

Urbanization and Urban Design in Central Cities’ Rural Fringe in Hunan

【作者】 许拓

【导师】 柳展辉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着新世纪的开始,我国进入了加速城市化发展的时期,无论是大城市还是中小城市,都相继开始了新一轮的城市规模扩张,城市边缘区的开发建设活动十分活跃。然而,由于我国的城市建设理论研究相对落后于城市发展,加之我国幅员辽阔,东、中、西部的发展极不平衡,大城市和中小城市的现实情况相比也有很大的差异,相近的发展规划在不同地区产生了截然不同的结果。本文试图从湖南地区着手,通过对中心城市边缘区发展的现状和深层影响因素的分析,探讨现阶段湖南地区中心城市边缘区城市化发展进程中的城市设计对策。 论文开篇通过对本课题研究缘起及研究意义的介绍,引入本研究课题,进而确定论文研究范围和研究方法。第二章通过对文中一些重要的相关概念(中心城市、边缘区、城市化等)加以辨析,进一步明确了本文的研究范围,继而指出我国当前中心城市边缘区发展现状中所存在的一些普遍问题。 第三章是对湖南地区中心城市边缘区城市化发展的背景分析,从纵向的角度总结了我国长期以来城市化发展的沿革,以及从横向的角度阐述了湖南地区不同于东部较发达地区和西部欠发达地区的城市化发展的现实环境,继而从发展的角度提出湖南地区中心城市边缘区城市化发展的目标。 第四章则对影响中心城市边缘区城市化发展的具体因素进行分析,论述了“以人为本”的城市发展思想,并对湖南地区中心城市发展现状作一概述。第五章在“以人为本”思想的基础上,探讨了城市设计相关原则和方法在湖南地区中心城市边缘区城市化发展中的具体运用。 本文的研究重点在于通过分析影响边缘区发展的具体因素,对中心城市边缘区与城市规划相结合的城市设计的制定、运作和实施进行地域性探讨,寻求现阶段湖南地区中心城市边缘区城市化发展的城市设计策略。

【Abstract】 Along with the beginning of the new century, China has entered into the period of accelerating development of Urbanism. No matter in big cities or small ones, the new city extending is increasing. The exploration and construction of the city edge is spreading. However, for the reason that the research on the city construction theories develop slower than the city development, the unbalance of development in eastern, middle and western part of the wide Chinese territory and the situations in big and small cities are very different, the similar urban planning get the quiet different results in various areas. Through the analysis of the current development condition and relevant variables in central city edge which focuses on the Hunan, this paper attempt to discuss the contemporary urban design policy for development of Urbanism in central city edge.The paper begins with the introduction of emergency and value of research, and then confirms the scope and methodology of research. In chapter two, based on the explanation for some important relevant concept (central city, edge area, urbanism etc.), it make the research field clear. And it point out some common problems in current central city edge development.In Chapter three, according to background analysis of current central city edge development, it concludes the urbanism development evolution. This chapter, according to state the differences of actual urbanism development environment among eastern developed area, western developing area and Hunan, put forward the aim of central city edge development from the development prospective.The Chapter four analyses actual variables effecting central city edge development. It discuss the city development concept of "", while makes the brief introduction for the temporary central city development in Hunan. Based on the "", Chapter five discuss the utilization of the urban design principles and methods in central city edge development in Hunan.This research emphasizes on the vernacular discussion of combination design of central city edge and urban planning, finding out urban design strategies of central city edge development in Hunan.

【关键词】 湖南地区中心城市城市化边缘区城市设计
【Key words】 Hunancentral cityurbanismedge areaurban design
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU984.16
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】381

