

Study on Elimination of Sulfur Hydrogen Odor at Middle and Low Concentration by Using A Bio-Membrane

【作者】 王帆

【导师】 李淑芹;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 生态学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着生活水平的提高,人们对环境质量的要求越来越高,对恶臭问题也更加敏感。恶臭物质尤其是含硫物质来源极广,毒性极大,其中以H2S最为常见,低浓度的H2S就具有强烈的恶臭气味,它不仅直接危害人体健康,而且在有氧和湿热的条件下,严重腐蚀设备、管道和仪表等。另外,它在空气中易被氧化为二氧化硫,转化为硫酸导致酸雨。所以,净化硫化氢臭气已成为国民经济、环保领域中迫切需要解决的问题。目前去除H2S的方法有物理法、化学法和生物法,其中由于生物法具有设备简单、能耗低、产生二次污染的可能性小等优点已成为国内外恶臭防治研究与应用中的主流方法,但是国内对硫化氢的生物治理只限于低浓度水平,且对生物膜填料的种类及组合的系统研究报道很少。本试验就是针对此研究现状,进行了中低浓度硫化氢臭气的生物处理研究。获得如下结论:1.在确定菌种来源和培养液基础上,进行了液相去除规律和去除能力的试验研究。结果表明:此脱硫菌在适宜条件下对S2-具有较好的去除性,净化效率达100%;去除能力为1290mg/L。2.通过对混合菌液及纯化后的优势菌进行特征鉴定可知:混合菌主要菌种为氧化亚铁硫杆菌、硫化细菌、脱硫弧菌。纯化优势菌为氧化亚铁硫杆菌。3.研究了一层活性炭生物膜填料塔净化硫化氢臭气最佳的生态条件为:温度30℃、营养盐喷淋量10L/h、通气量0.16 m3/h、入口H2S浓度低于60mg/L和pH值2.0。在这种条件下,生物膜填料塔对H2S的净化效率可达到99.5%。4.首次进行了不同填料、填料的不同组合和填料的不同层数对硫化氢气体的净化效率的研究。结果表明:不同填料净化效率的高低顺序为活性炭>沸石>拉西环;复合填料>相同填料;三层的净化效率>两层的净化效率>一层的净化效率。5.首次研究了生物膜填料塔对中浓度硫化氢的净化效果。当复合填料为三层,且入口H2S浓度低于40.0mg/L时,净化效率可达100%;当入口H2S浓度为60.0~80.0mg/L时,其净化效率仍可达95%以上。且在此条件下,系统对H2S净化效率大于90%的运行时间为19d。6.试验结果表明:当入口H2S浓度低于20.0mg/L时,选用一层填料;H2S浓度在20.0~60.0mg/L之间时,可选用两层填料;H2S浓度在60.0~80.0mg/L之间时,选用三层复合填料,上述情况净化效率均可在90%以上。综上所述本试验培养的脱硫菌在三层复合填料的情况下,对中浓度硫化氢臭气有较好的净化效果,这为我国解决中浓度硫化氢臭气污染提供一条有效的治理途径。

【Abstract】 The odor from sulfur hydrogen (H2S) is extensive and toxic even at low concentrations. Sulfur hydrogen could also damage the health of human being and corrode equipments. In addition, it can be oxidized to SO2 by oxygen and ozone, resulting in acidic rain and destroy our environment. Therefore, decreasing H2S concentration and its odor is in great demand in both environmental and economic aspects. Biological method, among many available ones, has great advantages to eliminate odor from H2S because it needs simple equipment, is easy to be operated and economical without secondary pollution. In the experiment, the biological membrane system was used to decrease the H2S concentration and its odor and results of the experiment were achieved as follows:1. Suitable resources and media were selected for the growth of microbes used to decrease the H2S concentration. After domestication of the microbes, the cleaning efficiency of H2S could be up to 90℅and the elimination capability could be up to 1290mg/L. 2. It was recognized that the main microbes used in the experiment are FeSO4 bacillus、sulfur bacteria、and amoebae, among which the FeSO4 bacillus was dominant.3. The ranking of the efficiency from high to low are: Activated carbon (zeolite (Raschig ring; mix filling ( pure filling; three layers ( two layers ( one layer.4. The suitable ecological conditions for microbial degradation of sulfur compounds are: temperature at 30℃, the nutrient sprinkling rate at 10L/h, aeration rate at 0.16m3/h with incoming H2S concentration at 20mg/L, pH at 2.0, under which, the cleaning efficiency of H2S could be up to 99.5℅. When the incoming H2S concentration was increased to 60mg/L, the efficiency could still reach 90℅. 5. The suitable incoming H2S concentration for zeolite,Raschig ring are low 20mg/L apart; two layers pure and mix fillings are low 40mg/L and 60mg/L apart; then three layers mix fillings is low 80mg/L.6. Under three layers filling and incoming H2S concentration between 60 and 80mg/L, the cleaning efficiency on H2S of the bio-membrane system could be 95℅. When the incoming H2S concentration was reduced to 60.0 mg/L, the efficiency could be up to 100℅. The operating time of biological filling tower system could last as long as19d. <WP=10> So to sum up, Under three layers filling, the cleaning efficiency of the microbes which cultivated and domesticated from sludge to H2S is best. It provides a aavailable method to solve the pollution issue of H2S of middle concentration. Appliant:Wang Fan Major:Ecology Supervisor: Prof.Li Shuqin

【关键词】 硫化氢生物处理脱硫菌填料塔
【Key words】 Sulfur hydrogenBio-treatmentDe-sulfur-microbeBio-membrane.
  • 【分类号】X512
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】451

