

【作者】 马剑瑜

【导师】 庄志民;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在服务经济日趋成熟的今天,人们开始探讨起第四种经济形态,比如知识经济、信息经济等等。提法不同,但本质都是在寻找下一代能创造价值的经济要素。其中,以倡导客户体验为特色的体验经济得到了众多学者的关注,在学术界引起广泛重视。本文正是基于体验经济的理论,试图将其与旅游产品开发的未来发展结合起来,以前瞻性的眼光和视角寻找到能为旅游业创造价值的新一代产品,及其必须具备的特点和要素。 本文通过研究体验、体验经济及旅游产品开发三者的本质特点,总结出他们彼此间的关系,开创性的提出了体验型旅游产品的概念,即以具有体验特性的景观为基础,以游客的独特体验为目标,运用体验化的手段设计策划出的旅游产品。它不是与观光、度假等旅游产品类型对等的第五类旅游产品,而是运用体验的理念和方法,进行体验化设计后得到的产品,因此,就有了体验型观光、度假等旅游产品。 我国旅游资源异常丰富,其中不乏文化底蕴深厚、具有体验价值和潜力的各类旅游资源,为开发体验型旅游产品提供了资源保障和开发条件。同时,伴随着我国旅游市场的日趋成熟,消费者旅游需求的不断深化,追求个性化的体验和满足日益成为了旅游市场的一大消费特色和趋势。为满足此类需求,做到产品开发和市场需求的互动对应发展,就有了开发体验型旅游产品的必要。因此,体验型产品成为了连接当今旅游主体市场和客体资源的绝佳纽带,为充分挖掘资源潜力提供了可能,更为市场提供了适销对路的产品。 基于以上两点的研究,文章总结出了开发体验型旅游产品的一般规律和方法,提出了具有创新意义的体验型旅游产品五大类要素,即产品主题、情节、布景、角色和演出。他们是体验型旅游产品的有机组成部分,各有其设计的原则和方法,但同时又彼此联系,相互约束,为达到体验型旅游产品整体性的效果服务。 最后,文章将先前得到的理论总结运用到各类旅游产品开发的实践中,对开发案例进行正反两方面的分析评价,试图在实际产品开发的运作中验证结论的科学性和有效性。 当然,对于体验型旅游产品开发,还有许多需要继续研究探索的问题,比如开发的程序,产品的评价标准体系的确立等,从而使体验型旅游产品的开发成为一个完整的,系统的产品开发模式,为今后旅游产品开发提供一种新的可能。

【Abstract】 Since the service economy has got more and more mature, experts begin to discuss the fourth economy and search for the fourth element with economic value. For this background the Experience Economy received concerns from the academic fields and became more and more popular. On the principle of the Experience Economy, the paper attempts to relate the further development of tourism product planning with it, and creates an innovative line of tourism product to broaden and deepen the current planning methods of tourism product.Firstly, the paper focuses on the research on the nature of experience, Experience Economy and tourism product planning and summaries the implied relationship among them. Based on this, the paper raises a brand-new concept: the experiential tourism product that refers to the products concerning the tourists’ experiences and feelings in the very first.Secondly, the paper analyzes the tourist resources and the tourist market in China, which ensure the possibility to develop the experiential tourism product in China. China has so abundant tourist attractions with inclined culture meanings that tourists will have many things to experience. At the same time, the Chinese tourist market is getting more and more sophisticated. People concern more with the personal experience they can get from the trip other that just sightseeing. That also provides us the feasibility to carry out the experiential tourism product.Thirdly, the paper attempts to find out the general rules and methods to practice the experiential tourism product planning. The product will contain five elements named theme, plot, setting, role and performance. Each element requires certain planning principles and skills.Last but not the least, in terms of case study, the paper applies the methods of experiential tourism product planning to the real word to see if they are practical in the tourism industry.Certainly, there remain lots of issues related to the experiential tourism product planning that can’t be all covered by the paper. They need further considering and make the planning system more complete and integrated.

  • 【分类号】F592
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】2787

