

The Selection of Prudential Banking Regulation Strategy for China

【作者】 王萌

【导师】 张强;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 银行管制是指政府为纠正金融市场失灵和为防范金融风险而作出的一系列制度安排及其实施,从降低银行的种种风险出发,银行管制分为预防性管制和保护性管制,其中预防性管制可分为限制竞争性管制和健全性管制。银行管制的宏观目标是维护金融业的稳定,微观目标是保护存款人的利益。传统银行管制理论立足于市场失灵,现代银行管制理论注重风险的防范与管理。金融管制与金融创新是一个动态博弈的过程,它们之间的关系充满着辩证法。 国际银行业管制制度经历了一个自由银行——严格管制——放松管制——审慎管制的过程。发达国家和发展中国家的金融危机的教训启示我们:实施金融自由化不能忽视审慎管制。审慎管制是国际银行业的最新趋势,它以防范风险为核心,引入银行自我管理和市场约束作为有效补充。 我国银行管制只有20年的历史,虽然取得了重大进展,但仍存在着如下缺陷:过分强调安全,效率意识不足;合规性管制有余,风险审慎管制不足;宏观审慎不足;管制人员的素质不高。一系列因素使我国银行管制面临着巨大挑战,包括转型时期的矛盾与冲突;国际银行业的最新发展;开放经济条件下的复杂环境;金融危机的威胁;管制规则与国际接轨的迫切要求。 我国实施审慎银行管制,总体思路是以强化风险管制为核心,适度转移管制重心。将审慎思想寓于银行管制的各个环节中。放松限制后,相应的审慎管制要加强。要完善我国的健全性管制:包括资本充足率管制,全面风险管理,建立健全内部控制制度。要建立我国的保护性管制,建立市场化的信息披露、存款保险、央行最后贷款人职能和市场退出制度。此外,还应注意加强相关配套措施的支持,如进一步完善相关法律体系,依法行政;建立高效的金融管制当局之间的协调机制;建立事前防范的危机预警指标系统;建立健全银行管制的信息系统;建立对管制者进行监督机制等等。

【Abstract】 Banking regulation refers to the framework of laws .rules and corresponding implement that correct the market failure in banks’ operations and prevent financial risk. In perspective of risk control, banking regulation falls into two categories: preventive and protective ones. The former can be further broken into competition controlling and healthy regulations. At the macroeconomic level of banking regulation, its main purpose is to maintain the stability of the financial industry as a whole; and at the microeconomic level, it is set for depositor protection. Traditional banking regulation theory was based on market failure ,while modern theory is concentrating on risk prevention and management. The dialectical interaction of financial control and innovation is an ongoing process.The international banking regulation has experienced a transformation from free competition, strictly regulation, loose control to discretional management. The past financial crisis in developed and developing economies reminds us that the existence of discretional management should be found in the financial deregulation direction. Being the latest trend in the international banking sector, discretional management puts emphasis on risk prevention and can work more effectively in complement with self-management and engagement of banks.In the short history of twenty years, the banking regulation of China has attained great achievements but left much defects - over-emphasis on safety but with unbearable low returns, over-control on conformation but with less sufficient prudential risk management, less sufficient macro considerations and poor personnel’s quality. The banking regulation of China is hence facing great challenges - conflict of interests in reform, new trends in international banking, complex environment in open economic condition, threats of financial crisis and the inevitable integration with international conducts and practice.China prefers discretional banking regulation, which will strengthen risk management and allow appropriate shift of regulation focus. The discretional management will be reflected in every step of banking regulation. In the process of deregulation, appropriate care should be taken. Supervisory measures should be taken, including supervision of sufficiency of capital, full-scale risk management and enhancement of inner control. Protective policies should also be formulated to regulate disclosure of information and deposit insurance, strengthen the role of central bank as the bank of commercial banks and urge its withdrawal from market. Furthermore, associated supportive facilities should be provided, including but not restricted to the improvement of legal system, coordination of financial authorities and the creation of warning system, information system and supervising system on regulators.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F832.1
  • 【下载频次】136

