

The Development and Performance Analysis of Thermoelectric Heat Pump Heater

【作者】 卢继龙

【导师】 汤广发;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 热电效应发现于19世纪中上期,由于效率低下,在其后100余年期间,热电效应除在热电偶测温方面有所应用,在其它方面鲜有实际应用。20世纪50年代,热电性能较好的半导体材料得以发现,使热电效应进入工程实践,涉及国防、工业、农业、医疗、商业、日常生活等广泛的领域。 分析了热电制冷的基本原理,首先介绍了温差电效应的五种效应即:塞贝克效应、帕尔贴效应、汤姆逊效应、焦耳效应及富里叶效应,接着分析了热电制冷的机理、热电制冷的最佳特性分析及热电制冷工况设计及各种冷、热端交换方式。 分析了热电制冷过程的传热性能,帕尔贴热是热电制冷循环的基础。P型与n型半导体内的温度分布及传热机理是不同的,热电制冷器冷、热端温度场是不均匀的。 研制了一台热电热泵取暖器,取暖器的各项指标符合国家标准,测试表明,在标准工况下,其制热系数达到1.3左右,比普通的电取暖器节省30%。同时本文还进行了性能测试及分析。 以中、高档旅馆为例,在建筑能耗分析和废热回收的可行性分析的基础上,进行了利用热电热泵装置回收废热的探讨,利用热电热泵装置回收空气置换过程中的废“热”或废冷,以及利用热电热泵装置回收循环冷却水废热和生活污水废热,用于加热自来水作生活热水,节能潜力很大;同时,消除对环境的“热”污染,达到节能、环保的目的。

【Abstract】 Thermoelectric effects , discovered in the mid-upper term of the 19th century ,had been less applied in practical projects during more than 100 years after its discovery because of its inefficiency , but the discovery of materials with high thermoelectric properties made thermoelectric effects be applied in practical projects in 1950’s , which involved many fields , such as national defense , industry agriculture , medicine , commerce , daily lives and so on .On the analysis of fundamental principle of thermoelectric refrigeration , at first , there present five thermoelectric effects which are Peltier effect , Seebeck effect , Joule effect and so on . and there present the mechanism of the thermoelectric refrigeration , the analysis of the best character about thermoelectric refrigeration , the design of the thermoelectric refrigeration and all kind of exchange mode of the cold surface and the heat surface .Peltier heat is foundation of thermoelectric refrigeration circulation . temperature distributing inside p type and n type and diathermanous mechanism are different .temperature field of the cold surface and heat surface is asymmetric .Developing a thermoelectric heat pump heater, all kind of index answer for national standard . testing data make clear that its heating performance factor reached 1.3 or so. Compared with conventional electricity heater, its can save energy by 30% or so. And analysis its diathermanous performance.On the basis of the feasibility analysis of building energy consumption and the feasibility of waste heat recovering ,taking middle or high-grade hotels for example , the methods exploration of waste heat recovering have been conducted by the means of thermoelectric heat pump apparatus ,and it is showed that the latent capacity of energy conservation is very large if we can utilize thermoelectric heat pump apparatus to recovery the waste "hot" of or "cold" energy in air displacing or to heat water of refrigerant compressor unit and waste energy in daily waste water, which , at the same time ,achieve the double goal of energy saving and environment protection by means of removing the "heat" pollution in environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU832
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】345

