

Study on Superovulation of Ewes

【作者】 亓美玉

【导师】 李武;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 国内外对绵羊超数排卵技术的研究已有几十年的历史,但由于受各种因素的影响,效果并不十分稳定。本试验在绵羊繁殖季节的不同月份对4个不同品种的绵羊进行超数排卵,所用超排促性腺激素产地分别为新西兰、澳大利亚及宁波产三种。目的在于对影响绵羊超排效果的几种因素如月份、药物、配种方式等进行研究,以寻求一种理想可行的绵羊超数排卵的方法,使之能稳定的应用于生产。试验在繁殖季节的7月中旬至10月中旬进行,试验各组供、受体同期发情处理方法基本相同,均采用孕激素阴道栓埋植13天的方法,供体使用CIDR,受体使用自制释放型孕激素海绵栓,供体发情后的配种方式不同。在供体发情开始后第6天(发情始期为0天)进行手术法子宫角冲卵,冲出的胚胎在1h内移植给受体。试验组一供体有三个肉用绵羊品种:无角道塞特、萨福克(白头)及特克塞尔;超排用促性腺激素注射总剂量:新西兰、澳大利亚产FSH分别为10ml,宁波产FSH为250IU。注射程序为:撤栓前60h/48h开始注射FSH,等量或递减分配,每间隔12h肌肉注射一次, 在FSH注射结束前第3针同时肌肉注射氯前列烯醇0.15mg。撤栓后24h开始试情,并在撤栓后44~46h对发情供体进行子宫内输精。受体在撤栓同时注射PMSG250~300IU。撤栓后24h开始早晚两次试情,共试情3d;试验组二分别在8、9、10月份进行,供体羊品种为德国肉用美利奴,FSH为新西兰及宁波产两种,处理方式同试验组一,不同的是供体配种方式分别为本交+人工输精及子宫内输精两种。试验结果表明:1、三种促性腺激素(FSH):澳大利亚产OPTI-STIM、新西兰产OVAGENTM以及宁波产FSH在平均黄体数、平均回收卵数及平均可用胚数量上均无显著差异(P>0.05);但国产、进口药物在价格上差别很大,进口FSH的价格远远超过国产FSH的价格,因此国产FSH是绵羊超数排卵产业化推广中较好的选择药物;2、无角道塞特、萨福克(白头)、特克塞尔的供体绵羊在品种间的超排效果上无显著差异(P>0.05);3、根据8~10月份对德国肉用美利奴羊超排效果的比较,在黑龙江地区10月份对绵羊进行超数排卵处理效果较好;4、在供体撤栓后44~46h进行一次性子宫内输精是使回收卵受精率较好的时间;5、供、受体发情同步差在0h,+12h移植受体妊娠率较高;6、供体术后发情率为96.43%(27/28),妊娠率为82.14%(23/28),因此超排处理对供体的繁殖力没有显著影响。

【Abstract】 The technique of superovulation in sheep has been investigated for years,but the effects have not been very stabilization for many factors. This experiment of superovulation in four different breeds of sheep was done in different month during the breeding season, and the gonadotropin used was produced by New Zealand,Australia and China.The purpose of this study was to investigate factors such as month,gonadotrophin and mating system which affected the success of superovulation and to seek for an ideal method to improve the effect of superovulation in sheep.The experiment was done in June to October during the breeding season. Donors and receptors were synchronized by insertion of pessary left in situ for about 13 days. Donors were inserted by CIDR receptors were inserted by reIeasing progestogen spongs.The mating systems were different in donors after estrus. Embryos were recovered on day 6 (the onset of the estrus was day 0) and transferred to the recipient ewes within an hour. In experiment 1, there were four breeds of ewes: Doll Dorset,White Suffolk and Texel.The dosages of gonadotropin were: OPTI-STIM 10ml, produced by Australia; OvagenTM 10ml, produced by New Zealand; FSH 250IU,produced by NingBo. The procedure of superovulation was: 48h/60h before the CIDR removed,the donors were injected twice daily with FSH.0.15mg PGF-CL was injected at the same time of the third injection of FSH. Donors were checked for the onset of estrus at 12-h intervals from 24h after CIDR removal and intrauterine insemination was performed between 44 and 46h after CIDR removal in all donor ewes Recepient ewes were injected with 250 to 300IU PMSG at the same time of sponge removal and checked for the onset of estrus at 12-h intervals from 24h after sponge removal for about 3d. In experiment 2: the superovulation was done in Augest, September and October. The gonadotropin were OPTI-STIM and NingBo’ FSH. The donors were Germany Merino and the superovulated dispose was same to experiment 1. But the mating system were intrauterine insemination and natural service+AI. Results of the experiment indicated:1. There was no significant difference in the mean number of ovulation, mean number of ova and mean number/rate of embryos transferable with the different gonaditropins; But the price of foreign gonadotropins were significantly higher than that of the native gonadotropin.So,the native gonadotropin was the better medicine for industrialization of ewe superovulation;2.There was no difference in the effect of superovulation for Doll Dorset,White Suffolk and Texel ewes;3. Based on the comparison of the superovulation for the Germany Merino ewes during <WP=10>Augest to October, the better month of superovulation for ewes was October in HeiLongjiang;4. The better time of intrauterine insemination to higher fertilization rate was between 44 to 46h; 5. The pregnancy rate was highest when the synchronization difference between donor and recipient ewes was 0h and +12h; 6. The oestrus rate of the donors was 96.43(27/28) and the pregnancy rate was 82.14%(23/28) after operation of the donors. It indicated that superovulation had no significant effect on the reproductive ability of the donor ewes..Master candidate: Qi Meiyu Major:Animal Genetics Breeding&ReproductionSupervisor: Prof. Li Wu

【关键词】 绵羊胚胎移植超数排卵
【Key words】 eweembryo transfersuperovulation
  • 【分类号】S826.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】294

