系也接近显著水平(r=0.66)。原茎产量、全麻产量、长麻产量与GA、IAA、ZR、IAA+GA均为正相关关系。纤维强度与IAA、ZR、IAA+GA<WP=9>相关达到极显著水平(r=0.84**,0.84**,0.86**),纤维分裂度与GA、ZR、IAA+GA相关达到显著水平(r=0.79*,0.79*,0.75*),纤维强度、分裂度与可挠度成负相关关系。 乙烯利快速生长期处理使中早熟品种阿里安和中熟品种黑亚11号的原茎产量获得极显著提高,阿里安和维京的长麻率均有所增加,乙烯利使阿里安的纤维强度略有增加,而黑亚11号和维京的纤维强度值下降较大。赤霉素处理对三品种的株高和茎粗影响都不大,对三个品种的纤维含量影响也不大,品质指标显示,赤霉素处理增加了黑亚11号的纤维强度,但是其它两个品种下降。枞形期喷施多效唑使三个品种的原茎产量的下降都在10%以上。品质指标显示阿里安和黑亚11号的纤维强度是增加的,而维京的纤维强度下降。现蕾前喷洒多效唑同样导致三个品种原茎产量下降,但是都没有达到显著水平。从品质指标看,维京和阿里安的可挠度下降,而二者的纤维强度增加,黑亚11号的处理效应正好相反。

【Abstract】 This test adopts 15 varieties which have representation and have been widely planted in production of HeiLongJiang province, and tries to expatiate on developmental rules of flax fibre through experiments of varieties and plant growth regulator substance in different varieties, relationships between endogenous hormones and fibre growth, relationships between accumulation of C and N and fibre growth, and mechanism of plant growth regulator substance affecting yield and quality of flax.It showed that fibre development of each cultivar has the consistency with growth of flax plant. Stem diameter, fiber cell quantity in cross-section of stem, long and short diameter of fiber, and fiber cell wall thickness all increase with adding of plant height and dry matter of different leaf places in the same part of stem, and all of them express continuity in time distribution. Flax fibre growth appears obvious place effect in axis space distribution, and it is not synchronous in different leaf places. It appears in turn from bottom to top, and developmental rates are also not consistent in different leaf places. So the developmental courses of each part of stem of flax plant were different.There are differences in fibre development of mature stem of different genetypes, and stem diameter of high flax varieties, fiber cell quantity in cross-section of stem, fiber cell wall thickness, long or short diameter of fiber are all more than moderate flax varieties. The number of fiber cells of stem section of linseed is the most, but these cells are smallest, and wall of the cell is thinnest. The growth of dual-purpose flax is also weak.The number of fiber cells shows positive correlation with some factors, which include long fiber ratio, intension, flexibility, straw yield, and yield of long fiber. Fiber cell wall thickness shows positive correlation with each character of yield and quality, and it appears significant positive correlation with division degree(r=0.52*), fiber content(r=0.75**), long fiber ratio(r=0.68**)and yield of long fiber(r=0.85**). Short diameter of cavity shows negative correlation with each character, significant negative correlation with fiber cell wall thickness(r=-0.54*), very notable negative correlation with straw yield(r=-0.66**)and yield of long fiber(r=-0.66**).Nitrogen content of flax show a declining trend in leaves and stems. Nitrogen content of flax stems has a sigenificant positive correlation with the number of fiber cells in the middle of stem in autumn(r=0.64*), negative correlation with short diameter of cavity. Saccharine content in leaves of each cultivar has an increasing trend, which is consistent with that of <WP=11>stems, reaching peak value in blooming stage, and declining to the bottom in consequence. Dynamic change of C/N in leaves and stems rise with fiber development. It has a relative consistency with stem diameter, cells number, long or short diameter of fiber, and fiber cell wall thickness. In green-ripe stage solubility saccharine content of stems shows negative correlation with short diameter of cavity, positive correlation with fiber cell wall thickness, and significant positive correlation with the number of fiber cells (r=0.67**).With the development of fiber, GA3 content in shoot declines firstly to high fiber cultivars, then increases, which takes 51 days to reach the peak after seedling, then declines quickly; moderate fiber cultivars also keep an ascending trend firstly, reaching the peak after seedling about 40 days, and then declines to the bottom gradually. IAA content of high fiber cultivars changes according to the sequence that declining firstly, rising secondly, declining lastly, especially the content declines rapidly in the last period. The rules of moderate fiber cultivars are alike, but the extent of changing is relatively mild. For different cultivars of flax, dynamic change of each hormone content in bottom and middle part of stem are consistent, namely show the changing trend like letter “V”. Distribution of GA3, IAA, ZR content of f

【关键词】 亚麻纤维激素产量品质
【Key words】 flaxfiberhormoneyieldquality
  • 【分类号】S563.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】95

