

Problems Existed in the Town Collectively Enterprise System Reform and Its Countermeasures

【作者】 郭敏祥

【导师】 李树丞;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文重点论述目前我国企业改制中的难点问题——集体所有制企业的改制问题。 企业改制是一项系统过程,影响大,牵涉面广,难度很大。和国企相比,集体企业改制需要涉及的问题(特别是历史遗留问题)更多,实际操作起来难度更大。和乡镇集体企业,城镇集体企业改制步伐并不快。也就是说,城镇集体经济改革比农村集体经济的改革难度更大。 特别是一些城镇集体企业,近年来尽管也根据上级的要求进行了体制更新,但企业的经营情况却没有改变,效益甚至出现了下降趋势,这不能不引起我们的重视和警惕。 由于集体企业的形成和发展经历了一个复杂的历史阶段,因此,要研究解决集体企业改制问题,就必须追根溯源,找出其“老毛病”,分析其“新毛病”进行“合症下药”。 本文通过追踪集体所有制企业的由来、历史变革和运行模式,分析了这一经济成份存在的老问题,同时针对目前企业在体制创新中出现的新问题,提出了自己的基本设想。 本文共分六章。第一章介绍集体经济的现状和国内外理论研究状况,为进一步的分析研究做准备;第二章介绍集体企业的发展历程,并分析其存在的体制缺陷;第三、四、五章为本文的核心,介绍城镇集体企业改制的基本设想、存在的难点问题和解决的对策;第六章为实证分析,体现本文论点在实际工作中的可操作性。

【Abstract】 This thesis mainly attacks a problem of the reforming to the system of the collective ownership enterprise, which problem is difficult to solve in nowadays China reforming.It is well known that such reforming is complex system engineering and involves many aspects of benefit and affair. Compared with one to state-owner enterprise, the reforming to the collective enterprise involves more questions, especially in ones left over by history, and thus operates with larger difficulty also. Furthermore, the reforming speed of town collective enterprise is not so fast as one of the village enterprise. Namely, it is more arduous for the town collective economy than the village collective economy.Especially, although some town-collective enterprises have also renewed system in recent years according to the request of higher authorities, the management situation did not change yet and the performance even appeared a descending trend. All of such situations must be paid more attention by us.Since it took a long time for the development of collective enterprise, therefore, we must study the source of the problem and find out old questions, as well as analyzing new ones.This thesis keeps track with the source, history and operation mode of collectively enterprise, analyzes the old problem involved such economic composition. In the meantime, aiming at the new problem companying the current reforming, the thesis puts forward new basic conception.This thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter I introduces current situation of collective economy and reviews origins, recent development on domestic and international studies. Chapter II deals with the development process of the collective enterprise, and its existent system defect was analyzed. Chapter 3, IV and V are the core of the thesis and touch upon the basic conception, problems as well as policies about town system reform of the collective enterprise. Chapter VI concentrates exclusively on empirical evidence. It proves that the conception of the thesis is feasible to operate.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F279.21
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】368

