

The Artificial Insemination and Sexual Molecular Identification of Reindeer

【作者】 李海涛

【导师】 白秀娟;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 动物遗传育种, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国驯鹿种群是300年前,随鄂温克人为躲避战乱而迁移到此。这一驯鹿种群在大兴安岭当地的生态环境中,经过数百年的封闭、隔离饲养,形成了其特有的生活习性,也是栖息在最南部少有的驯鹿种群。我国一直未开展有关驯鹿人工饲养的科学研究工作。目前,鄂温克猎民饲养驯鹿仍沿用多年来所形成的固有的传统模式,采用半野生饲养方式,对驯鹿进行粗放管理。把驯鹿散放在暂住点的周围,无人看管,自由采食,不进行补饲,不为其筹备饲料,不论天气多么恶劣,驯鹿仍依赖自然采食而维持其生存。驯鹿的繁殖是采用自然交配,种群处于自然淘汰状态,近交衰退严重。这使驯鹿的养殖业的发展受到了极大的限制。驯鹿人工授精技术的应用,可以极大地提高种鹿的质量,使良种基因得到最大限度地传播,种鹿利用率高;避免疾病传播;避免种公鹿争斗而造成损失。驯鹿是唯一一种雌雄都长茸的鹿。驯鹿在传统中药中,一直被作为伪品处理。现今常用的鉴定驯鹿雌雄鹿茸方法有性状鉴定、显微鉴定、理化鉴定等,在分子水平上的鉴定一直没有人研究。驯鹿雌雄鹿茸分子鉴定的研究为茸鹿伪品鉴别试剂盒提供了进一步的完善。我国驯鹿一直是闭锁繁育,种群退化明显。驯鹿遗传多样性的研究,为我国驯鹿的育种工作提供了分子基础,为以后的分子育种工作提供了可能,也为我们研究群体遗传和遗传分化、系统发育提供了基础资料。在本次研究中主要分为三个部分。第一,驯鹿的人工授精。通过对11头母驯鹿人工授精的初步研究,结果同期发情和人工授精的结果都很理想,同期发情率和受精率均为100%。第二,驯鹿的分子生物学鉴定。本次试验采用分子生物学鉴定的方法,对雌、雄驯鹿茸的SRY基因进行扩增,从扩增的图像可以看到,我们采用的引物能够准确的对雌、雄驯鹿茸进行区分。应用DNAMAN4.0对驯鹿、梅花鹿、马鹿进行聚类分析,结果梅花鹿与马鹿同源性为0.99,梅花鹿、马鹿与驯鹿同源性为0.37。第三,驯鹿的遗传多样性研究。本次试验采用24个引物进行RAPD-PCR扩增,在其中筛选出14个扩增条带清晰引物。应用DNAMAN4.0分析,本实验驯鹿种群相似系数在0.584~1.000之间供试群体14条引物的相似系数平均值为0.792。

【Abstract】 In China reindeer immigrated Daxinganling with Ewenkers together in order to avoid chaos of war three hundred years ago. Reindeer formed their special living habits under local environment after hundreds of isolated rearing, which were rare species in south. Research on artificial rearing reindeer had never been carried out in China. Now hunters in Ewenke had been rearing reindeer by semi-wild rearing way that is traditional extensive management. Reindeer searched for food freely around temporarily residential area without being watched and supplementary feed. Reindeer breed by natural mating, and which were eliminated through nature, close relative mating declined in reindeer community seriously, which limited the development of cultivating reindeer. The application of artificial insemination technique of reindeer improved the quality and availability of breeding reindeer, and disseminated fine genes most extensively, and avoided spreading disease and loss due to fighting of breeding male reindeer. Reindeer were only one kind of deer whatever it was male or female had antler. Reindeer were considered fake thing in the traditional Chinese medicine. Now the ways of determining that it was male or female mainly included properties determine, determine while being micro-, the physics and chemistry determine and so on, molecular determine was never researched. The research of molecular determining male and female antler perfected differentiating reagent box of fake antler.Reindeer were breed under isolation in China, reindeer community declined seriously. The research of genetic diversification of reindeer provided molecular base for breeding of reindeer in China, and provided possibility for the future molecular breeding research, and provided basis material for the research of community heredity, heredity differentiation and systematic growth.The experiment was divided into three parts. First, artificial insemination of reindeer was carried out. Primary research results of artificial insemination of 11 reindeer show that Estrus Synchronization and artificial insemination were ideal, Estrus Synchronization and artificial insemination rate were 100%. Secondly, the molecular biology determine of reindeer was carried out. Adopting the molecular biology qualification method in the research, SRY genes of male and female antler were increased, we could see from increased picture prime adopted could differentiate female antler and male antler accurately. We use DNAMAN4.0 to structure the tree among Reindeer and Sika deer and Red deer.We can draw a conlusion that The similarity of Sika and Red deer are 0.99,that the similiraty among Reindeer,Sika deer and Red deer are 0.37.Thirdly, genetic diversification of reindeer was researched. 24 primes were increased by RAPD-PCR, from which 14 increased clear primes were sifted. I analyse the kindred of these 13 Reindeers with DNAMAN4.0,and draw a conclusion that the similiraty is between 0.584 and 1.000,that the similitude coefficient of 14 primes are 0.792. Li Haitao Animal Genetics and Breeding Prof. Bai Xiujuan

  • 【分类号】S825
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】187

