

Studies on Feeding Rhythm and Respiratory Metabolism of Common Carp at Different Temperature

【作者】 陈松波

【导师】 范兆廷;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 水产养殖, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 试验对不同温度条件下(6~34℃)鲤鱼(Cyprinus(C.) carpio haematopterus Temminck et Schlegel)成鱼(体长22~30 cm,体重600~880 g)和幼鱼(体长11.30~14.20 cm,58.30~118.90 g)的摄食节律、呼吸频率、泳动频率和不同温度条件下(2~34℃)的呼吸代谢水平等进行了研究。呼吸代谢试验中采用了两种方法:封闭流水式和开放静水式。无论成鱼还是幼鱼,4℃时基本不摄食,从6℃开始摄食,每试验组成鱼的日摄食率为0.01%左右,幼鱼为0.35%左右;随着温度的升高,成鱼和幼鱼的日摄食率也升高,上升幅度较大,在14℃成鱼达到1.21%左右,幼鱼达到2.63%;至16℃时日摄食率的上升有所减缓;幼鱼至26℃时才开始急剧上升,成鱼和幼鱼至28℃时每组日摄食率达到最大,分别为2.84%和12.06%;然后随着温度的升高急剧下降,至34℃时,成鱼的日摄食率为0.74%,仅为28℃时的26%左右,幼鱼的日摄食率仍然较高,为9.45%,但日摄食率也较28℃减少了2/9。成鱼的日摄食率在6~10℃、16~24℃各范围内部温度间和30℃与32℃温度间差异不显著(P>0.05),而6~10℃与16~24℃范围内各温度间的日摄食率差异极显著(P<0.01);幼鱼的日摄食率在6~12℃、16~22℃、22~26℃各范围内部温度间和32℃与34℃间差异不显著(P>0.05),而6~12℃与16~34℃两个范围内各温度间差异极显著(P<0.01)。说明温度是影响鲤鱼日摄食率的一个主要因素;鲤鱼的摄食具有明显的昼夜节律性,在一昼夜间有多个峰值,8:00~11:00和19:00~23:00时有一最高峰值,其摄食量约为昼夜摄食量的10.68%~32.53%和16.25%~33.41%;11:00~19:00和23:00~4:00以及4:00~8:00之间还有一些小的峰值。当温度从10℃继续下降时,摄食高峰主要集中在8:00~11:00和19:00~4:00。高温(34℃)时鲤鱼的呼吸急促,成鱼呼吸频率可达130次/min,幼鱼呼吸频率可达170次/min;低温(6℃)时呼吸缓慢,成鱼呼吸频率下降到11次/min,幼鱼的呼吸频率下降到19次/min。不同温度之间比较差异均极显著(P<0.01),并且,成鱼和幼鱼间也存在着显著差异(P<0.01)。幼鱼的呼吸频率比成鱼的高1.15~1.88倍,泳动频率比成鱼的高1.57~2.66倍。幼鱼的在34℃时的泳动频率最大为110次/min,在6℃仅为23次/min。成鱼的泳动频率在34℃最大可达40次/min,最低在6℃降至10次/min。说明温度对鲤鱼成鱼和幼鱼的泳动行为是一个重要的影响因子。封闭流水式和开放静水式测得的耗氧率,不同温度之间的差异均极显著(P<0.01)。两种方法测得的耗氧率,低温时低,在2℃时成鱼的耗氧率为22.52 mg/(kg·h),幼鱼为41.35 mg/(kg·h);随着温度的升高耗氧率也升高,当温度升至为28℃达到最大,成鱼为420.80 mg/(kg·h),幼鱼为570.79 mg/(kg·h),分别是2℃时的18.69和13.80倍;28℃以后,温度升高耗氧率反而下降,在34℃成鱼的耗氧率为247.98 mg/(kg·h),幼鱼的耗氧率为407.36 mg/(kg·h),分别为28℃时的58.93%和71.37%;鲤鱼的耗氧量与呼吸频率之间存在着明显的相关,即呼吸频率快,耗氧量高。成鱼和幼鱼间的耗氧率和耗氧量存在着显著差异(P<0.01),随着体重的增加,耗氧量增加,耗氧率却下降。封闭流水式测得的耗氧量,成鱼最大可达357.68 mg/(尾·h),最低降为19.15 mg/(尾·h);幼鱼最大达到74.20 <WP=10>mg/(尾·h),最低降为5.38 mg/(尾·h);耗氧率成鱼最大为420.80 mg/(kg·h),最低降为22.52 mg/(kg·h);幼鱼最大达到570.79 mg/(kg·h),最低降为41.35 mg/(kg·h)。开放静水式测定中,成鱼耗氧率最大达到145.69 mg/(kg·h),幼鱼的达到228.69 mg/(kg·h),成鱼最低降至19.43 mg/(kg·h),幼鱼降至58.88 mg/(kg·h)。并且,不同温度条件下成鱼和幼鱼的耗氧率还存在着明显的昼夜节律,日间的耗氧率明显比夜间的耗氧率高(P<0.01)。耗氧率的低谷出现在夜间0:00左右,耗氧率的高峰出现在10:00~16:00时左右。另外,鲤鱼摄食后的耗氧率明显比饥饿时的高。鲤鱼的窒息点在30℃时最高,成鱼为0.27 mg/L,幼鱼为0.29 mg/L。以此为界,同样规格鲤鱼的窒息点随着水温的升高和降低而降低,2℃时成鱼降到0.12 mg/L,幼鱼降到0.13 mg/L。并且,鲤鱼的窒息点随着体重的增加而下降。

【Abstract】 This experiment was carried out to study the feeding rhythm, respiratory frequency, swimming rate at the different temperature (6~34℃) and respiratory metabolism of different temperatures (2~34℃) in carp (Cyprinus(C.)carpio haematopterus Temminck et Schlegel). Each treatment of the experiment was contsisted of adult (600~880g) and juvenile (58~119g) fish. Close continuous-flow type and open stale flow type respiratory rooms were applied.The results of the experiment indicated that there was extremely remarkable difference in daily feeding rate and water temperature (P<0.01). Wether adult fish or juvenile fish didn’t feeded at the 4℃, beginning to feed from 6℃. Every day the daily feeding rate of adult fish was 0.1%, that of junile fish beings 0.35% or so at 6℃. The daily feeding rate rose with rising of temperature, the ascensional range was relatively large. Daily feeding rate of adult fish reached 1.21%, that of juvenile of fish reaching 2.63% or so at 14℃. When the water temperature rose to 16℃, the ascensional range was slowed down to some extent. Juvenile fish beginning to rise sharply at 26℃. The daily feeding rate of adult fish and juvenile fish raised maximum at 28℃, 2.84% and 12.06% respectively. The daily feeding rate of adult and juvenile beginned to drop suddenly after the water temperature rose 28℃, daily feeding rate of adult fish was 0.74% at 34℃, only being 26% of the daily feeding rate at 28℃. The daily feeding rate of junile fish was larger at 34℃, being 9.45%. The daily feeding rate of juvenile fish at 28℃ was 4.5 times of that at 34℃. The difference of the daily feeding rate of adult fish wasn’t remarkbale among every temperature of the ranges of 6~10℃ and 16~24℃, and the difference being not remarkbale between 30℃ and 32℃(P>0.05 ). There was extremely remarkable difference in daily feeding rate of every temperature in ranges of 6~10℃ and in that of 16~24℃(P<0.01); The daily feeding rate of juvenile fish was no remarkable difference among every temperature of the ranges of 6~12℃、16~22℃ and 22~26℃(P>0.05). There was no remarkable difference among every temperature in the ranges of 6~12℃ and 16~34℃(P<0.01), indicating that temperature is a main factor of effect on the feeding quantity of common carp.In addition, there was obvious diel rhythm of feeding, there were a lot of peak values during day and night, a highest peak value occasionally at 8:00~11:00 and 19:00~23:00, feeding quantities were 10.68%~32.53% and 16.25%~33.41% of diel feeding qunantities respectively; there were some small peak values between 11:00~19:00, 23:00~4:00 and 4:00~8:00. When water temperature continued dropping from 10℃, the feeding peak concentrated on 8:00~11:00 and 19:00~4:00 mainly. <WP=12>With the rising of temperature, respiratory frequency and swimming rate rose (P<0.01), and there were remarkable differences among the adult fish and juvenile fish (P<0.01), the respiratory frequency and swimming rate of the juvenile fish are obviously higher than adult fish. Respiratory rate of juvenile fish was 1.15~1.88 time of adult fish, swimming rate being 1.57~2.66 times of adult fish. At 34℃ respiratory frequency of the juvenile fish was most greatly 170 times/min, the minimum being 19 times/min; that of adult fish could reach 130 times/min, the minimum being 11 times/min at 6℃. At 34℃ swimming rate of juvinile was greatly 110 times/min, the minimum being 23 times/min at 6℃, the maximum of that of adult fish was up to 40 times/min at 34℃, the minimum being 10 times/min at 6℃.This indicated that water temperature was an important factor of influencing swimming behavior of adult and juvenile fish.The results showed that there was extremely remarkable difference in the oxygen consumption rates of different water temperature by close continuous-flow type and open stale typ (P<0.01). The oxygen consumption rates of two types were smaller at the low temperature. At 2℃ the oxygen consumption rate of adult fish was 22.52 mg/(kg·h), that of juvenile fish being 41.35 mg/

  • 【分类号】S917
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】853

